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A/N: Hey you beautiful people, here's another part for you all. I hope you're still enjoying

~M 💚

P.O.V: Roman

My heart skipped a beat when I heard Lillian call out for us. I was out of the car in a second and practically ran up the stairs to Destiny's apartment. Lillian opened the door before I could even knock, relief washed over me as soon as I saw that she was okay.
"Who died?" I heard Peter ask and I cringed internally at his poor choice of words. I pushed his shoulder hard as he walked past me, he seemed to realise what he said then and held his hands up.
"Hannah Cartwell did." I heard Lillian say, I glanced over at the tv then and frowned as I pushed my hands into my pockets.
"Whose she?" I asked as I perched on the armrest of Destiny's couch.
"She's a barrister at the coffee house down the road from the bar, her and I, well we've met." I raised an eyebrow as Peter said it, clearly I wasn't the only promiscuous one in the room.
"She was found completely drained of blood at the edge of the county, about two miles from the cave. The sheriff said that it looked like she had been hitchhiking." Destiny said, her voice set me on edge, I now wished that I hadn't been so eager to get up here.
"It was them." Peter said stating the obvious, I rolled my eyes as he did and sighed.
"Well what do we do now? They've started with the public, just like in the dreams." I said as I lit up a cigarette, I hoped it would help put my nerves at ease, but who was I kidding? Right now I needed alcohol, and a lot of it.
"We find the bitch that's creating them." Lillians tone was bitter and I looked at her slightly shocked, I had never heard her talk like that before.
"That's a great idea, but where the fuck do we start?" Peter asked as he paced.
"There's something we can do, but it's not foolproof." Lillian said, I noticed the concerned look that Destiny gave her as she said it.
"You aren't talking about..." Before Destiny could finish Lillian just nodded as she started to push the coffee table out of the way. "No! Not here!" Destiny said seriously. "The last thing I need is a fucking demon as a roommate, lets go the Mill, no one cares if there is a malignant spirit there, the place is haunted anyway." She shrugged, I didn't like the sound of this one bit. I stood quickly and looked between Destiny and Lillian waiting for one of them to explain what the hell they were talking about, but neither of them made any attempt of explaining themselves, fucking typical.
"Alright, one of you start explaining." I said seriously, Destiny rolled her eyes as I did.
"There's this ritual, I've never actually seen it done before, but it involves contacting the other side. Once you've connected with a spirit you get one question, and they have to answer, but it's risky." Destiny explained, I definitely didn't like the sound if this now.
"So what? It's like a genie? Why don't we just polish a fucking lamp? That sounds a lot easier than contacting some spirits." Peter said and I couldn't help but smirk as he said it.
"Do you two think this is a fucking joke?" Destiny asked loudly and I was slightly taken aback, she was usually standoffish, but this was definitely an extreme even for her. Maybe Donovan was more than just a fuck buddy to her.
She was still glaring at Peter and I, we both slowly shook our heads then in response to her question. She sighed and shook her head as she grabbed a green bomber jacket off of the chair.
"Well come on then, we need to get some supplies." She said seriously, who the fuck put her in charge again I wondered.
"Let's split up, you and Peter go and get the board and the candles, Roman and I'll go get the rest." Lillian said and I glanced at her and sighed, I didn't like it when I didn't know what we were doing.
"See you at the Mill in an hour." Destiny said and wrapped her arm around Lilian before practically dragging Peter from the apartment.
"Okay, so tell me how risky this shit really is." I said as I laid my hands on Lillian's shoulders, the look on her face told me all that I needed to know. "Well shit." I sighed as we walked out of the apartment locking it behind us.
Lillian hurried down the stairs in front of me, I knew that this was something that could help us, but I was very hesitant. I watched as she walked over and got in behind the wheel of my car, I definitely didn't like this. She smirked at me as I got in beside her, she started to back out quickly then and I sighed.
"You don't like it when you're not in control." She stated and I clenched my jaw as I tried to figure how to reply to that.
