The Change

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P.O.V: Lillian

My hand reached for the knife as one of the Dhampir grabbed ahold of Roman's throat. I brought the knife up to my arm and ran it across my skin like I had done in my dream, my blood flowed from the wound instantly.
The Dhampir's hand fell from Roman's neck then as it smelt my blood, I watched as Roman's face fell as he noticed my presence.
"Lillian no!" He said quickly as the Dhampir lunged for me then, I didn't hesitate to lift my knife and stab it into one of them as the other one took me to the ground.
"No you idiots! Forget her!" I heard Delphine yell as Roman ran over and lifted one of them up quickly and snapped their neck without hesitation. Peter bounded over and tackled one of them who had been holding him to the ground.
I pulled my knife from the one I had stabbed in the chest before I proceeded to slice the one which was on top of me's throat. He howled out as blood flowed onto my chest, my focus was entirely on killing this bastard. I had the upper hand though, I knew that this was going to happen, and I now had the ability to change it.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Delphine lunge for Roman, I was just about to get up and help him when the other Dhampir I had stabbed pinned me down as he tried to sink his teeth into me.
I tried to get out from beneath him as I heard Peter howl out in pain, I glanced in his direction and felt the creature on top of me dig his teeth into my arm.
My eyes narrowed as I grabbed the knife in my left hand and lunged it into his skull, I twisted the knife causing him to let go of me. I took the opportunity to kick him off of me before I dragged the knife across his chest and proceeded to rip his heart out. I then headed over to Peter who had been bitten by the one on top of him, I walked up behind the man who straddled Peters body and slit his throat before pushing him off of Peter.
I felt arms wrap around my neck as I did, Peter growled at the Dhampir which was trying to bite my neck. I backed up and hit her into the wall, her hold become looser as Peter ran up and jumped, as he did he grabbed her head in his jaw and proceeded to fling her across the room by her neck.
There was only one left then and he looked between the two of us wearily, I glanced down at Peter and nodded as we ran for him. My knife hit into his throat causing him to fall backwards as Peter burrowed his head in the mans chest and ripped out his still beating heart.
Now we only had Delphine left, she was still on top of Roman who was fighting hard to get out from under her. I noticed something sticking out from his chest then and my heart pounded as I walked over. She was just about to bite into his arm when Peter tackled her to the ground.
"Get off of me you vile animal!" She yelled as she kicked her legs in an attempt to get free. "I have to finish the change!" She yelled and I froze as I glanced down at Roman who laid there looking bewildered. Peter was just about to rip her heart out when I laid my hand on his back.
"Wait." I said softly as I knelt down beside Delphine and held my knife to her neck. "Now tell me what the fuck you've done to him." I demanded and she smirked.
"His Upir antibodies fought against the Dhampir venom, but now, now they can run through him freely." She said as she glanced at Romans body, I followed her gaze and watched as the Dhampir whose throat I had slit dragged himself over to Roman.
"Don't you fucking dare!" I hissed as I hurried over and managed to stop them just before he bit into Romans neck. I flipped him over and plunged the knife into his chest and drew the blade down before I reached in and grabbed his heart.
I heard Roman moan softly as I threw the heart across the room, Peter had just done the same to Delphine and I sighed.
They were finished, but I didn't think that this was over.
I hurried over to Romans side and pulled the large hypodermic needle from his chest, there was remnants of a strange purple serum inside. He was pale and looked bewildered as his eyes flickered around the room, I heard Peter start to change back behind me as I ran my hand over Roman's hair.
"It's okay, you're going to be okay." I said softly as he just continued to stare up at me, this was starting to scare me. Peter stumbled over then still bloody from the transformation and buck naked.
"What did she do to him?" Peter asked softly.
"I think she tried to change him, but I don't know how." I said as I pulled my phone out and dialled Pryce, he answered after the third ring.
"Johan, I need you to get ready I'm brining Roman in, he's lethargic and pale, he's been injected with some serum." My voice wavered as I said it.
"Is there serum left?" He asked and I glanced at the needle.
