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Here's a nice long part for you guys, hope you enjoy leave a vote & comment if you do 💚

P.O.V: Lillian

Roman was tense beside me as he grabbed the photo from my hands and proceeded to light it with his zippo. He then started to change into his jeans and jumper again before he started to pack our stuff.
"Roman what are you doing?" I asked seriously as he walked over and tried to unzip my dress.
"We are leaving, now get dressed!" He almost commanded, I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him seriously. "Lillian! She was here! She was in our fucking space, and she was there tonight! I can't believe I let my guard down so much, you could have been hurt!" He said sounding slightly panicked and I rolled my eyes as I stepped toward him and laid my hands on his shoulders getting him to stop.
"Listen to me, we can take this bitch, okay? This is what she wants, she wants us to be on edge, it means that we are more vulnerable." I said softly and sighed as Roman stepped back and ran his hand through his hair shakily.
"I want to kill her." He seethed, I had never seen this angry, aggressive side of him before. I stepped forward and tried to wrap my arms around him to try and calm him down a bit, as I did he pushed me away forcibly. I stumbled back and tripped over my dress, my head connected with the corner of the bedside table as I fell, I grimaced as I stared up at him wide eyed.
"Lillian! Shit, I'm so fucking sorry." He said as he hurried over, I held my hand up indicating for him to stop. He stood there looking like a deer caught in the headlights as I slowly ran my hands through my hair and felt blood coat my fingers as I did. I could tell that he smelt it, his face fell as I lowered my hand in front of me slowly.
"W-what can I do?" He stuttered as I slowly started to get to my feet, I was slightly dizzy as I did but I pushed through it as I walked into the bathroom slowly. I let my hair down as I walked and stopped in front of the mirror and sighed as I ran my hand over the cut again. I heard Roman walk over then and I glanced over at him slowly. "Lillian..." He started to say but I shook my head cutting him off, I stepped forward and shut the bathroom door in his face and locked it as I slowly slid down the door and sighed.
He had never been aggressive to me before and I felt shocked to see him like this now. There was a part of me which understood, but I would be making it clear that it would never happen again.
I eventually got to my feet and sturdied myself against the vanity before I started to unzip my dress. I quickly discarded it in a pile on the floor before stepping into the shower, the water stung my scalp and I sighed as I started to wash the blood from my hair.
I wasn't a hundred percent certain how long I was in there, but as I walked out with a towel wrapped around my torso I noticed the disheveled state that the room was in. The bed was tossed and the lamp on the side table was smashed, my heart pounded as I stepped over the broken porcelain as I started to look for Roman.
It took me a moment before I saw the small hunched over figure in the living area, I slowly walked over and sat down across from him, I could hear him crying. It was a sound which broke my heart, I slowly reached out and laid my hand on his.
His green eyes shot up as he looked at me wide eyed, I slowly reached out and wiped his tears from his cheeks.
"Lily..." He started to say again but I cut him off.
"No, Roman you listen here. You are not this, this isn't you!" I said softly and watched as he shook his head slowly.
"You have no idea what its like, the voices they get so loud when I get mad." He said softly, I looked at him sadly as I slowly took his hand in mine.
"You have to be stronger than them! They do not define you!" I said seriously as I leaned forward and laid my hand on his chest. "This is what defines you, the contents of your heart, not the curse which courses through your veins." My voice was low and serious and I watched as he nodded slowly.
"I didn't mean to hurt you Lily." He said softly and I nodded as I kissed the back of his hand gently.
"I love you Roman, but just know that I will not stand for this ever again." He nodded once more as I stood slowly and held my hand out to him. "Let's get out of here." I said seriously and he nodded again as I quickly walked over and pulled the pair of light blue jeans which I had brought with for the next day on. I then slipped on my bra before pulling Romans other grey woollen jumper over my head. I then pulled my hair up into a pony tail and slipped my boots on.
"You ready?" I asked him as he grabbed his coat.
"Ready." He nodded as he grabbed our bags and carried them out. We split up as we reached the foyer, I went and explained to the concierge that we had a bit of an issue in the room and that the full bill must be forwarded to the Institute. Roman had headed out and got the car from the valet, and we met up outside a few minutes later.
I got into the passenger side and sighed as I glanced at Roman worriedly, he gave me a small smile before we pulled away quickly. As we drove I reached over and slid my hand into his pocket, I fished his cigarettes out and tapped two out.