"Does anyone?" I asked and she laughed.
"I guess, in certain situations." She said and I thought I saw her wink at me out of the corner of my eye. Was she really teasing me like this right now?
"God Lillian, you better mean what I think you mean." I said softly and she smirked as she glanced at me.
"I have no idea what you're talking about Mr. Godfrey." She laid her hand on my upper thigh then and I swallowed hard. This was a new side to her, but I liked it, I wanted nothing more than to have my way with her in the back seat of this car, but I knew we couldn't, we were on the clock.
"So what do we need?" I asked eventually.
"Salt, blood, tequila, and lavender essence." She said seriously as she pulled into the supermarket parking lot. I looked up at the neon lights and sighed as we slowly got out of the car, I reached out and threaded my fingers through hers as we walked in, I couldn't remember the last time I had been in one of these places.
"You okay there handsome?" She asked softly as we headed in; was my ineptitude in these normal situations really that obvious?
"I um, yea why?" I stuttered slightly and she smirked.
"Time to come down from your tower and join in with us peasant folk." She smirked and I glared at her slightly as she led me up and down the isles. She handed me some iodised table salt before we progressed down towards an isle which had some mismatched items in it. She stopped in front of a display of little brown bottles, she eventually reached out and grabbed one which said lavender on it.
"I don't think we are going to find the blood, or the tequila here." I kept my voice low so that the middle aged woman to our left didn't hear me.
"I know where we can find the tequila, the other one is on you." She smiled as she grabbed my hand and led me towards the checkout. I recognised the young woman behind the counter and sighed internally, she kept trying to make eye contact with me as she rang up the people in front of us out. I tapped my foot impatiently as Lillian leaned over in front of me and grabbed a pack of fisherman's mints and set it down with our other purchases.
Soon we were at the front and I could tell that Lillian had picked up on the attempted eye-fucking which was being sent in my direction. I watched as a smirk spread across her face as she glanced up at me, before I knew it her soft lips were against mine. What the fuck was this? Whatever it was I loved it, it was as if she wanted to claim me in front of the insignificant woman behind the counter, God she was hot.
As we pulled away the short woman uttered the amount due almost inaudibly.
Lillian handed her a twenty dollar bill and walked out before the woman could even get the change out of the till. I couldn't help the smirk which was plastered on my face as we walked out side by side.
"What was that exactly?" I asked and looked down at Lillian who shrugged slightly.
"I felt like kissing you, is that a crime?" She asked as she tossed our purchases in the back seat, as she turned around I wrapped my hand behind her neck as I pulled her in for another kiss.
"You're amazing, you know that right?" I asked as I leaned my head against her forehead slowly.
"What, because I kiss you in front of your exes in public?" She laughed.
"She was not my ex, I think we slept together twice, and it's just hot for someone to want to be with me in public. A lot of woman like the idea of saying that they've been with me, but very few actually want to be."
"Well Roman, I want to be with you in all aspects." She smiled and kissed my nose before getting back in behind the wheel. I paused for a moment as I let her words sink it, I doubted if she'd ever realise just how much they had meant to me.
I eventually got in beside her as we headed to the nearest liquor store, now this was a place that I frequented. My house staff always did the other shopping for me, but I was the only one that did my liquor purchasing.
I was about to get out when Lillian looked at me seriously.
"What?" I asked softly, she shook her head then and climbed out of the car. I hurried to catch up to her, I really wanted to know what she was going to say. "Lily?" I asked as we walked into the liquor store, she made a beeline for the spirits.
"It's nothing." She said as she grabbed a bottle of patrón.
"Hey, come on tell me." I sighed as we headed to the counter, I start to pay for the liquor without even thinking. The guy behind the counter was new and asked for my ID, I sighed and rolled my eyes as I looked him dead on the eye.
"You don't need to see my ID." I said simply and he nodded, I quickly wiped the small trickle of blood from under my nose as we walked out.
