The Launch

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P.O.V: Lillian

Monday came much too soon, the weekend had flown by and I was rushed off of my feet. I had final errands to run for the launch, and I had to still write a press release for Tuesday. The challenge was enjoyable though, and I wasn't complaining.
The one thing which keeping busy offered me was the ability to keep my mind off of our other problems. Destiny and my outfits were delivered the day before and Roman and Peter were both been fitted on Saturday. Roman had a red and brown tweed suit made which he had paired with a white silk shirt, he was going to forgo a tie and keep it unbuttoned. It was a different look on him, but I sure as hell didn't mind it, we were just matched enough to look like we belonged together, but not enough so that we looked cliche.
I sat in his office early that morning as I ensured that all of our guests were on their way safely. All sixty guests had RSVPed, it was going to be one of the most talked about events in the biotech industry for awhile.
Roman walked in then, he was wearing an avocado green jumper which I had bought for him from Nordstrom, his black long sleeve v-neck just peeked out under the jumper, and his black jeans fitted perfectly. My favourite part of his outfit was most definitely the socks, they had little cute basset hounds on them.
"Good morning beautiful." He smiled as he walked behind me and ran his hands down the front of my silk robe. His fingers skimmed across the lace of my bra, I bit my lip slightly as he did. His lips made their way to my neck then, I moaned slightly as I moved away from him.
"I do not have the time Mr. Godfrey." I said as I slowly got up to go and refill my cup with some more french roast. As soon as I stood I felt Roman spin me before his strong hands travelled down my thighs, and the next thing I knew my legs were wrapped around his waist as his head was buried in my neck again. "God, you're insistent." I sighed as I ran my fingers through his hair.
"I'll be quick." He said as he set me down before leading me over to the couch in the corner of his office. He shut the door quickly before he instructed me to lay down, I did as I was untold and undid the sash of my robe letting it fall off of my shoulder slightly. "You Miss. Cassidy are breathtaking." He said as his hands started to slide up my thighs, what he did next could only be described as magic. He knew exactly what I liked, and it didn't take long before I was thoroughly spent as he slowly slid my underwear back up my thighs.
"You're evil Godfrey." I smirked as I kissed him gently tasting myself on his lips.
"As you said the other day, I have ways to destress you." He winked, he always had a way of using my own words against me. "Now go get dressed, we need to go make sure everything is set up correctly." He said and I nodded before hurrying upstairs. I pulled on a pair of navy bell bottom suit pants which I paired with a black silk blouse which I tucked in quickly, I then grabbed a pair of black five inch Louise Vuittons and a black leather jacket. I tossed my hair up into a messy bun before walking out quickly, I headed into Nadia's nursery where Maria had just gotten her dressed.
As soon as I walked in she started to babble happily as she held her arms out to me. I grabbed one of the thick winter coats I had bought for her and put it on her before I continued downstairs to find Roman. He had just finished his cup of morning nutrient and raised an eyebrow as he looked at Nadia.
"I need my assistant Roman, she's played a vital role in all of this." I winked as I carried her out to the G class, I tied her into her car chair as Roman got in behind the wheel.
"I've been meaning to tell you something." Roman said as I got in beside him.
"And what's that?" I asked as I grabbed a pair of my sunglasses from the cubby hole.
"Pryce did it." He said cryptically, at first I was beyond confused, but as I thought about it my heart fluttered.
"You mean we are going to have a baby?" I asked as the elation was replaced with the bitter sweet feeling I had whenever I thought about my and Romans future.
"We are going to have a baby." He nodded and I felt tears sting my eyes, now that it was really happening a small pit formed in my stomach as I thought about never being able to meet our baby boy. "There is one issue though." He said and I looked up at him worriedly.
"Pryce seems to only have an affinity for creating girls, he wasn't able to get it right for a boy, but I am not overly upset about that." He laughed and I grinned as I glanced back at Nadia.
"You hear that baby girl, you're going to be a big sister." She smiled as I said it and waved her hands slightly.
"You're amazing with her." Roman said softly as he laid his hand on my thigh.
"So are you babe." I laid my hand over his as we pulled up to the Mill, it was buzzing that morning. A path had been carved towards the marques where a black carpet would be laid later that day. Red roses in black marble vases lined the pathway and fairy lights had been strung up all around.
We got out and Roman reached back and grabbed Nadia from her car seat, he proceeded to walk around the car and took my hand in his, the first thing we registered was Pryce's stern voice. He was in one of the smaller marquee giving orders on where to place the holographic projectors.
"Well good morning family." He smiled as he walked over and bopped Nadia on her nose gently. 
"Good morning Pryce, you ready for tonight?" Roman asked and Pryce nodded as he looked around the room.
"You two have pulled something quite great together, even if I do say so myself." His praise meant quite a lot given that he was usually so hard to please.
"We want to showcase your hard work Johan, and strike the fear of God into our competition." I smirked.
"I now see why you've employed her Roman." He winked and Roman laughed slightly as Nadia looked down at the ground.
"Down." She said softly and I watched as Roman froze slightly.
"Did she just talk?" He asked wide eyed, I nodded as he slowly set her down, she started to crawl around the white floor which had been laid for the night.
