Chapter 8 - Truths And Oaths.

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My eyes are seconds from open and I am put down on the grass. I notice Christian and Jayce fighting, brutally. Burns, bruises and scars. As the demon runs back to the tunnel, I am lifted into the air...

 I am laying on the ground of a park, near my house.

''Rose! Wake up!'' He hollers.

''Huh, what happened.'' I begin to 'wake'.

''Are you insane? Why would you go to that club? I hid a tracking device in your bag and fortunately, I found out where you were. Your family are worried sick!'' 

''You didn't need to find me. I could have taken care of myself. Go, you should be with Jasmine.''

''That goth guy was going to kill you! How did you expect to save yourself after you practically drank a litre of poison?'' He scolds.

''First, tell me you love me or else I'll go back.'' I give an ultimatum.

''You know I love Jasmine...''

I stand and bolt the other direction. I was going to stay true to my word. Unless I got the truth from his godforsaken lips, I wanted to remain a wreck.


I turn and anticipate his reply.

''Okay, I do not love her but I cannot love you either. I can't explain it. Now, I beg you, come back!'' He replies.

I head closer to him and pressure him to tell the truth...

''NO, TELL ME WHY! Why can't you love me?''

''BECAUSE I AM A GOD DAMN DEMON!!!'' He cries, so the world could hear.

His mournful wings rise and I see his eyes fade into the abyss. I tremble with shudder, as my heart outgrows its cage. It can't be! How could I be a fool, it makes sense as to why he couldn't kiss me. He gives a loud holler as he drowns in his own distress. I near him with a long embrace as he continues to cry.

''I'm so sorry Christian, we can fix this. I promise I'll make this right.'' I console him.

I glare at his true form and cannot help but love him more. Whether this was right or wrong, the one thing I was sure about, was the fact that... I loved him.

''Do you understand why I can't love you. You deserve better than me, Rose.'' He adds.

''Sh, we can get through this.'' I reassure him.

''You don't understand. I am not a regular fallen angel, I am...I am a fallen demon. I am cursed. I cannot give you the love you want from me. Please understand.''

''What did you do to become a fallen demon? I mean, from the stories I've heard, you must have committed a crime or something, right?'' I question.

''You don't want to know, trust me.'' He warns me.

''I do. Please, tell me.'' I ask.

He gave a deep, excruciating sigh, as he tried to word the answer to my question.

''I murdered 12 quadrant babies...''

My body drops to the horror emancipating from his lips. I nearly lose my balance.

''...And stole the sculptor of light from the heavens.'' He finished.

''Why would you do that Christian?'' I ask in dismay.

''I was naïve and young. The other angels manipulated me. They said if I did this, I would become a higher ranked angel and would gain the powers of the quadrant, sculptor and become invincible. That, if I was powerful, I could work alongside the queen. I know, it was foolish. so, here I am, cursed for eternity -  whilst the others live a half decent life as fallen 'angels.' I am the lone demon walking the earth, because no one has committed a graver sin nor crime, than me.''

I am lost for words- literally. My tongue has curled up, as I try forcing words to come out. Hopeless.

''It's not your fault. You were manipulated to do it. They are the ones who need to be punished, not you.''

''Thank you for trying to make me feel better. I have pleaded countless times but, I remain unheard from the angels. There is no hope, no point in living but alas, I am cursed to immortality. My life is a ball of suffering, agony and pain - there's nothing you can do about it. I must go, I must leave. It is for your benefit. Forget me. Forget us. Forget our love. This is impure love.'' He gazes at the dull ground, lifelessly.

''No! You can't leave me. I love you!'' I cry.

''I'm sorry for entering your life, Rose. I'm sorry I'm making you suffer. Please, forgive me.''

He steps forward and takes my face into his icy palm. Tears are flooding from his cold, sapphire eyes and I can feel life's torture, escaping his body. My vision is blurred, as the salty tears, too, floods from my eyes. He leans forward... and our lips collide. Flames of love and passion, burn our lips, as our kiss grows deeper and darker. I take his hair into my hands and embrace him longer. Minutes pass as seconds and alas, we must retreat. As we catch our breaths, I hold his Boyd and bring him closer.

''What did you do? You could lose your powers!'' I scold him.

''It doesn't matter. My life is already meaningless. I wanted to make you smile, before I left for good. I love you.'' He sobbed.

As our moments together dispersed, he fluttered away. Away from me. Out of from my life. Distant from our love.

He was gone...

I stood, soulless.

I, Ever, pledge to get you your purity back...


I know the chapters a little short, apologies. I've been so busy with uni revision and work,  its literally eating me alive :( Please vote and comment if you have enjoyed my story or, just to make my crappy day a good one. Thank you.


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