Chapter 1 - Beginnings.

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The dreadful ring to the alarm, bleated 6am. A new day, a new dawn and unfortunately, a new high school. Ugh. The bright rays of the sun, peaked through my pink blinds, as I tossed away from being woken up. I hate mornings and especially the incompetant sun for waking me up every day. My silk tank and shorts were probably begging to be taken off because let's be real, it's all I ever wear to bed - despite having a billion different pyjama sets. Oh well. I can never be bothered to wake up and I was having such a good dream aswell. I hide under my duvets, realising it won't do me any good but, I still snooze and dream a little longer.

This was probably our fifth move, within a span of 3 years. Mom says its healthy to move because we get to explore new cities and make new friends. Personally, I hate the idea but it's not like we have a choice in these matters. I know with dad leaving exactly 2 years, 2 months and 23 days ago was a rough period in mom's life, she doesn't need to move a million times to find closure for herself. Hopefully, we settle here for good. It's only been a month since we've moved and unpacked and I know we haven't explored much, but I have high hopes for Dakota – it's pretty cool and thankfully quiet.

Mom's got so much on her plate - with her new job and all but, I'm not complaining because she gives me my freedom, as I'm legally 18, and can do whatever I want - to an extent obvs. My little bro is only 16 so, he's got boundaries to follow and my baby sis Esme, is the family's sweetheart. Moms so busy with work so, I'm the one that looks after Esme most of the time. I'm not complaining because she's like my daughter. I love her.


''WAKE UP ROSE! IT'S 7am! Did you forget you need to drop me off to school soon and oh, you need to go yourself too?'' Jeremy screeched outside my door.

Crap! I better get up. My little 15 minutes 'snooze' turned into a full on 1 hour nap.

''SHUT UP JERE! I'm getting up! I'll be down in about 30 mins.'' I yell back.

Brothers. Anyway, he's right about one thing, I need to get up and fast! I rush to my ensuite, do my daily essentials and head back into my room. Thank god I showered last night. What do I wear? Struggles. I have to look my best because you know what they say, first impressions are the last impressions but, I also want to be comfy. Hm... As usual, I somehow always end up wearing black. I dress myself in: a black mini skirt, a tight off the shoulder ruffled black crop top and my trustee black Valentinos. I leave my dark curls down and throw a simple headband on and finally, I accessorise with my silver pendant - which my mom gifted me for my 18th birthday. Cute, classy and comfy. PERFECT! Shoot! Esme! I need to get her ready for preschool – mom's leaving in 20 minutes. Yes, it's my duty to get Esme ready because as every morning goes, mom is in her office, responding to a few emails before she leaves for work.

''Hi princess.'' I whisper.

She gives a long yawn and sits in her cradle.

''Rose.'' She calls softly.

''I'm here darling, it's time to get ready. Shall we get ready?'' I say back and lift her up.

She stretches her arms, as if she were reaching for the stars, and I pick her up to give her a tight embrace. I take her to the washroom, give her a quick shower and rush back to her room. While she's drying, I pick her an adorable outfit because she's my gorgeous princess and return to her bed – where she's sitting and waiting patiently for me.

''Shall we wear these clothes my princess?'' I ask sweetly.

She nods her head and giggles at the sight of a frilly frock. I change her into a pale pink, pearl embroidered frock and some silky baby pink tights. Just in case it gets chilly, I put a white cardigan on and her favourite pink ballet shoes. I brush her small curls, place a lace headband on her head and there she is... My beautiful sister. 5 minutes till mom leaves!

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