"She said dada the other day, and I didn't correct her." I said seriously and Pryce smirked as he slowly walked back over to the podium which had been erected.
"She can't call me dad Lil." He sighed and I shook my head slowly.
"Yes she can, she isn't even a year old so she will never know better, and you are her dad, even if Donovan had really been her father you would always end up being her dad." I said in a hushed tone and Roman rubbed his temple.
"So what, can she call you mum then?" He asked and I sighed.
"That is very different Roman."
"But going off of your argument you are her mum, you are the one that's raising her, one day I'll tell her about Letha, but for now you're her mother." He said and I glanced down at the ground as he said it, I sure as hell loved her like my own daughter.
"We will see, maybe she'll just call me Lily, and if she does we leave it, okay?" I asked and he nodded in quiet agreement.
I smiled as I kissed his cheek gently before I knelt down beside Nadia who was inspecting a small pebble which had been trekked in by someone at some point.
"Let's head next door, okay?" I said and held my hand out, she haphazardly stood and took my hand as she walked slightly off kilter into the main marquee.
"I have missed so much." Roman said as he took her little hand in his as well as we walked around the room where ten circular white tables had been erected. In the centre of each there was an arrangement of black lilies and gold painted accents. The table settings were black and gold placemats with gold cutlery, a large gold chandelier hung in the middle of the marquee and would illuminate the room later than evening.
"This really looks amazing Lil." Roman said as he glanced around the room happily.
"I hope you mean it, we still have time to make a few changes." I said quickly and he shook his head slowly.
"It's perfect like you." He winked and I rolled my eyes as I bent down and picked Nadia up before walking into the last marquee, the DJ booth was being set up as we did.
"The DJ is the only thing you might not agree with." I said softly, the guests we were expecting were a bit archaic, and the DJ might not go down well.
"Who did you get?" He asked and I inhaled deeply.
"You know the chainsmokers?" I asked and he looked down at me for a second before it seemed to click.
"The ones who DJ'ed the song closer?" He asked and I nodded.
"They were available, and they cost less than Calvin Harris, and I like their music." I said and he laughed.
"Who cares about what the old fossils think, even if it's just the four of us on the floor then I'm happy, this is our evening not theirs." He smiled and I relaxed slightly, we had said that we were modernising this a bit. "How much is this costing the company?" He ventured to ask and I laughed slightly.
"Including the demolition costs?" I asked and he nodded slowly.
"Just over seven hundred." I said and he seemed okay with that.
"I can live with that." He smiled as he kissed the tip of my nose before leading me out to the area where loungers and more fairy lights had been set up, this was where we were going to watch the demolition of the Mill. Large lights had been set up around the sight so that people could see it when the C4 went off.
"Let's just hope it all goes down without a hitch." I smiled and he nodded as he wrapped his arm around me and kissed Nadia's head gently.
"I'll see you two later." Pryce said as we started to head back to the car.
"You feeling okay about the speech tonight?" Roman asked and Pryce scoffed.
"I have been ready to give this speech for a month now, I just want it over and done with, I have a friend waiting for me afterwards." He winked and I grinned as we waved at him, I tied Nadia in before we headed back home.
"We should consider starting to get done soon." Roman stated, an hour and a half had passed since we had left the house, our guests were going to start arriving at the Mill at six, and it was now just before one in the afternoon.
"We'll have lunch and then go have a bath." I smiled as we pulled into the garage, Peter and Destiny had clearly just had a swim, they had both made themselves right at home.
"What do you guys feel like for lunch?" Roman asked as I started to make Nadia some pureed pumpkin and carrots.
"Why don't Peter and I make us something?" Destiny offered and Roman nodded as he walked over and attempted to help me with Nadia's meal. I eventually nudged him from the kitchen so that I could finish it up, I handed him the bowl and her spoon as I finished, he looked a bit shocked as I did.
"The food goes in her mouth, if she spits it out just scoop it back up and put it back in." I winked as I poured myself a glass of wine and sat down beside him as Destiny and Peter started to throw lunch together.
Watching Roman feed Nadia was entertaining to say the least, he looked so tense as he tried to get her to keep the food in her mouth.
"You're doing good daddy." I said softly and watched as a slight blush painted his cheeks.
"You make it look so easy." He grumbled and Nadia laughed splattering orange mush everywhere. "You're lucky your cute." He said through gritted teeth as he wiped his jumper with a cloth to remove the mushy mess.
"Lunch is ready." Peter said as they handed us each a steak and egg sandwich, I grinned as I dug in, having the two Rumancek's around gave everything a more relaxed vibe which was a good contrast to my and Roman's lives.
Nadia reached out for Romans sandwich and we both chuckled as he moved his plate away from her.
"Shit, we are going to have to keep an eye on her." Peter laughed as he cut a tiny piece of steak for Nadia, I watched cautiously as he handed it to her. She chewed it slowly using the few teeth she had and proceeded to hold her hand out to Peter again.
"More." She said softly and I laughed as I took her bowl from Roman.
