Chapter 3 - Confusion.

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The moon climbs out of its shell, as the stars twinkle bright above. I change into another pair of silk pyjamas and roll into bed. My brain is consumed with thoughts of Christian and I DO NOT KNOW WHY! After today, where do we stand? Friends, more, I don't know. THESE THREE WORDS WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME. STUPID 'I DON'T KNOWS', GAWWD. You just met the bloody guy so, calm down! I yell at myself.

As the clocks struck midnight, the house fell silent. I can't sleep. I remember Christian telling me to call him if I needed him but, I don't have the courage to do so. Once again, I return to the fantasy world of dreams and think of him. My gut is telling me he's not a player but, ahh. I don't know what to think anymore. 

The way he held me, was so magical. Rose! Your killing yourself over a guy you don't even know! Get over him! He has a girlfriend!  That's it! I master the courage to phone him.

''Hello.'' He speaks, softly.

''Hey, its...''

''Rose, I know. How can I help?'' He asks.

''Sorry for disturbing you, I should go. I don't know what I'm doing, feeling or thinking or why I phoned you for that matter. I'm sorry.''

''Hey, it's okay. You sound confused. I have the solution for that. Be ready, I'm coming in 5.'' He demands and disconnects.


Just like that, he's gone.

I know I shouldn't be doing this but, I can't help it. It's like my body craves for Christian's presence and I must give it what it wants or else, it'll go out of control. I jump out of bed and throw my tanned trench coat on. I brush my hair and shove some booties on my feet. I tiptoe outside and within minutes, someone shows up on a black and red motorbike.

''What the heck!'' 

''No complaining. Hop on.'' He demands.

I run forward and sit behind him. My hands hold his front tightly, as he shoots off into the night.

Where are we going?'' I ask, as the wind slaps my face.

''You'll see.'' He shouts from beneath the helmet.

Minutes fly by and Christian finally pulls over. He takes me to a diner - a few blocks from my house.

''Christian, I am not going in there looking like this.'' I whine.

''What's wrong. You look beautiful.'' 

I feel my cheeks flush once more and it makes me feel uneasy.

''let's go somewhere else, please.'' I plead.

He steps closer and closes the buttons on my coat.

''Perfect. Let's go in.'' He orders.

I follow behind, like I have no choice, and he grabs my hand. He grabs it in a way like he's protecting me from the world. I feel safe and secure.

''What do you want to have?'' He asks me at the counter.

''Um, I've already eaten dinner sooo, I'll try the ice cream sundae, please.''

''Make that two.'' 

As he leads me to a booth, at the far end of the diner, we sit down and wait for our desert.

''Why are you doing this? You don't know me?'' I ask him, seriously.

''The same reason you're here with me now.'' 

I become mute. I don't know what to say because he has a point. Why am I here, with a stranger, at 12.30 am? Why do I feel safe with him? Why do I feel like I've known him forever? Why do I trust him blindly?

''Deserts here.'' The lady calls.

''Mmm, this is so good.'' I blurt.

He doesn't say anything but instead, smiles at me. It makes my insides twirl in craziness. We chat and talk and then I ask to go home. Once we leave the diner, I spot a few dodgy looking guys surround Christians bike.

''Move it, tall boy.'' Christian demands, in a rather sinister tone.

The three guys begin to laugh. I feel a grip tighten on my hand, as I feel the anger build up in Christian.

''Aw, does Christian want his bike?'' The second guy speaks in a sarcastic, baby voice.

''I said move or else!'' Christian's tone loudens.

''He's brought a girl with him. A pretty one too. Ooh.'' Another one sniggers.

''SHUTUP OR I'LL HURT YOU! MOVE!'' Christian growls.

I move closer to Christian and take shelter behind his broad shoulders. One of the guys, steps closer toward me, and tries to stroke my hair. He didn't get far with that though.


Christian lifted his hand and punched the tall guys, crooked nose. It bled like a running tap, as he tumbled to the ground. I gave a slight cry, as another guy came to attack. My hand was fastened within Christians although, I did manage to kick a guy in his painful place. He cried like a toddler and too, fell to the cold ground. Christian was whacked with a somewhat sharp pole but, just as the other guys managed to get up, he placed me onto his motorbike raced away. Muteness. No-one had said a word on the journey home.

We reached my front porch and gently, I removed the helmet from his face. Concern filled my expression, as I pulled him off the bike and dragged him onto the sofa - on my porch.

''Wait here.'' I told him.

''I'm fine, Rose. Really.'' 

''You don't look fine. Now shush and let me help you.''

I stripped off his jacket and black t-shirt and then, observe his bare chest.

''Hold still.'' I say, as I began to disinfect his large wound.

He squints a little and continues to gape at me. I bandage his chest and sit higher to clean the cut on his lip. Our faces are parallel to one another, as I stroke his cut clean.

''There, all done.'' I say, returning his clothes to him.

''Thank you.''

''Now, are you going to tell me who those men were?'' I ask.

''Just some guys that get on my nerves, whenever I go there.'' He replies.

''You shouldn't go there if they provoke you.'' I advise.

''It's my favourite place and I wanted to take you there.''


''I don't know.'' He answers.

''I don't get you.''

He remains quiet.

''I should go... Thanks for the help. See you tomorrow.'' 

''Thank you.'' 

I head to my bedroom and alas, I'm knocked out. 


I thinks sparks may be flying around Christian and Rose. What do you think?


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