I lit one and handed it to Roman as we started to speed towards the airport, he had phoned ahead and they were in the process of refuelling the jet. As we drove my phone started to buzz and I answered it quickly without looking at the caller ID.
"Hello?" I asked a bit more harshly than I had intended.
"Where are you?" I heard Destiny's voice fill the line and I sighed.
"We're on the way to Toronto Airport now, what's wrong?" I asked as I glanced at Roman who was working his jaw slowly.
"Have you seen Peter?" She asked, as she said it I heard a baby on the other end.
"No, I haven't he texted me after the full moon, but thats it." I sighed as I continued to listen to the soft babbling. "Destiny who is that?" I asked softly as I heard her cuss under her breath.
"It's Romans creepy fucking daughter! Shelley shows up and tells me that she can't find you guys, but that she can't look after her anymore. I then tried to get hold of Peter, but he won't fucking answer and now I'm beside myself with worry, and I have a fucking baby to look after."
"Okay, Destiny listen to me, we are on our way back now. I need you to make sure that you get to my and Romans place, once you're there lock yourself in and do not open for anyone. We will find Peter, do not go looking for him by yourself, do you understand me?" I said seriously and heard her sigh.
"I thought we were over this shit, and now these murders and shit." Her voice wavered as she said it and I raised an eyebrow.
"Murders?" I asked worriedly.
"Another person was found drained not far from the Mill." She sighed and I rubbed my brow as Roman pulled into the airport.
"I'll see you soon." I said softly as I hung up and lowered my phone from my ear slowly.
"What's going on?" Roman asked seriously and I sighed, where the hell did I start?
"Destiny can't find Peter, there was another murder, and Shelley dropped Nadia off with Destiny." I said in one breath and watched as Romans face clouded.
He didn't say a word as we got out and were led into the plane once again. Take off seemed a lot less stressful this time, but I knew Roman just wanted to get home. As soon as the seatbelt light went off the steward hurried over to offer us drinks but I showed him away as I took Romans hand in mine and led him over to the bedroom.
"What are you doing?" He asked monotonously as I started to pull his jumper off over my head.
"You're going to fuck me Roman." I said simply and he looked taken aback by the request.
"What? No!" He objected and I shook my head as I stepped closer and pulled his jumper off too.
"Yes." I stated as I slipped my jeans off and laid on the bed slowly.
"Lillian, I don't want to fuck you." He insisted, I sighed as I sat up and crawled over to him. I slid my hand into his back pocket and retrieved the small blade, I slid it across my clavicle and watched the effect that my blood had on him. His lips were pressed against my skin in an instant, he hadn't fed that day except for the little taste he had had earlier so he was ravenous.
I leaned my head back as his mouth worked away at my shoulder. I slowly leaned forward then and whispered in his ear softly.
"Fuck me." I said again and that was all that was needed this time, he roughly threw me into my stomach then as he started to have his way with me.
My blood stained the white duvet beneath me and I shut my eyes tightly as I laid there and let him take his frustration out on me. He didn't hurt me, but he needed this, especially seeing what we were going to have to face when we got home.
A little while later I felt Roman collapse on me, he was totally spent as he rolled off of me and tried to catch his breath. I slowly rolled over and glanced at him, he looked at me wide eyed as he slowly sat up and looked down at me.
"Did I hurt you?" He asked softly and I shook my head as I reached up and wiped some of the blood from my shoulder. "Why did you let me do that to you?" His voice was low as he said it.
"You needed it." I said softly as I ran my hand through his hair slowly.
"Fuck you're amazing." He said as he pressed his lips to mine quickly.
"I know." I smirked as I slowly sat up, as I did I felt Romans thumb run across my cut.
"You can't keep using your blood against me." He stated and I laughed as he nicked his finger with the blade and ran his blood over the cut.
"Is that really what you want?" I asked as I took his hand away from the cut slowly.
"Well, no, but it's not fair." He sighed as he tried to fix his hair which had completely flopped.
"Like I said, I'm your kryptonite." I winked as I stood and pulled my clothes back on.
"Damn right you are." He sighed as he reached out and pulled me onto his lap as he kissed my neck gently. "I love you Lillian." He said into my hair and I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck slowly.
"I love you too Rome." I said softly as I stood and handed him his clothes, I glanced down at the mess we had made on the sheets and sighed as I started to pull the sheets off. Roman leaned over and stopped me, but I ignored him as I continued to pull them from the bed.