"Good to see you don't just use it on yourself." Lillian said as she got into the car, I sighed as I got in beside her.
"Then tell me what you were going to say before I use it on you." I was only half threatening her.
"You wouldn't dare." She said as she raised an eyebrow.
"Oh I'd dare." I said seriously.
"Then do it." She said simply and I stared at her for moment. "Come on Roman, make me tell you." Her voice was low and commanding, and I found it very attractive.
"Lillian, I couldn't." I said and she sighed.
"Just do it." She sighed and inhaled deeply as I leaned forward and looked he straight in the eyes.
"Lillian, tell me what you were going to say before." I instructed and felt the small trickle of blood flow from my nose, but nothing happened, all she did was smirk as she tutted gently.
"It's okay Roman, some men just struggle to perform, don't be embarrassed." She joked and I glared at her.
"Why the hell didn't it work?" I asked feeling slightly inept.
"It doesn't work on me." She shrugged, I got slightly mad as she said it.
"Then why make me fucking look like an idiot by trying." She grinned and shrugged as she started to drive. "Are you now going to tell me what the fuck you were going to say or not?"
"I've hurt your ego haven't I?" She mused and I rolled my eyes as I sat back, I heard her sigh before pulling over slowly. "Roman, what do you want from me?" She caught me off guard with that question.
"What do you mean?" I asked taken aback.
"I practically laid my heart out for you so many times now, and yet you either don't notice, or you don't care." I could tell that I had hurt her, and she was right. She had literally told me that she wanted to be with me and I had said nothing.
"Shit, Lillian, I'm sorry I honestly think I'm emotionally retarded sometimes, I blame it on my shit mother." I sighed as I rubbed my temple. "I really want to be with you, you do things to me emotionally and physically which I have never even experienced before. You truly are amazing and I want to keep on on our journey together." I said softly and she smiled slightly.
"Are you sure?" She asked softly, she was suddenly not as pushy as she had been before.
"I'm sure. So I guess I should ask you the question then." I said and smiled as I took her hand in mine. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked and she laughed slightly as she nodded.
"Well I guess, it might be nice." She winked as she leaned forward and kissed me, I smiled against her lips as she did. This woman sure as hell had worked some kind of magic on me, but I wasn't complaining. We pulled apart then and she continued to drive.
"So we have one last thing on our list." I said and she nodded.
"Where do you propose we get the blood?" She asked, I knew just the place and told her to head to the tower. It was a Thursday and Pryce didn't empty the autopsy rooms medical waste into the nutrient vat until a Friday afternoon. Lillian pulled up front and we both hurried in, I let us down to the sub basement and led her into to the autopsy room. She looked around and I realised how creepy it was down here at night, she stuck close to me as we entered the cold room.
I walked over to one of the cupboards and retrieved a large one litre jar, I then proceeded to fill it with the crimson contents from the medical waste barrel. I then proceeded to pour myself a beaker as well, I took a few sips before disposing of the beaker and screwing the lid of the jar on tightly.
"There you go." I said and smiled as I handed the jar over to Lillian, she scrunched up her nose slightly as she examined the contents.
"Thanks, it's all I've ever wanted." She joked and I laughed as I shook my head, we got into the elevator and headed back up to ground level.
"We still have twenty minutes." I said as we walked out to the car, Lillian glanced up at me and bit her lips lightly.
"What do you propose we do Mr. Godfrey?" Her voice was sultry as she said it and I felt a involuntary shiver run down my spine.
"I have something in mind." I smirked as I took the jar from her and set it in the boot before throwing the rest of our stuff in with it. "Get in the back." I instructed and watched as she raised an eyebrow but did as she was told.
She was sitting on the chair with her legs hanging out of the car, as I walked over she stood and smiled at me. Before I knew what was happening though her hands were on my shoulders and I was suddenly on my back on the back seat.
