Chapter 7 - Heartbreak.

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I blink twice, because I'm not sure if what I'm seeing is real. Jasmine is rushing towards me as if there's a zombie apocalypse around the corner. She grabs my hand and takes me further from Ronnie.

''What is it!'' I yell at her.

''You'll never believe what just happened. Me and Christian were talking privately and you can't tell anyone... Were taking our relationship to the next level and it's all thanks to you.'' She shrieks.

I feel my heart loathe Jasmine – more than ever. I have a little despise for Christian but, I refuse to believe this disgusting truth. This is all my fault. The expense of my niceness towards her, resulted in my worst nightmare coming true. I don't believe this crap. I know Christian could never do this to me. After all we went through, he cannot and will not, betray me like this. I ponder, in agony.

''Oh, greeaat...'' I say to her, and rush out of the canteen.

Ronnie chases me to the girl's bathroom. I'm infuriated, not upset. I bang the corner of the sink because I am lost, confused and for sure, RAGED.

''Hey, are you ok. What did the fruit bowl say?'' Ronnie asks.

''It's all my fault. I didn't think twice and now, apparently, they want to take the relationship to the 'next level'. I don't know what that means but, I thought he didn't love her. I WAS WRONG.'' 

''Sh, it's going to be alright. The first thing you need to do is confront him. Perhaps, now or when you seem him next, okay.'' She tries to calm me down.

''Where is he now!'' I demand.

''Uh, I saw him leave school...''

I wipe my inner demon and sprint after him. It's time to make some things, crystal clear. I head out of the school door and notice Christian's motorbike leave the gates. I chuck my things in the back of the car and immediately, follow behind. He's heading to what seems like nowhere until, we reach 'The North Woods.' What on earth is he doing here? He parks his motorbike on the footpath and disappears into nature. I keep my car further ahead and chase after him. UGH! I sense the spirits within the aged trees and the eerie atmosphere, surround me. I feel the slight chills escape my skin, as I am covered in goosebumps. You can do this, Rose. Luckily, I hear footsteps ahead. Christian. Oops, I've been caught.

''Rose!'' He exclaims, startled.

''Yes, it's me. We need to talk.'' 

''About what?''

''Us. Everything.'' 

''What do you mean, us? There is no us.'' He replies, emotionlessly.

''Stop lying. I know you feel something for me – just as I do for you. Are you telling me that whatever happened between us, in the past weeks, meant nothing?''

''You don't know a single thing about me! It was nothing. I'm sorry I lead you to think I had something for you. I merely used you, to get rid of my temporary boredom, I had for Jasmine. That's all.'' 

''NO! YOUR LYING! I know you feel something for me, JUST ADMIT IT! I know you don't care for Jasmine and I have no clue why you're still pretending like you love her but, you can't lie to me!'' I throw my anger, to his face.

''ITS NOT A LIE! I really don't like you in that way and like I said, you don't know me. I may not show it, but I love Jasmine. She's the best thing that could have ever happened to me.''

''Okay, if that's how it is. I wish your relationship with her, prospers. Oh, and have fun at the 'next stage' of your relationship.'' I scream at him and momentarily, storm off.

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