The Gala

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Please Read Authors Note At End & Enjoy

P.O.V: Roman
I had to practically drag Lillian out of bed the next morning, we had both woken up just after midnight from a dream, despite being slightly shaken we ended up making love in the glow of the full moon. As a result of our late night escapades we were both quite exhausted the following morning.
After each attempt to wake Lillian she'd just role over and fall back asleep, eventually I gave up on trying to wake her, instead I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on before returning to the bedroom. I smiled down at her before quickly reaching out and picking her up in my arms, she clung to the sheets for dear life as I started to carry her into the bathroom, after a lot of fuss I carried her into the shower sheets and all.
That was definitely enough to get her awake, she kept glaring at me as she begrudgingly got done, normally I would have loved nothing more than to hold her close in the morning, and perhaps revisit our exploits from the night before, but not this morning.
We had to be at the airport by ten, and it was eight thirty already, Her dress and my suit had been delivered already and sat in the lounge ready and waiting.
"You could have told me that we had to be up so early, if you had I would never have started last night." She grumbled as she rinsed her hair, I smiled down at her as she did and shook my head as I finished getting done.
I proceeded to step out and wrap my towel around my waist as I headed over to the vanity. Much like my cupboard Lillian had taken over parts of the double vanity as well, I wasn't complaining, but it was different to have her stuff around all of a sudden.
I reached out and grabbed my half empty bottle of Sauvage cologne which Pryce had bought me for my birthday. It was a surprising gesture, but one which had meant a great deal to me, I sprayed some on before quickly towel drying my hair, I ran some gel through it and slicked it back somewhat.
Lillian was out of the shower then and she decided to completely forgo a towel as she strode past me and into the bedroom. I swallowed hard as I watched her go, she had a phenomenal body, and she knew how to use it. Her little parade past me in all her glory was meant as punishment for me not telling her about our early flight, and God did she achieve her desired effect.
I cursed quietly as I walked over and grabbed the clothes I had laid out the night before. I pulled on the black skinny jeans which I paired with a knitted grey v-neck, I then pulled on my new black Calvin Klein boots. Overall it was a pulled together look, but when I looked over at Lillian I suddenly felt very underdressed. She walked out of the closet wearing a very fetching beige jumpsuit, it had a low cut back and she looked exquisite. She slipped on a burgundy leather jacket and paired it with a pair of burgundy leather boots, she looked very ravishing indeed.
I could now confidently draw the conclusion that she had in fact gone shopping because I would have without doubt noticed these clothes hanging in our cupboard.
"You look fucking amazing." I grinned as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to me. She proceeded to glare up at me before kissing me gently, she was still trying to act as if she was mad, but I knew she wasn't.
"I guess you don't look too bad either." She smirked as she ran her hands over my shoulders, she finished getting done then, all she did was pull her long hair up into a high bun. Usually I preferred her with her hair down, but today I had to admit I liked this look too.
"So you do realise that you haven't told me where we are going." She said as she started to pack her toiletries; so much for communication from my side.
"Toronto." I said as I packed some warm clothes for the next day, she sighed as she carried the dress she was about to pack back into the cupboard.
"Darling next time please do give me a bit more notice." She said as she packed a heavy wool coat, I found myself grinning stupidly as she said it. "What?" Lillian asked as she zipped up her bag and plopped it down on the ground.
"I love it when you call me darling." It made me feel oddly happy, it was never something that I would have thought that I would find endearing, but I did.
"I'm glad." She smirked as she kissed me quickly before hurrying from the room, we were cutting it fine. We both grabbed our garment bags, and I ensured that I took enough nutrient with me to ward off any temptation to eat the competition.
I led Lillian outside to the waiting grey Q7, Marks got out and waved at us both before helping us with our bags. He was dressed casually and I couldn't blame him, it was a Saturday after all, I noticed that he slipped a folder into the outside pocket of my suitcase, I gave him a small nod before walking around to open the door for Lillian.
When we were all in Marks started to make a beeline for the airport, the last thing I wanted was to miss our flight, I wanted to make sure that Lillian and I didn't have to rush before the Gala that evening.
"So do you like the new car?" I asked Marks eventually, Lillian was texting someone on her phone and I couldn't quite see who it was.
"I'm surprised you actually remembered, but yes I do like it, thank you Mr. Godfrey." He said and flashed me a smile in the rear view mirror. It always astounded me how his demeanour changed when he knew that he wasn't officially on the clock, but at the same time I didn't mind it.
"Did you find what you were looking for at the library the other day?" Lillian asked as she finished typing.
"Oh, um yes I did Miss Cassidy." He said and I couldn't help but feel guilty for not being open with Lillian, but I wanted to know what we were dealing with before I got her more involved than she already was.
"Please Marks, you can call me Lillian." She had insisted that our house staff do the same, the one maid had now even started to call me Roman which I wasn't sure I liked.
"Of course Lillian." He nodded and I shot her a look which she seemed to ignore as she looked at her phone.
"Who are you busy with?" I asked seriously then.
"Peter, just checking up on him after last night." She shrugged as she continued to text, I had clean forgotten about the full moon last night. It would have been the first full moon since I had been brought back, that must have been hard for him.
"Is he okay?" I asked and she nodded as she slipped her phone into her handbag, I reached out and took her left hand in mine as we drove quickly through the sparse traffic.
As we reached the airport Marks headed towards our hanger, he showed the guards his credentials and was shown through onto the tarmac, I watched as Lillian peered out the window looking a bit surprised.