"Lillian what the?" I started to ask but couldn't finish my sentence as her lips pressed into mine. The kiss was so passionate and I could feel her effect on me instantly, her hands traveled down my front and skimmed over my growing bulge.
This was something I was not used to, and yet I was entirely comfortable with it. She began unbuckling my belt and before I knew it my pants were around my ankles as she started to have her way with me, her mouth felt amazing and my growing sense of pleasure was almost unparalleled.
Our eyes met for a second and that was all that was needed to send me over the edge, I shuddered as I came. She straightened up then and smiled as she swallowed before helping me pull my pants up.
"What the fuck was that?" I asked breathlessly as she popped a fisherman's mint in her mouth.
"That Roman, is what real passion feels like." She said as she got into the passenger side of the car, I was practically speechless as I walked around to the drivers door and got in.
I started to head towards the Mill, I couldn't help but steal glances at her every now and then. This beautiful woman was suddenly mine, and that thought was very pleasing.
We were now running a bit late, but I didn't really care, what we, or should I rather say what Lillian had just done was more than worth being five minutes late.
When we arrived I saw Destiny's old beat up car parked outside the gate. I sighed as I slowly got out and waited for Lillian who grabbed the things we needed from the boot. I then wrapped my arm around her as we walked over to Destiny's car.
"Took you guys long enough." Peter quipped as he got out and I rolled my eyes.
"We had more shit to find than you guys did." I said in our defence, I heard Destiny scoff then.
"And do you think it's easy to find a ouija board at ten o'clock at night?" She asked and I just shrugged. "Well it's not, I had to go lend one from a friend, and now I owe him I return." She sighed.
"Come on guys, less bickering, let's head inside." Lillian said and we all nodded as we followed her into the large run down building. The vagrants had all been kicked out, I was thinking of demolishing this place and using the land for something else. The more I looked around the old building the more I began to think it was a good idea just to have it gone.
We managed to find a area which was semi dry and didn't look as if it had decades of filth all over it, I knew we were bullshitting ourselves, this whole place was practically a cesspit. Destiny proceeded to lay out a tartan blanket which she had brought, as she laid it out Lillian began drawing a salt ring around us. I didn't believe in shit like this, so this was going to be interesting.
Peter sat setting up the board, I rolled my eyes as I went and sat beside him slowly. This place smelled like rat shit and mildew, this was not exactly where I wanted to be tonight.
"You think this shit is going to work?" I asked seriously and he shrugged as he looked up at Destiny who was lighting what looked like fifty candles all over the place. Maybe I wouldn't even have to pay for demolition costs, maybe she'd just set the place on fire.
"I think it's a long shot, but hey why not try and get a quick and easy answer." Peter said as he took a joint from his pocket and lit up. He offered it to me and I didn't hesitate as I took a long drag, I leaned my head back as I exhaled.
"I don't think getting the answer is going to be easy." I said seriously and Peter nodded.
"Well I'm just happy as long as I don't have to try and drown my cousin again." I could understand that, even I had been a bit shaken the day when we had to do that to Destiny.
"You boys ready?" I heard Lillian ask as she walked over and sat beside me slowly. She gave me a little smile as she produced a purple and silver bowl which Destiny had brought. She proceeded to pour half of the blood from the jar into the bowl, she then opened the bottle of tequila and proceeded to take a swig before spitting it into the bowl.
My brow furrowed as I watched Destiny do the same, she then handed the bottle to Peter who looked as bewildered as I felt. He followed suit nonetheless and the bottle was finally handed to me, I took a sip of the liquor before spitting it out, it felt like such a waste. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before passing the bowl back to Lillian who then emptied the lavender essence into the bowl.
She then closed her eyes and muttered a few words before lighting a match and dropping it into the bowl. The flames were initially blue before they faded into a slight orange glow, she then set the bowl beside the ouija board.
"Okay, let's start." Destiny said, I glanced at Lillian worriedly as she leaned forward and laid her fingers on the mover, I didn't have a good feeling about this.

