Story of My Life

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A/N: Hey guys, just another quick thank you for reading my story. This part is a bit longer than the last two, it also switches perspectives, but it's clear when that happens.
I hope you guys enjoy.
~ M 💚

Roman's house didn't surprise me at all, it was cold, and sterile. It lacked the character of the mansion, but had the same grim, depressing vibes. This place had also seen its fair share of blood and gore, I could just sense it.
I had asked him to drop me off at the hotel, but instead we had ended up back here. I looked around and sighed quietly to myself, this poor man really didn't know who he was. It was evident from the decor which had clearly been chosen by some third party. The only semblance of character in the house was the small, colourful wooden blocks which were stacked on the counter.
I looked at Roman then, his eyes were fixed on them too, and I could tell that they weren't attached to pleasant memories.
"Care to explain?" I asked softly pulling him from whatever thought he had been entertaining.
"I thought you knew my path and shit." He said trying to hide whatever emotions he was feeling behind a wall of asshole-ish-ness.
"Clearly you are deaf, I told you I don't know the full story." I rolled my eyes as I picked up the block with a pink letter N painted on it.
"They're my daughters." He said seriously, he didn't seem like the paternal type.
"Where is she?" I asked softly as I ran my finger along the carved letter.
"I don't actually know, I'm assuming Peter sent her off somewhere." He said softly and sat down heavily on the black leather ottoman in the middle of the lounge.
"Perhaps that isn't a bad thing at this moment in time." I said trying to be objective, a baby always made things more complicated.
"I only just got her back." He said softly, this time the emotion in his voice was unmistakable. I sighed as I walked over and laid my hand on his shoulder gently.
"You'll get her back, don't fret." I smiled as he peered up at me. "Now, please do me a favour Roman, go shower." I said seriously and he glared at me as he stood, I could tell that he wanted to make a snarky comment, but instead he just padded upstairs. I sighed once again as he did before plopping down on the couch, the last few days had taken a lot out of me.
I wanted to head out and make my way towards the hotel, but before I could think of anything like that my eyes slowly fluttered shut as I dozed off on Roman's couch.


P.O.V: Roman

I came back downstairs after having what I could only assume would be classified as a mental break down in the shower. I needed to call a repair man in to get one of the tiles replaced which I had punched in the height of my pique. I flexed my bruised knuckle as I headed down to the kitchen to retrieve the bag of blood which that woman had given me.
I was finding it hard to remember her name suddenly, I knew it started with L, but for the life of me I couldn't remember what it was. I shrugged eventually and decided to forget it, but there was a part of me which really wanted to know. There was something about her which intrigued me, perhaps it was because of the fact that she could possibly be just as screwed up as me.
The prospect of having someone understand me was definitely an appealing concept, but then again how much did I really know about this mystic witch.
As I headed towards the kitchen I was surprised to see a small figure on my couch. I walked over and smirked slightly as I looked down at her, her light brown hair had fanned out over her cheek, and her pale blue eyes were closed. She looked so peaceful laying there, my eyes then flickered to the bandage which just stuck out beneath the sleeve of her coat, they then travelled up to the bruises around her neck. I sighed softly, yet another person had to endure pain because of me; I truly was fucked up.
I sighed as I headed into the kitchen and retrieved the bag and proceeded to devour it's contents. It was a lot more satisfying than that whores blood the other night. I eventually finished and wiped my mouth with a hand towel before heading into the lounge.
I slowly lowered myself into the armchair and watched as the young woman on my couches chest rose and fell with each breath. I still couldn't quite fathom what all she had told me that day, it was a real mind-fuck, but then again that was the story of my life.
I had clearly dozed off too because I was awoken by the sound of knocking at my door. My eyes shot open as I stood quickly, the young woman stirred as the knocking intensified. Jesus, who the fuck was this eager to see me?
I swung the door open and found myself looking into a pair of almost emerald green eyes which had become increasingly familiar over the course of 24 hours. It was Donovan, for some unknown reason I knew his name, but not hers, that just irked me to now end.
"Is Lilian here?" He asked as he walked in casually. Bingo! Now I didn't have to look like a twat when I spoke to her next.
"Yea I'm here." I heard her call, I spun around to look at her.
"Well you look like shit." He commented and I felt a strange urge to defend her, perhaps it was because of the fact that her disheveled look had a lot to do with me.
"Fuck You Donovan." She sighed as she slowly stood up brushing her hair back from her face. In my opinion she looked anything but shit.
"Are you coming back to the hotel, or have you made a home for yourself here?" He asked and she glared at him as she fixed her coat.
"I don't see why you guys can't crash here." It was like my mouth had been possessed, those weren't words which I would usually offer freely.
"Um, no." Lillian said catching me off guard, I noticed as Donovan glared at her.
"That's a great offer, thank you Roman, we will happily accept. I'll go fetch our stuff, Hemlock sure as hell is lacking in the hospitality department. That bed I slept on was like a brick, and I'm sure anything you can offer will be a thousand times better." He said and I laughed slightly, Hemlock definitely wasn't known for its hotel business, or any such niceties.
"Donovan!" I heard Lillian hiss under her breath, I smirked slightly as she did, she was definitely different.
"I guess that is that then, you're staying." I smirked ever so slightly as I turned and headed into the kitchen to try and find something to throw together for dinner, I suddenly had house guests to cater for

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