As Marks stopped he slowly hopped out and opened the door for Lillian as the steward walked over to retrieve our luggage. I looked up at the jet with my companies logo emblazoned on the side of it, it was at times like this that I felt a bit pretentious.
"A jet?" I heard Lillian ask in disbelief as we boarded, the pilot greeted us both as we sat down on two of the reclining white leather chairs.
"Yea, a jet." I sighed eventually as I buckled in.
"Shit Roman, maybe you are always the richest man in the room." She said and laughed slightly.
"I won't be tonight, that's for sure." I sighed and rubbed my temple as the pilot started to taxi towards the runway.
"Well I'm sure that together we will come pretty close." She winked as she glanced around the jet, I reached out and took her hand in mine as we started take off, she held my hand tightly and glanced at me worriedly every time my hold on her hand would tighten. "Don't tell me you're scared of flying." She said softly and I felt my cheeks go red involuntarily.
"No! It's just a little nerve wrecking." I shrugged and she nodded slowly.
"I used to hate it when I was younger, but as I grew up I just got used to the risk." She shrugged, I knew she had travelled a lot, a lot more than me anyway, I guess with frequency comes some kind of comfort.
"Where's the best place you've been?" I asked as I turned her hand over in mine and started to trace small circles on her palm absentmindedly.
"I'd most probably say Marrakech, it was so vibrant, or what we could see anyway. There was a small war between rival Upir households there which we needed to intervene in, I think that was the first time an Upir ever fed on me actually."
"So what? You're telling me I wasn't you first?" I asked feigning disapproval as she chuckled.
"Oh Mr. Godfrey, we were neither ones first." She smirked and I raised and eyebrow as I leaned in closer.
"You were the first woman I made love to." I said and she practically scoffed.
"Roman, there is no need to bullshit me darling." She laughed.
"I mean it, you're the first woman I ever actually made love to. All the others was raw unadulterated fucking, but with you it's so different and sensual." I said and watched as her face softened as she leaned over and kissed me gently.
"I want it to stay that way." She said and I nodded without hesitation, I suddenly couldn't even imagine myself with another woman.
"You've ruined me for all other woman Miss Cassidy." I smirked and watched as she rolled her eyes playfully.
"I guess I can say the same about you Mr. Godfrey." She winked as the steward came around and offered us some Champagne, we both accepted and sat there sipping on the French Champagne as we chatted. We were just discussing random topics about everything from the Gala that evening to our futures. We had just laughed about a story which Lillian had told me about her and Donovan in Romania when her face grew serious for a moment.
"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly then and she sighed.
"Have you heard from Shelley about Nadia?" She asked taking me by surprise.
"Um, Shelley called yesterday actually and just told me that they were alright, why do you ask?"
"It must be hard being away from her." She said softly and I nodded slowly, her face looked pained then for  a moment as she looked at me sadly.
"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked again softly.
"There's something I need to tell you." The tone in her voice set me on edge slightly and I felt nervous as I waited for her to continue. "I um, I know you have Nadia, and perhaps this is a bit presumptuous of me, but I need to tell you now." She said softly and I just felt more confused as she said it.
"Darling, tell me." I tired to coax her and she sighed as she smoothed out her already immaculate bun.
"I can't have children Roman." Her words caught me off guard and I stared at her for a moment and felt a strange pang of sadness wash over me. I wasn't sad because of the fact that we could never have our own child, there were numerous ways in which we could parent, or foster children. What I was sad about though was how deeply saddened she looked because of it.
"Babe that's fine! You and I don't need to have our own kids to be happy." I said gently, but deep down I wanted to know why she couldn't. It seemed like a painful topic, but in the end I decided to broach it, she hesitated for a moment before she started to explain.
"When I was in Poland a year and a half ago I met a man who I fell in love with, he was everything I could have ever wanted at that stage in my life. We decided to settle down after a few months and a few weeks later I found out that I was pregnant, I was so happy Roman, but I could sense something was wrong from the beginning. I was scheduled for my first scan the day that it happened, I had what was called a ectopic pregnancy, and my tubes burst because of the embryo. They had to stop the bleeding and as a result I had a complete hysterectomy at the tender age of twenty." Her voice wavered with emotion as she told me, my heart bled for her as I unbuckled my lap belt and pulled her to me. "What makes it worse is that I'm scared that it happened because I stopped my responsibilities of being part Valkyrie, that is one of the reasons I was so hesitant to get close to you. I'm scared that something like this could happen again, and maybe you'd be the one getting hurt instead of me." I shook my head slowly as she said it, I gently cupped her chin in my hand as I kissed her.
"Don't you dare worry about shit like that babe, I think our paths crossed for more reasons than just getting rid of some stupid Dhampir." I said and she nodded slowly as she laid her head on my chest.
After a little while I could feel her breathing change and I smiled as I rubbed her back gently, before she fell asleep I heard her mumble something.
At first I couldn't make it out, but then I realised what she had said and I felt myself become somewhat overwhelmed. She had muttered "I love you" before she had dozed off, and within that moment I realised that I loved her too.
It was perhaps one of the most foreign concepts to me, there were only a handful of people who I had ever truly loved. There was Shelley, Letha, Nadia, Peter, and now Lillian, it felt good to be able to add her to that list, I knew however that I had loved her ever since our first kiss.
I had never been one for such platitudes, but when it came to Lillian I felt like resigning myself to every single romantic cliche just so that she could know how much she meant to me.

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