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A/N: Good Morning Guys, just want to say a huge thank you for over a hundred reads, please do let me know if you guys are still enjoying this.
~ M 💚

P.O.V: Lillian

I wasn't certain how much time had passed, but days had come and gone and I hadn't made any attempt to leave Roman's room. The idea of getting up and facing reality was almost too painful to bare, the warm blankets, and seclusion was exactly what I needed.
The one thing which surprised me was that Roman never left my side, the only times he'd leave the room was to go downstairs to get me food. It seemed like a pointless activity however because most of the plates were returned untouched.
The thing I had grown to love about Roman was that he knew not to pry. Every now and then I could tell that he wanted to say something, but instead he'd just shut up and go and make me tea. He hadn't gone to work ever since I had arrived, and I felt a pang of guilt wash over me as I thought about it.
He walked in then with a steaming cup of herbal tea, he also had a wad of papers tucked under his arm. He tended to just sit on the chaise lounge by the window and read over paper work. His presence was all that I needed, and it felt very comforting to know that I was not alone.
There was something different about him today though, a slight sweat beaded his forehead and he looked distracted. I knew what this was, I had seen it before in Upir's, he was hungry. He clearly had been neglecting himself to ensure that I was okay, God I was a bitch.
I sighed as I looked out of the window and noted that I had practically slept the day away. Time itself had become a foreign concept in that room, Roman slept when I slept, he'd eat when I ate, and he'd squeeze in a shower between my naps.
Perhaps it was time that I stopped being so selfish, I slowly sat up and Roman's eyes instantly flickered over to me. He swallowed hard and took a small step back.
"You okay?" He asked softly.
"I think it's time I go get cleaned up." I said softly, I must have looked a sight. I could only imagine the oil slick which had become my hair, and the fact that I had only washed over the last few days made me feel very gross.
"Are you sure?" He asked softly and I nodded as I slowly stood. I inhaled deeply before walking into the large bathroom, I turned on the faucets in the large wet shower and stepped in relishing the warm water which ran over my skin.
I took my time and got nicely cleaned up, it seemed slightly pointless seeing as I had something planned to thank Roman for his hospitality. I stepped out and noted that Roman had snuck a pair of sweats, a t-shirt, a pair of undies, and my laundered bra in for me.
I noted that these were actually woman's clothes for a change, and I assumed that at some point he had sent someone shopping for me. The outfit still had the tags on and I sighed as I took them off, I pulled the pair of puma sweatpants on and looked at my bruised torso in the mirror. The bruising had now transitioned into the green, yellow phase and just made me look dirty. I sighed as I pulled the three quarter sleeved converse top on before pulling my wet hair up into a bun.
I had to admit the shower made me feel a thousand times better, I smiled slightly as I opened the bathroom door and peered out at Roman. He sat on the chaise lounge clearly trying to concentrate, his eyes flickered up to me for a second, he clearly expected for me to just get back into bed as his eyes returned to the paper work in front of him.
I slowly padded over to the nightstand and quietly opened the top drawer, Roman stored spare packs of cigarettes and other drug paraphernalia in here. I rummaged around slightly before I caught a glimpse of what I was looking for, I reached in and removed the small blade which glinted in the light.
I inhaled deeply as I slowly walked towards Roman, his eyes shifted up to me again, and this time his brows furrowed as he registered the blade in my hand.
"What are you doing?" He asked seriously as he straightened up, I noticed the impact that our sudden closeness had on his, his intense green eyes were fixed on my jugular, and his pupils had dilated.
"I'm helping you for a change." I said as I drew the blade over the same area on my forearm in which I had made the sacrifice when I had brought him back. The blood flowed instantly, Romans face contorted as the smell of it wafted through the air.
I could tell that it pained him to restrain himself, every fibre of his being wanted to latch onto my arm, but I could tell that he was apprehensive. "It's fine Roman, I trust you." I said as he gently took my arm in his hands. His eyes flickered up to me once more for reassurance, I gave him a small nod before his mouth met the cut on my arm.
