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A/N: I would just like to say a huge thank you again to those of you who are reading this, I hope you guys are still enjoying.
~M 💚

P.O.V: Roman

It had been a week since I had seen Lillian, and to say that I was pissed off about her sudden departure was an understatement. I had tried to get in contact with her, Donovan had given me her number, and he had even told me where she was staying, but no matter what I did she avoided me like I was the plague.
I wasn't upset at her, I could understand her reaction, she brought a complete and utter monster back to life, I could only imagine the regret which she would be feeling at this point. I didn't think it was possible to hate myself any more than I already did, but clearly I was wrong.
I leaned back and rubbed my temple before opening my desk draw and pulling out the little steel cylinder which contained the glorious white powder which had helped keep me somewhat sane over the last few days.
I took a quickly bump and pinched my nose shut tightly waiting for the burn to subside. The haze started to creep in and I relaxed ever so slightly as I turned my attention back to the quarterly report which I was in the process of analysing.
I tried to focus on the task at hand once again, but it wasn't working. I had barely slept this week, and the last batch of nutrient which Pryce had whipped up wasn't doing much. I slowly stood and looked down at my messy desk and growled internally before quickly throwing everything off of the desk. My MacBook smashed against the wall as papers fluttered everywhere. I reached up and ran my hands through my hair before linking my fingers behind my neck and sighing.
My secretary hurried in and looked at the scene in front of her wide eyed.
"Mr. Godfrey, are you alright?" She asked, she had a tremor to her voice which I would usually have found very endearing, but today it just annoyed me.
"What the fuck did I tell you about knocking?" I seethed as she headed in and started to tidy up, I didn't make an effort to move. I could smell her from here, she was an O+, so dull and boring, she was nothing like Lillian who was unique in every way.
What the fuck had that woman done to me? I couldn't remember the last time I actually felt this way about someone.
The sound of the small blondes blood running through her veins became deafening, I clenched my jaw as I walked to the other side of the room.
"Get out." I managed to say.
"Excuse me Mr. Godfrey?" She asked as she peered at me over my desk.
"I said get out, take the rest of the day." I said trying to sound more casual, but she didn't make an effort to move. "Veronica, I said get the fuck out!" I said more sternly and watched as she hurried out of my office.
"Well, it looks like you're having a rough day." Pryce commented as he stepped into my office and shut the door behind him. He proceeded to toss me a chilled bag of blood which I didn't hesitate from biting into. He leaned against my barren desk as he watched me, he waited until I was finished before standing up slowly and walking over. "I do believe that we have a slight issue Mr. Godfrey." He said as he reached up and fixed my tie, what the hell could be the problem now?
"Pryce, I am not in the mood today, can't it wait until tomorrow?" I sighed and watched as Pryce shook his head slowly.
"Come on Roman." he said as he started to walk out, I grumbled as I followed him closely.
"Maybe she should have left you dead." I said bitterly, I didn't mean it of course, Pryce and I had formed a weird kind of comradery near the end and I was glad that he was back.
"Now now Roman, don't bite the hand that feeds you." He tutted as we started the descent towards the sub-basement.
"Fuck you." I muttered as I stepped out of the elevator and headed towards the quarantine room which Pryce had begged me for funding for. I had doubted that he'd ever use it, but it appeared that I might have been wrong. "So what is this about?" I asked as he scanned his hand on the panel before stepping in.
"I do believe I have found a distant relative of yours." Pryce smirked as he led me over to the containment unit.
"I don't think I can handle anymore family reunions." I sighed as he reached out and flipped the lights on inside the cuboid shaped cell. As soon as the room was illuminated a short, petite woman practically ran into the glass and smirked at me sadistically. I stepped back as I looked her up and down, her eyes were manic, and from the way she grinned at me there was no way that I could miss the fangs.
"And how exactly are we related?" I asked as her eyes followed my every move.
"I was being facetious." Pryce sighed as he stepped closer to the glass and looked up at the women. "She's half Upir, half human, and full crazy." Pryce smirked at his little joke before turning back to face me.
"She's a Dhampir." I said softly as I watched her closely, I now understood why Donovan, and Lillian looked unnerved when they spoke about them. The woman before me was the stereotypical embodiment of blood sucking evil. "Where did you find her?" I asked eventually.
"She broke in here last night, we had to use three tranquillisers to get her into here." Pryce sighed as he went to go and flip off the lights, as he did she started to talk. At first it was just garbled garbage, but then the look in her eyes intensified as her eyes met mine.
"Godfrey." She said as she tilted her head to the side, my eyes widened as I glanced at Pryce, before he could say anything she continued. "Roman Godfrey, they're coming." I could now make out that her accent was  definitely British. A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered my mothers painfully forced accent, maybe Pryce wasn't wrong, maybe we were related.
"Whose coming?" I asked seriously as she started to laugh.
