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A/N: Apologies  for any typos, or spelling mistakes. This is my first story on Wattpad, and I look forward to embarking on this journey with you guys.
If you have any feedback or comments please do not hesitate to post them, your opinions are highly valued.
I hope you do enjoy.
~M 💚

His body laid there mangled and defeated, like a fallen angels whose wings had irrevocably failed him. His piercing green eyes were now nothing but tiny slits, his mouth painted red with his last gasping breaths.
His final words resonated with me "I don't want to be this." It was a sentiment that I was all too familiar with, the intense hatred which burnt deep inside, the pain which would always be inescapable.
The young man before me had experienced the same heartache as I had, the same longing to be anything but what we were; monsters.
He had found peace, after less than two decades on this earth, he had found his escape, and yet here I was about to take it away from him.
The footsteps beside me pulled me from my thoughts as the young mans body was lifted from the ground and carried back inside the sprawling mansion. The place had a dark feeling to it, one which made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. These walls had seen some horrors, perhaps some even worse than those that had unfolded here that very night.
We headed upstairs to the attic where we laid the broken man upon a bed which had been covered with white, dusty sheets.
"Time to work your magic." Donovan quipped beside me and I sighed. This would be like torture to the young man, but it had to be done. It wasn't his time, he still had one last fight left ahead of him.
"Go get the other one." I instructed, Donovan nodded as he hurried from the room in search of the wolf.
I knelt down beside the man and gently stroked his brown hair out of his eyes before reaching into my bag for what I needed. I had only preformed this ritual twice before, once five years before, and then the night before.
The first thing I removed from my bag was the container in which Donovan had hastily put the mans heart. He had found it discarded at the edge of the woods not far from where the body had come to rest. I closed my eyes and quietly recited the passage I had learnt years before from memory as I laid his heart back in his chest.
The ritual wasn't an overly pleasant one, it had pagan origins and could be brutal. I swallowed hard as I took the knife from the bag next and drew it across my forearm. The blood flowed readily as I let a few drops fall into the wound as I recited the next part of the ancient text. The wound started to heal as the sacrifice was made, it wasn't an overly long process but it was definitely an emotionally, and psychically taxing one.
I dipped my fingers in my blood before drawing the ancient markings on the mans face. I shut my eyes as I completed the final stages of the ritual, as I did I placed my hand on his cold forehead.
I leaned my head back as I softly began to chant his name. The goal was to call him back from whichever realm he had passed into, it could take a few minutes or it could take days, but no matter which I was there for the long haul.
"Roman..." I started to utter over and over again into the silence of the attic bedroom. his name seemingly reverberated back at me the more I said it. The trancelike state washed over me as I continued to try and call him back. I got the feeling that he was going to be hard to find, much unlike the man and woman I had gone to the night before. Their spirits had been released prematurely, and without their approval, Roman on the other hand had wanted this. As a result it would be a lot harder to coax him back, but nonetheless I continued the monotonous process. All I could do now was hope that he hadn't gone too far.
Time became a foreign concept to me as I sat in the dark attic chanting quietly. In the edges of my consciousness I heard Donovan get back, but he didn't dare interrupt me. If he did I could loose all connection with Roman, and we could never get him back. The wounds would gradually heal, and his upir blood would significantly aid the process.
My eyes were still shut when I felt a gentle breath flutter against my forearm. I finished off the ritual with the closing chant as I glanced down at the broken young man in front of me. Before I had any opportunity to register or say anything I felt his strong hands wrap around my throat as he pinned me up against the wall behind me.
I was gasping for air as I clawed at his hand, his eyes held no emotion as his hand tightened even more. The scratching of claws on the hardwood floor proceeded the large animal which lunged at Roman. I dropped to the floor and gasped loudly as I stared at the grey wolf which was on top of Roman.
"Donovan..." I managed to mumble as the wolf slowly transformed back into his human form. He glanced at me worriedly as he continued to pin Roman to the floor.
"You okay?" He asked softly as I staggered to my feet and walked over. All I did was nod as I knelt down beside Roman, I placed a gentle hand on his forehead. His eyes were wild as they shot over to me, he was seething mad.