"There's a bit left." I said softly and grabbed the needle from the cement floor.
"Bring it to me, what is Roman doing now?" He asked and my heart dropped when I saw that his eyes were closed, I shakily reached out and managed to find a faint heart beat.
"He's out cold." I said softly.
"Get here as quickly as possible." He said and hung up as I glanced at Peter who was getting dressed in one of the Dhampir's clothes.
"Come on, we have to get him to the tower." I said and Peter nodded as he helped me carry him upstairs, we decided to just take the Mercedes and come back for the jag later. Peter was not in any condition to drive at the moment, and in all honesty neither was I. I had cut quite deeply into my forearm and I had lost a bit of blood so far, when we got into the car and Roman was safely in the back I ripped a piece of my shirt off and rapped it around my forearm.
"Why did you come?" Peter asked softly as I pulled away.
"Nadia showed me a vision where you were both dead." I said softly.
"Shit." He sighed as he glanced at me. "Her first vision didn't come true though, you're still alive and you kicked some real ass in there." He said giving me a weak smile.
"Yea, but they still did something to Roman." I said softly.
"You don't think he's going to become like one of them do you?" He asked softly and I shrugged, I hoped not, Roman would never be himself again if he turned into a Dhampir. The thirst alone would completely over power him, and he'd become his worst nightmare, he'd become a monster.
"I fucking hope not Peter." I said as I sped back into town.
We arrived at the tower not long after that and Pryce and two of his lab techs stood waiting. The two men in white lab coats hurried over to help us carry Roman to the stretcher. They laid him down slowly before they rushed him inside, as we walked in I handed Pryce the large hypodermic needle which he slipped into a specimen bag.
He led us down to SB-3 where they had set up a makeshift ward for Roman, the two lab techs got stuck into inserting an IV and attaching him to monitors.
"I think you two should go get cleaned up, and have that arm of yours looked at." He said as he slid a pair of gloves on.
"No I-." I started to say but he cut me off.
"It was not a request, now go." He said sternly and I felt Peter wrap his arm around me as Blinsky led us up to SB-1 where he showed Peter to a bathroom to clean up.
"Let me look at that arm of yours." Blinsky said and I nodded as I dizzily sat down on the cool metal table. He took my arm in his and inspected the wound.
"You just nicked an artery, it's a miracle you're not the one who's out of it." He said but I stayed quiet as he started to see to the wound, he proceeded to cauterise the artery before stitching up the two inch long cut.
"There's a part of me which wants to ask why Mr. Rumancek is covered in blood, but there is a part of me which knows better." He said as he disinfected the wound once more before bandaging it up.
"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you." I said softly as Peter headed back out, he was wearing a pair of white sweatpants and a matching white jumper with Godfrey Industries written on it.
"Feeling better?" He asked softly and I nodded, but it was a lie, how could I be okay until I knew what was happening with Roman?
"Why don't you go get cleaned up as well?" Blinksy suggested and I glanced down at my blood stained clothes, this look was happening much too often for my liking. He disappeared then and handed me a pair of sweats like Peter's, but just in a size small.
I padded into the bathroom and turned the shower on, the water pressure was shit, but I felt relieved as I watched the blood stained water run down the drain. They were gone, that meant something at least, we didn't have to worry about them anymore.
I eventually stepped out and grabbed a towel from the cupboard as I towelled my wet hair. I slipped the sweats on then and headed out to Peter as my wet hair dripped onto the grey material darkening it slightly.
Peter and I looked liked terrible twins as I sat down beside him on the metal table, Blinksy had seen to the bite which he had received on his shoulder while I had been in the bathroom.
"You look like you could do with a nap." I said softly and he nodded as he slowly laid his head on my lap. I ran my hand through his damp hair absentmindedly as the evenings events played through my mind slowly. Peters breathing started to slow as he dozed off, Blinsky glanced at us both and smiled slightly.
"You guys are all so close." He said softly as he tidied up the room just trying to keep busy.
"We are." I nodded in agreement as I looked down at Peter sadly.