"Babe we have people to do that!" He sighed.
"How would we explain the blood?" I sighed and he just winked as he slipped his jumper on slowly, I realised then that we had swapped jumpers and I smirked slightly.
"You use the eye thing don't you?" I asked and he shrugged slightly. "That's not right Roman." I said softly, but I could understand the appeal.
"It doesn't hurt them." He stated and I rolled my eyes as I took his hand and led him back out to our seats. The steward tried to act as if he hadn't noticed anything and I was grateful for his discretion. Roman asked him for a whiskey, and I ordered a brandy, the young man hurried off and returned with our drinks.
We tried to talk about anything except the events of that night and we succeeded for the most part, eventually though Roman stood and scratched through his bag and produced a manila folder.
"What's that?" I asked as I peered over his shoulder.
"It's all that Marks could find on Delphine." He said, that explained what Marks had been doing at the library.
I reached out and picked up a old photograph of a very beautiful blonde. As I examined her face I realised that I had seen her before, as that realisation hit me my blood ran cold.
"She's the reporter! That one who gave me shit for being your arm candy." I said and Roman paled as he recognised her too.
"That means that she's well over two hundred by now." He said as he pointed to her birthdate, it said that she was born on the twentieth of March 1811 in Hampstead England. Roman continued to read on, as he did though he cussed under his breath and rubbed his temple.
"What?" I asked.
"Her maiden name wasn't Wuornos, it was Luspec. My mothers fucking maiden name is Luspec, this bitch is related to me Lil." He said and crumbled the paper in his hand slowly, I reached out and took the paper from him and read over it slowly.
"It says she died in 1912 onboard the Titanic, but then she resurfaced under the last name Wuornos. She claimed to be a war widow and inherited a sizeable estate." I said softly and watched as Roman worked his jaw.
"I can't fucking believe this, I just got rid of Olivia and now theres another toxic bitch in my life?" He asked in disbelief.
"Hey, look at me." I said as I cupped his cheeks gently. "She may be related to you, but that doesn't mean shit. We are still going to rip her fucking heart out and feed her to the wolves." I stated simply and watched as a small smile formed on his lips.
"Remind me not to get on your bad side." He laughed and I winked at him as the steward informed us that we were starting our descent into Hemlock. Roman took my hand in his again as we touched down in cold, rainy Hemlock Grove. The steward hurriedly set the stairs down as soon as we came to a stop, I proceeded to walk out slowly and thank him.
I was shocked to see a half asleep looking Marks standing by his car, Roman had clearly texted him at some point.
"Good morning Marks." I said softly as I walked past him and got into the car, Roman carried our bags over and threw then in the boot before he shook Marks's hand and thanked him for being here. Marks looked surprised at Romans gratitude and I smiled to myself quietly, he really was a good guy.
We got in and Marks hurried back to the house like Roman asked him to, as soon as we arrived Roman and I practically jumped out of the car and grabbed our stuff as we said our quick goodbyes to Marks. We hurried up the front stairs and let ourselves in, we quickly dropped our stuff and I heard Destiny walk into the room slowly.
Roman hurried over and took a little bundle from Destiny's arms, he cradled the bundle to his chest as tears filled his eyes. I walked over and hugged Destiny gently as we watched Roman say hello to his daughter. He smiled down at her before he handed her to me slowly, she had the most striking blue eyes I had ever seen and I smiled as I looked down at her.
"Why the fuck did Shelley bring her back now?" Roman asked seriously, Destiny just shrugged as she handed me a bottle, I started to feed Nadia then.
"She said that they couldn't take Nadia with them where they were going now, I don't really know any more." She sighed as Roman walked over and wrapped his arm around my shoulders as he peered down at Nadia. She was just starting to doze off and I smiled as her little eyes fell shut.
"I'll go set her down in her room, do not kill each other while I'm gone." I sighed and headed upstairs with the little girl who I had just met, but felt like I had known forever.
I walked downstairs eventually and was surprised to see Peter in the lounge, he looked pretty much unscathed and I was relieved to say the least.
"Where have you been?" I asked as I flung myself into his arms, he held me close to him for a second before stepping back slowly.