"You will see that soon enough, and then you'll join your people Roman. You don't belong here Roman, you must not be repressed the way you have been, you are royalty after all." She smirked as her eyes clouded over again. I watched as her hands started to trail over her body, my brows furrowed as I watched her. Her fingers snaked through her hair as she grabbed ahold of her skull, before I knew what was happening a all too familiar sound emitted through the room as her body crumpled to the floor. The crazy ass bitch had snapped her own neck, I didn't even know that someone was capable of that.
I felt warm saliva fill mouth then, before I even realised it I was hunched over a bin as I emptied the contents of my stomach.
"Well I did not see that coming." Pryce said as he knelt down in front of the glass and examined her lifeless face. "Well you know what this means, I get to cut her open and learn all her secrets." The smirk which was plastered across his face was a little unnerving.
"I um, I think I'm going to head back upstairs." I said as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Pryce chuckled as he shook his head and fished a tin of mints from his pocket and offered me one. I took it gratefully before heading out, the idea of what that woman had just done to herself was unfathomable.
What she had said also unnerved me slightly, at this point all I wanted to do was go home and get drunk off my ass. I headed into my office to grab my coat, but as I did I stopped dead in my tracks as I registered the small hunched over figure which sat on one of the white leather couches at the back of my office.
"Lillian?" I asked softly as I walked over slowly.
"H-he's gone." She sobbed softly as I reached her side, my heart ached for her as I knelt down beside her.
"Whose gone?" I asked softly as she turned around and buried her face into my chest. It felt as if she was clinging to me for dear life as she cried. "Lily, whose gone?" I asked again, but I felt like I knew.
"D-Donovan." She sobbed harder, my heart dropped as I held her tighter.
"What happened?" I asked trying to gauge what was going on, maybe we could try and get him back.
"W-We." She started to say but paused as she tried to compose herself. She straightened up slightly and I froze as I noticed the bruising around her left eye. My brow furrowed as I reached out and gently stroked her cheek with my thumb. She turned her face away from me as she sniffled slightly, the look of pain in her eyes was all too familiar.
"Deep breath." I said softly trying to calm her down enough so that I could get a coherent answer out of her.
"Donovan and I decided to carry on without you guys, we found a clan of Nephilim's out towards the city limits. We were just doing some basic recon, but something wasn't right, I could sense it as soon as we got there. It turned out to be an ambush, they were just everywhere, and they were crazy. Donovan, he, oh God." She said softly as she started to cry again uncontrollably, I just rubbed her back gently as she did.
"Shhhh, it's okay, just try and tell me." I said trying to be as gentle as possible.
"He got in the way, it was supposed to be me! They were supposed to get me, but he stopped them." She sniffed as she shook her head. "It's my fault Roman, it's all my fault." She sobbed, I just shook my head slowly as I kissed her forehead.
"Where is he? We can go, we'll get him back." I was trying to make her feel better, but as I said it it looked as if she started to cry even harder than before. "Lily?" I asked softly.
"He's dead Roman, they killed him." She said it so softly that I thought that I had misheard her at first, but then it sunk in and I felt as if the wind had been hit out of me.
"Lillian, I am so sorry." I said softly as I thought back to what the woman in the basement had said. They were coming, and it was because of me, Lillian could have died, and it would have been my fault. My instincts told me to push her away, to let her go before anything worse happened, but the selfish part of me wanted to continue clinging onto her.
"I couldn't even get his body back, he's just gone." She mumbled into my chest. We just sat there like that for awhile while she continued to cry quietly. Eventually I decided that it was time to take her home, I slowly stood and picked her up gently.
She didn't even object as I walked over and grabbed my coat before carrying her down to the parking lot. I walked over to the new silver i8 which had been delivered the week before, I gently set her in the passenger seat and leaned over as I tied her safety belt for her. As I closed the door I straightened up and sighed as I tried to wrap my brain around all of this.
I looked at her sadly, she sat curled up on the seat with her arms wrapped around her waist. It looked as if she was trying to hold herself together, the bruising on her face tore at my heart, and I was worried if there was more.
I eventually headed around to my door and got in slowly. I glanced at her worriedly before starting the car and heading home, as I drove I reached out and took her hand in mine. She looked like she had zoned out, I could only imagine how horrifying it was to have seen what she had.
I could tell that her and Donovan were close, and I knew all too well what it felt like to lose a sibling, mine had however thankfully come back to me. I quietly wondered if we were able to find his body if she could bring him back the way she had done with me, but that was not a conversation that I was going to have with her now.
Lillian looked confused as we drove along, the sun was setting along the horizon, and the pink, purple hue which illuminated her face made her look more beautiful than ever despite the bruising which marred her alabaster skin.
"Where are we going?" Her voice was hoarse from crying as she sat up a bit more.
"My place." I said softly and watched as she shook her head slowly.
"Your house is in the other direction." I shook my head as she said it and sighed.
"I couldn't stay there anymore, there were too many bad memories." I said softly.
"So you moved? Just like that?" She asked softly and I nodded.