"Get your fucking hand off of me." His voice was pure venom as he tried to get out from beneath Donovan.
"You need to try and calm down." I was trying to remain as calm as possible, but the fatigue and dizziness from the ritual was starting to set in.
"Don't you dare fucking tell me what to do bitch! What the fuck did you do to me?" He yelled as I slowly sat down and inhaled deeply.
"It wasn't your time Roman." I tried to explain, he just scoffed as he bucked once again trying to get free. I watched as Donovan's biceps tensed trying to keep him under control.
"I wanted it! I don't want to be here, can't you fucking idiots just understand that?"
"I do understand that, more than you'll ever know. But you're still needed here, and without you nothing would ever be the same again." I said softly as I reached out and laid my hand on Donovan's forearm indicating for him to let Roman go. "We aren't here to hurt you, please just give me a few minutes, that's all I am asking for." His eyes narrowed as he glanced between me and Donovan, before he slowly sat up.
"Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck are you?" He asked sceptically as his hand travelled up to his neck where a gaping wound had been only minutes before.
"My name is Lillian, and this is my um, my Donovan." I said softly as Donovan wiggled his fingers slowly, I never knew what to call him. He felt like my brother, but we were not related by blood. My parents had taken him in at an early age, and we had grown up together.
"What are you?" He asked again and I inhaled deeply, what was I? It was a question which I didn't even know the answer to. Most of the time I just simplified it by saying that I was a witch, but that wasn't really what I was, not entirely anyway. How do I begin to explain what I was? My father was a warlock, and my mother was a valkyrie, and I was just a screwed up hybrid who had been thrown head first into a world I never wanted to be apart of.
"I'm a shapeshifter." Donovan said before I could even formulate my response.
"Are you sure you don't mean a werewolf?" Roman asked with a mixture of bitterness and sarcasm in his voice.
"No, what I am is very different than a werewolf, and a lot less disgusting." Donovan smirked cockily, my favourite part about his abilities was that he didn't have to get naked every time he transformed. I couldn't think of anything worse than seeing him without clothes on that often. Roman raised a brow as his attention shifted to me.
"And you?" He asked pointedly and I sighed.
"I guess I'm a witch, or something." I shrugged as I leaned my head against the bed slowly.
"How did you do it? How am I back? It's impossible." Roman said in disbelief and I grinned slightly.
"Not impossible, unnatural, and morally wrong, but not impossible." I smirked as I straightened up again, the movement made my head swoon.
"We better get you somewhere where you can rest, and you too man." Donovan said as he got up and dusted his distressed blue jeans off. He held his hand out to me and helped me up, he proceeded to wrap his arm around my waist for support as Roman slowly stood.
"I'll tell you everything tomorrow, we'll come back in the morning." I said softly as Donovan started to help me out.
"You two can stay here." Roman called out and I raised an eyebrow. I didn't understand his sudden eagerness to have us around, but then again suddenly not being dead was a shocking experience. Perhaps having someone else in this massive crypt could be comforting. 
"Sweet, see you tomorrow then." Donovan called before I could have time to protest, he knew I would. We had a few rules about what we did, and one of them was not becoming close to those who we brought back. What we did was too dangerous to get infatuated or attached, it was best for it to just be the two of us.
I heard Roman mumble 'goodnight' under his breath as Donovan led me into one of the dusty bedrooms.
"Did you find the wolf?" I asked and he nodded.
"It took awhile to get him to transfer back, he went against the normal cycle. He would've been stuck like that if I didn't work my magic." He grinned as he helped me into bed and produced a bandage before wrapping up the cut on my arm.
"Don't get cocky Donny." I smirked as I got comfortable.
"Where is he?" I asked as my eyes started to flutter closed.
"Next door." He said and I stiffened, that could be a rude awakening for Roman if he happened upon him.
"Don't worry, he's doped up to his eyeballs, we will be up way before him, and then you can put that silver tongue of yours to work so that we can get the fuck out of this hell hole." He said and I nodded as I dozed off.

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