It wasn't as painful as I had expected, but I could tell that he was being as gentle as he possibly could. His eyes were shut as he sucked slowly at the wound, the warmth of his mouth sent a shiver down my spin. He slowly lowered me to the bed as he continued to feed, I was slightly lightheaded by the time he pulled away. His mouth was stained with my blood, but he looked sated, and I was glad that I could help him.
"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly as I nodded. "Jesus, I shouldn't have done that." He said as he pulled away quickly.
"Roman, like I said I trust you, and you've been neglecting your own needs over mine for way too long." I said seriously as I slowly sat up. Roman glanced down at the cut on my arm and didn't hesitate as he grabbed the blade I had used, he sliced his thumb and ran it over the cut. The small wound disappeared in seconds and I smiled at him gratefully as I reached up and wiped a droplet of blood from his chin.
"You're amazing." He said as he ran his bloodied thumb over my cheek before leaning in and kissing me. The taste of my blood on his lips was somewhat intrusive, but the more I kissed him, the more I got used to the metallic taste, I smiled as I slowly pulled away and looked up at him.
"I don't know what all the fuss is about, my blood just tastes like blood." I laughed as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, Roman scoffed as I said it.
"Your blood is not like normal blood, it's - I don't even know how to explain it." He laughed slightly.
"Well I'm glad you're feeling better." I smiled and kissed his forehead before walking into the bathroom to clean up once again. I heard him walk in behind me, I turned to face him slowly as I leaned against the basin.
"Are you feeling any better?" He asked and I nodded slowly.
"I need to move on, Donovan wouldn't have wanted me mopping around here all day." I sighed and felt the familiar pang of sadness wash over me.
"I'm here for you Lily, if you need me I'm here." He said and I smiled gratefully as I reached out and pulled him into a hug, he leaned his chin on my head as he held me close to him. "You have got no idea how hard it has been having you in my bed, to have such a beautiful woman in my room and I couldn't even lay a finger on you." He said as his hands traveled down my body slowly, my breath caught in my throat then as I looked up at him wide eyed.
"Roman, we can't." I said softly.
"You've said that before, but I just can't fathom why." He said softly as he reached up and threaded his hand through my hair.
"Roman, please." I said softly and tried to turn away, but his hand stopped me.
"Tell me why we can't Lillian." His voice was low and demanding.
"Because I have a damned soul Roman, I'm not a good person to be with." I said seriously and he shook his head.
"You do not have a damned soul." His voice was serious then.
"Yes Roman I do, I told you that there's a cost to what I do, with every person I bring back a piece of my soul is tainted. You don't deserve to be with someone like that! You deserve someone better!" Tears filled my eyes as I said it, I hadn't realised until that moment just how fond I had grown of Roman.
"I can't believe you're saying that, to ME." He said in disbelief. "I'm the monster, I'm the one who kills people, who hurts people, what you do is pure, and beautiful."
"It's not pure Roman, it is unnatural, it makes me a terrible person." I said softly and he shook his head vehemently.
"Then fuck it, let's be two fucked us heathens together. Why should we be alone in a world of happiness and love because we think so low of ourselves?" He said and I stared up at him in shock.
"Do you really mean that?" I asked in disbelief.
"Of course I fucking do! Lillian you've been all I can think of for over a month now! It's about damn time I stop being a pussy and actually let you know how I feel." I didn't know what else to say, instead all I did was reach up and pull him to me, our kiss was passionate and raw. It was as if all of our pent up emotions were released in that one tender moment.
As we pulled away Roman smirked at me "Well shit." He chuckled as he led me towards the shower. "Join me." His voice was low again, but this time it was tender and smooth.
I just smiled as I slowly pulled my shirt off before pushing a fully clothed Roman into the shower. He smirked at me as he pulled me to him and started to run his hands over my body. I turned on the shower heads as his mouth found it's way to my neck, this was something I hadn't even realised I had wanted until now, and God was I pleased that we were finally doing it.

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