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I closed my eyes, ready to go to sleep. It had been a busy day. I had a lot of assignments to hand in, and Amanda and I cooked a lot today. It was fun though, but also really busy. I just wanted to go to sleep now.

I sighed happily and smiled, moving my head a little so it laid good in my pillow. I was almost asleep, as my phone started ringing loudly. I woke up immediately and grabbed my phone from my nightstand, putting it on silent.

I hope Amanda didn't wake up.

I sighed again and looked at my phone screen. Unknown. Was it the unknown boy again? I yawned a little, answering the phone right after. "Hey," I whispered.

"Hey it's me again. Are you able to talk right now? If you still want to of course-" I cut him off. "Go ahead."

I was assuming he was smiling because his voice sounded a little happier than before. "Good! Thank you. Uh, where do I start?"

I turned around so I was lying on my left side instead of my right one. "From the beginning," I said. The boy chuckled softly. "Yeah, good idea. Uh, my name is Luke by the way. I forgot to tell you yesterday. What is your name, stranger?"

I smiled and closed my eyes. His voice was still so beautiful. And his name, it suits his voice. Luke.

"I'm Jimi," I said. He repeated my name a couple of times and I chuckled. "Jimi, that's a beautiful name." I nodded softly. "I guess," I said softly.

I heard him sigh softly. "Okay, so, are you ready?" "I am," I said. He took a deep breath and started to talk.

"I don't know what's wrong with me exactly but it's not going well. I don't like myself, heck, I fucking hate myself. I hate how I look, everyone is more handsome than me, my voice is ugly, I'm fat and I just hate everything about myself."

My eyes widened a little. How could he hate himself? His voice? It was the most beautiful voice I've ever heard in my entire life. His voice was soft, gentle and very nice to listen to. I wanted to say that to him, but I was here to listen. Not to help him.

"And it is getting worse every fucking day. I'm so insecure about myself, and everything around me. I am afraid to do things because I think people will hate me or think I'm weird."

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Luke," I said when he stopped talking for a minute. I heard him breathing, probably trying to keep himself together.

"And I'm-" He sighed. "I'm just afraid that I won't be here anymore soon, but I can't do that, to nobody. It's just not going well and I can't see the fun anymore. Nothing is fun to me anymore, not even the things that used to be my favorite things to do."

I bit my lip softly. This boy needed help, and soon. "My job is killing me. It's killing me inside. It's so busy and everyone thinks me and my co-workers are fine, but we're not. I work with my three best friends and we're all so done with our work. But the thing is, we can't quit. We can't stop working, we have to go on. And it's killing us."

"Does anyone know about the way you look at yourself?" I asked him. "No, no one does. Only.. You."

"And you don't want help?" He was silent for a minute or two. "I can't get help. I'm always somewhere else than home because of my job," he mumbled.

"And I also don't want to get help. I hate to ask people for help, it makes me feel stupid. I just don't want people to think I'm weak, because I'm supposed to be strong."

"You know that's not true, right?" I said softly. "No, I have to be strong. You don't understand, I have to be. It's part of my job."

I frowned. What kind of job makes you go places? And what kind of job asks you to be a strong person?

"No one is weak," I mumbled. He sighed. "I think I am. No, I know I am Jimi. And I have to be strong, but I just can't hold it all together anymore."

"And if you let it all out?"

"I won't be able to work anymore. It'll kill me more than it already is now. I'm just an ugly piece of shit with no talent. Everyone pretends to like me but in fact I'm just the stupidest person ever, and they hate me. I know they do, there is no doubt on that."

And hearing things like that just breaks my heart. No one should think about themselves like that.


chapter 2! i hope you like it:)

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