"I doubt Roman would like this though." He said and I forced a small laugh, he was right, Roman would not like me being this close to any guy even Peter.
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him." I joked and Blinsky scoffed.
"Mr. Godfrey knows everything." He winked and I smiled slightly. "He'll be fine Lillian, if I know anything about him he's too hardass to die."
"I goddam hope so Klaus." I sighed as I pushed a stray piece of Peters hair away from his eye.
"You know, no one ever really calls me that, I've gotten so used to Blinsky that Klaus just seems foreign to me now." He laughed sadly.
"I'm sorry, Roman and Johan can both be a bit insensitive."
"That they can be." He nodded and shrugged as he leaned against a cabinet and looked over at me sadly.
"I think that both of them have had rough lives and they hide behind a hardened exterior." I said softly, there was so much truth to that.
"A lot of people have hard lives." He stated and I nodded in agreement.
"That they do." I agreed as Pryce walked in.
"How's he doing?" I asked, but was taken aback by the expression on Pryce's face, he looked confused, almost bewildered. I had never seen him like this before and it set me on edge, something serious must have happened to illicit this response from him. "Johan?" My voice was just above a whisper as I started to shake Peter awake, he moaned as I did, but when he saw Pryce he sat bolt upright and rubbed his eyes.
"This is very strange." Pryce muttered to himself.
"What is?" I asked seriously as he paced up and down.
"I tried to help him with this before, but that was a long and painful process, and this, this was quick and easy." He was still talking to himself as he paced, and I had had enough, I got up quickly and stormed over as I grabbed his shoulders.
"Tell me what the fuck is going on." I said through gritted teeth and watched as his eyes widened slightly.
"H-he's human." He said and my brows furrowed as I bit the inside of my cheek.
"How the fuck is that even possible?" I asked seriously.
"He went through gene replacement therapy with me a few months ago, we almost succeeded with replacing his Upir genomes with human ones, but as I say it was long and painful. This serum that they used is something I've never seen before, it's molecular structure is something completely foreign to me." He said softly.
"So he's okay? He's just human now?" Peter asked and Pryce inhaled deeply as he shook his head.
"Lillian, tell me why they wanted Roman to be human." He asked.
"They wanted to turn him into a Dhampir, Delphine said something about the venom not being able to work when he was Upir." I said softly and Pryce nodded.
"Yes, it makes sense. Both Roman and Olivia were what was referred to as pure Upir, Olivia's blood line was very much coveted until the gypsy's and wolves overthrew their reign. Roman's Upir makeup if you will would be coveted by all, and I'm assuming his aunt would have wanted to use him for a particular purpose, even as a Dhampir Roman would have been remarkable." He said and I inhaled deeply.
"Yea all good and well, he's fucking special, but what does that mean for him now?" Peter asked seriously.
"The serum has had quite a strange effect on his biological makeup, his cells have begun to age at twice their usual rate, and I'm not certain what to do about it. Given the fact that he's marrying an immortal and both of his children are ones as well it would be a miracle if he's not dead within the next fifty years." I felt my stomach drop as he said it, fifty years, that was all we got?
"There has to be a way." I said softly and Pryce just shook his head slowly.
"The only chance we have is to find a way to make him immortal again." Pryce said softly, I turned from him then and ran my hands through my hair thoroughly exasperated by the entire situation.
"I can help him turn." Peter said and I shook my head slowly, I knew that Roman would hate to be a werewolf. "Then what bright ideas do you have Lillian?" Peter asked seriously and I glared at him.
"Give me some fucking time, okay!" I seethed and watched him recoil slightly.
"Jeez, okay, fine, there's no need to bite my fucking head off." We were both on edge, and it wasn't overly conducive to anything constructive.
"Can I see him?" I asked softly and Pryce nodded.
"He headed up to his office after I told him." He said softly and I nodded as I headed out to the elevator. I rode it up to Roman's office as I tried to figure out what the hell I could do, as I neared his floor though something dawned on me, maybe there was a way.

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