"I guess there was a part of me which hoped you'd come back, and when you did I didn't want you to have any physical reminders of what happened there. I just wish you weren't coming back because of these circumstances."
"You moved house because you wanted me to feel comfortable if I came back?" She sounded shocked, and I knew that it was a strange thing to do, but after she had left I phoned the real estate agent immediately and we had found a place within two days. I had paid cash so there was no escrow period, the interior decorator had come in on Wednesday and by Saturday the house was fully liveable. I had put the other house on the market and just wanted it gone by that point.
We pulled up and Lillians eyes widened as I pulled into the five car garage and slowly got out.
"It's bigger than your last one." She said softly and I just smiled slightly as I walked around and wrapped my arm around her shoulders before leading her inside.
I led her straight upstairs, I needed to make sure that she was okay more than anything at that point. I led her into my room, there were still a few boxes strewn around and I helped her navigate around them. She sat down on the edge of the bed slowly and bowed her head.
"Hey, look at me." I said softly as I knelt down in front of her, her sad blue eyes met mine, she looked so defeated. "I want to make sure you're okay." I said as I ran my thumb over her cheek gently, she gave me a small almost indiscernible nod giving me the go ahead. Before I started to survey her body for any more injuries I walked into the bathroom and started to run a bath.
When I returned I slowly reached out and helped her take her jumper off, as soon as I did I noticed slight bruising on her clavicle. I continued on by taking off her black tank top and swallowed hard as I noted that her ribs were also slightly marked. She had taken a real beating, and yet she didn't even seem to care, I think she was just emotionally numb at that point.
I decided to leave her bra on for now, I didn't want to over step any boundaries. I proceeded to help her out of her jeans before leading her into the bathroom. I turned off the faucet and helped her into the marble tub, she sat there in the warm water in just her pink bra and undies.
"Try and relax, I'm going to go make you some tea." I said gently, but as I started to leave she grabbed my hand stopping me in my tracks.
"Don't leave me." She asked softly and I felt my heart flutter slightly as she said it. I gave her a small smile as I pulled over the black armchair which had been sitting on the other side of the bathroom. I sat down beside her, she closed her eyes slowly then as she slid further into the water. She reached out and gently took my hand in her wet one, I wasn't sure how long we sat there like that, but eventually she opened her eyes again and looked up at me sadly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't have anyone else to turn to." She said softly and I shook my head slowly as I reached out and moved some of her hair off of her forehead.
"I'm glad you came to me, I'm here for you." I said softly and watched as a small smile fluttered across her lips.
She lifted her other hand out of the water, it was wrinkled and she laughed slightly, it wasn't her usual melodic laugh though, this laugh was almost forced.
"I think it's time for me to get out." She said as she slowly started to stand, her hand made its way to her bruised ribs as she did.
"Hey, take it easy." I said seriously as I quickly pushed the chair back before grabbing one of my large black towels. I wrapped it around her and led her back out to my bedroom, she perched on the edge of the bed again as I hurried into my closet to find her something to wear. I returned with one of the few sweatshirts I owned and a pair of three quarter sweatpants which I had purchased at one stage out of sheer boredom and had never worn.
She gave me a sad smiled as she took the items and slowly stood letting the towel fall from her shoulders.
"Will you help me unclasp my bra?" She asked softly and I nodded before unclipping it as she turned her back towards me. I let me hand linger on her bare back before eventually letting it drop to my side.
Every fibre of my being wanted to reach out and kiss her neck, and just experience every inch of her body for the first time, but there was no way in hell that I'd take advantage of her like that tonight, or ever for that matter.
I turned my back to give her some privacy as she pulled the black gucci jumper on before slipping into the dark grey nike sweatpants. When I turned back to face her I had to admit that she looked adorable, she was practically swimming in the clothes, but at least it was something, for now anyway.
"Can I get you anything?" I asked softly as I stepped forward and laid my hand on her cheek.
"I'm fine, thank you Roman." She said quietly as she bowed her head again.
"Let's get you into bed then." I said as I pulled back the goose down duvet as well as the black silk sheets. I helped her in slowly and proceeded to turn to leave the room.
"Roman..." I heard her ask softly, I turned to face her slowly as I leaned against the wall
"Yea Lily?"
"I um, would you please stay here tonight? I understand if you don't want to it's just..." I cut her off there as I started to unbutton my work shirt, I had already discarded of the tie, but I undid the shirt before letting it drop to the floor.
I quickly walked into the closet and grabbed my pyjama bottoms, I walked out again and got into bed beside her. I didn't want to over step boundaries by holding her, but I felt her sliding nearer to me, so eventually I took the hint and gently laid my hand on her hip trying to avoid her bruised ribs.
"Goodnight Roman, and thank you." She said softly. I laid there and listened to her breathing which gradually started to become slower and slower. My own breathing started to match, and before I knew it I fell into the best sleep I had had in a week.

A/N: What do you guys think about parts written from Romans perspective? It's personally my favourite perspective to write from. 😉

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