"I found a group of them." He stated simply and I looked at him eagerly awaiting more. "They're in the next county over, thats why the first body as well as the Nephilim were found on the edge of town." He said and I nodded slowly, it made sense that they wouldn't be in Hemlock itself. With people like Peter and Roman here they would have been detected a lot earlier.
"What do we do now?" Destiny asked as Roman paced up and down slowly.
"Peter and I will go and put a stop to them." He said and I couldn't help but scoff as I stepped forward.
"There's no way in hell that that is happening." I said as I laid my hand on his shoulder, as I did images started to appear to me. As they flashed across my mind I felt my knees buckle slightly as I was drawn into the dream which Roman had had the night before.
He and Peter were in a large house, the power was out and neither of them were armed. I appeared in front of Roman then and gestured for them to follow me, we headed further into the house and started to head down into the basement.
As we did a feeling of unease washed over me, they were here. We headed towards the large oak door which shut the basement off from the rest of the house, Roman reached out and opened it slowly, as he did the smell of rotting flesh hit us. Laying in the basement were three decaying bodies belonging to three missing people from Hemlock.
We wondered further in, as we did Peter was tackled to the ground by a large figure. The man on top of him immediately tried to go for his jugular, but as he did Peter turned and ripped his head off. Roman was being backed into a corner by three more Dhampir, and one of them had something in their hand. I started to panic then and proceeded to pull a knife from its sheath on my thigh.
Without hesitation I slid the knife up my arm, as I did the Dhampir turned their attention to me, but not before one of them plunged something into Romans chest.
Just as they began to pounce on me the dream started to fade and I started to come to again. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that I was laying on the couch, my head was in Romans lap, he had a look of concern painted across his face as he held my hand in his.
"Hey..." I said softly, he practically jumped out of his skin as I said it.
"Oh thank God." He sighed as he leaned his head back and laid his hand on the back of my head, he lifted me up slightly so that he could kiss me gently.
"How long was I out?" I asked softly as Peter hurried over with Destiny in tow.
"Just under an hour." Peter said as he sat on the coffee table in front of us.
"What did you see?" Destiny asked softly, I went on to tell them what I had seen in Romans dream, I now understood why he had said that only him and Peter were going. If I hadn't been there though Roman could have died, there was no way in hell that they were going alone now.
"Maybe it's best if we go alone." Peter said to Roman softly, I shook my head vehemently as he said it.
"There is no way in hell! Either I go with or no one goes at all." I stated simply and Roman sighed as he lifted me from his lap before he walked out onto the veranda.
Peter quickly followed him out as Destiny moved beside me slowly.
"You don't have to give your life for him Lillian." She said softly and I sighed as I shook my head.
"Yea I do Destiny, I think it's what my path says, I don't think I would have been kept here in Hemlock for so long unless it was my ultimate fate."
"But why him?" She asked bitterly, I shrugged slightly as I looked out onto the veranda and watched as Roman and Peter talked animatedly.
"He's a good man Destiny, and he has a beautiful daughter that he has to be there for." I said softly.
"But what about us Lillian? What about me and Peter, and shit even Roman, if something happens to you what the fuck do you think will happen to us?" She asked seriously, but I didn't really have an answer for her.
"Everyone's path leads somewhere, and I think that this is where mine leads. I can think of a lot of worse ways to go than to go because you saved someone you love." Her brows furrowed as I said it.
"You love him?" She asked softly and I nodded. "Jesus Lil, I can't believe it, after all he's done!" She stood quickly then and ran her hands through her unruly hair.
"He's changed Destiny, he's not the same person who he was when he did that to you."
"Do you really fucking believe that?" She asked and I nodded slowly as I stood and pulled her into a hug. "I'm here for you Lil, even though I fucking hate him." She said and I smiled gratefully as I slowly stepped away.
"I think it's time we all go get some sleep." I said seriously as Roman and Peter walked in slowly. "You two can have your pick of the spare rooms." I smiled as I glanced at Roman before hurrying upstairs to check on Nadia. As I was leaving Roman walked in behind me, he didn't say a word to me as he headed over to the beige chaise lounge.
"I'll stay by her tonight." He said softly and I nodded slowly as I turned and headed towards our bedroom.
I got into the empty bed and laid there quietly, I knew that sleep was going to be illusive that night. Eventually I padded out onto the balcony and sat down on the lounger as I looked out over the misty garden. I was surprised that my eyes eventually started to fall shut as I sat there, my head lolled forward slowly and I fell into a very disturbed sleep.

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