P.O.V: Lillian

Roman seemed nervous as he laid his hand on top of my, I glanced over my shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile.
"You want to do it, or should I?" Destiny asked me and I motioned with my left hand for her to proceed. She cleared her throat before closing her eyes slowly, she said something in Romanian before clicking her neck and leaning forward.
"Are there any spirits who can help us with a problem." Her voice was low as she asked, at first there was no response, but as soon as she asked again the mover started to move towards yes.
Roman's hand flew off of the board then as he leaned back and shook his head.
"Who the fuck did that?" He asked wide eyed and I couldn't help but chuckle slightly.
"You aren't supposed to let go you fucking idiot." Destiny sighed clearly irritated.
"Peter was it you, don't you dare fucking piss around man." Roman said clearly ignoring Destiny as Peter shook his head.
"Wasn't me man, let's carry on and see where this goes." Peter said softly, I could tell that he was also slightly uncomfortable, but this had to be done.
Roman reluctantly put his fingers back on the mover and glanced at me worriedly as Destiny started all over again, it look three tries this time before the mover started to move towards yes. As soon as the circle hovered over the word Destiny smiled slightly.
"We need your help, can you help us?" She asked softly, the mover started back towards yes then and I could hear Roman swallow hard beside me.
"Do you know the name of the Upir who is creating the Dhampirs?" She asked, as soon as she did the mover started to fly across the board erratically, it became increasingly hard to hold on and Roman's hand was the first to fly off. As soon as it did the candles around us blew out and we were bathed in darkness.
"What the fuck?" I heard Peter mutter as Roman straightened up beside me.
"You are involving yourselves in things which you do not understand." I heard Roman say beside me and I stiffened.
"Roman? What the fuck?" Peter asked as he pulled his phone out and turned the flashlight on. He illuminated Roman's pale face which was contorted in pain as he spoke.
"That's not Roman." Destiny said softly as she leaned forward. "We need to know who is creating them." She said seriously, as she did Roman started to chuckle as he shook his head,
"You're nothing but kids, this kind of stuff is above you all." His voice was monotonous as he spoke.
"They're killing innocent people!" I interjected, as I said it Romans lifeless eyes shifted towards me and I felt my blood run cold as they did.
"Innocent blood must sometimes be spilt, Hemlocks soil is bathed in it." He said and I inhaled deeply.
"But it shouldn't be!" Destiny said seriously drawing Roman's attention back to her. "We have to put a stop to this!"
"Aren't you all so brave, or is it perhaps stupid." Romans face changed into a smirk then.
"Can you help us or not?" Destiny asked seriously then, Roman sighed as he nodded.
"The Dhampir's are an abomination to our kind, and they must be destroyed. The woman you are looking for, her name is Delphine Wuornos." Romans disembodied voice said.
"Where can we find her?" Peter asked seriously, Roman started to tut as Peter said it.
"One question, and one question only Wolf Boy." He said, I felt Peter bristle beside me as he said it.
"Thank you for your help." Destiny said softly, Roman just nodded in response. The room fell quiet then and the candles flickered back to life, my heart was pounding as I looked over at Roman. His face was slack for a moment before he slowly fell backwards.
His body started to shudder then, his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he started to seize. I hurried to his side as Destiny closed off the board before rushing over.
"Shit, what do we do?" Peter asked as he stared down at Romans convulsing body.
"We need to get him to Pryce." I said softly as Romans body eventually stopped twitching, a small rivulet of blood trickled from his nose then and I felt panic wash over me.
I got up and hurriedly grabbed him under his arm pits, Peter took my lead and grabbed Romans legs as we started to carry him out.
I called out for Destiny to meet us at the Tower as we hauled him out to the car, we laid him across the back seat as best as we could before I quickly got in behind the wheel, I spun the car around in a cloud of dust before heading towards the white monument in the distance.
All I could do now was hope and pray that Roman would be okay.

A/N: Please don't hate me for leaving you on two cliffhangers

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