"So much for pumpkin and carrots." I sighed as I went and rinsed her dishes. Maria appeared then and Roman instructed her to feed Nadia tiny pieces of steak while we went upstairs to get done.
"She's a worry." Roman laughed as he started to get undressed as we got to our room.
"That she is." I chuckled as I unbuttoned my shirt and let it fall the floor before I walked in and started to run us a bath.
"How's your press release coming along?" I heard Roman ask as he walked in behind me and wrapped his arms around my bare waist.
"It's done and dusted." I smirked as I turned around and realised instantly that he was completely naked. "You're cheeky today." I grinned as I kissed him gently.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He winked as he started to undo my pants slowly. I reached out and placed my hand on his chest getting him to stop.
"You better behave otherwise I will leave you here all by your lonesome." I warned, he rolled his eyes as he leaned in and kissed me passionately, I wanted to push him away but instead I did the opposite. He continued to push my pants and underwear down before lifting me up and placing me between the sinks on the vanity.
He was between my legs in a second, I moaned as he started to work his magic. One thing which no one could ever say about Roman Godfrey was that he wasn't a very talented lover.
The bath was practically overfilling by the time we both finished up breathlessly. I leaned my head on his shoulder as I tried to catch my breath, I started to laugh slightly as I sat there.
"What?" Roman asked softly as his long fingers snakes under my chin and made me look at him.
"You're just fucking amazing." I smirked and kissed him before I moved past him and quickly turned the faucet off before letting some of the hot water out of the bath.
"Why thank you darling." He winked as he slowly lowered himself into the bath, I got in beside him as we just relaxed for a bit before getting done.
We ventured out into the bedroom eventually, it was just after four already, time always seemed to fly on days like this.
I pulled my pale pink robe on as I sat down at my dressing table in the closet as I started to do my hair. I curled it and started to put the front into a slight up-do while I left the rest to flow down my back. I applied a bit of foundation before applying some winged eyeliner and some bright red matte lipstick.
I stopped what I was doing as I watched Roman slide his suit pants on and tucked his shirt in, he noticed me watching and winked as he put his brown belt on and headed over.
He sat down at his dressing table and haphazardly slicked his hair back giving it a more rustic look that usual. I liked this look on him, he was always so immaculate, but when he let himself be more casual I always found him somewhat more attractive than usual. He then slid his silver and sapphire ring on his right hand before putting the watch which I had bought him on his left wrist.
"You're looking very handsome tonight." I smiled as he slid on his socks and smirked at me.
"I think you should just go like that." He winked as he walked behind me and gently massaged my shoulders as I took one of my necklaces from my jewellery box and handed it to Roman. He gently clasped it and kissed the back of my neck before he went to finish getting done.
I stood and removed my jumpsuit from the Chanel garment bag and slipped it on. I fixed the off the shoulder sleeve and grabbed a pair of six inch spiked Jimmy Choos from my shoes rack. I had to marvel at how much my wardrobe had grown since I had moved in here with Roman. Like he said if I was dating a Godfrey I had to dress like one, and I wasn't complaining about it.
I slipped my shoes on before I grabbed a black dress coat from its hanger and walked out to Roman. I laid my coat next to his jacket on the bed before I sat beside him on the chaise lounge, it looked like he had something on his mind as he sat there.
"What's up?" I asked as I ran my hand up his legs slowly.
"I have something for you." He said softly as he stood and headed into the closet, I watched as he disappeared for a moment before returning with a small jewellery box.
My heart skipped a best as he knelt down in front of me, I had a feeling about what was coming and I wasn't certain how I felt about it. Saying yes to him would be selfish of me, but saying no could break him. I wanted nothing more than to marry this man who had become my whole life, but I also didn't want to make my death any more painful for him.
I felt tears fill my eyes as he opened the box revealing a stunning pink diamond ring.
"Lillian Cassidy, these last two months and a half have made me realise just how empty my life was before I met you. I cannot imagine spending a second apart from you, and I cannot think of anything better than you being by my side for the rest of our lives. I love you with all my heart Lil, so will you do me the honour of being my wife?" He asked softly and I swallowed hard as I nodded, I guess I was going to be a selfish bitch after all.
He took my left hand in his and slid the ring onto my finger, is fit perfectly and was absolutely dazzling.
"I love you Rome." I said as I held back my tears as I kissed him gently, I laid my forehead against his as I took in what had just happened.
"I'm so glad you said yes." He grinned like a little school boy as he ran his thumb across my cheek.
"Why wouldn't I have?" I asked softly and he scoffed.
"To a lot of people it might seem like we are running at a thousand miles a minute, but to me I know I've found the one." He smiled as he kissed me again gently, I smiled against his lips before I slowly pulled away and admired the stunning ring. "Do you like it?" He asked softly and I nodded.
"It's perfect, just like my fiancé." I smiled as he stood and held his hand out to me.
"Let's go have a celebratory drink before we go." He smiled and I nodded as he led me from the room as he grabbed our jackets.
We headed downstairs to where Peter was helping Destiny zip up her dress, her long unruly hair was pulled up away from her face and she looked beautiful. I headed over and took over from Peter, I moved her hair out of the way as I zipped the Versace dress up.
"You look like a million bucks." I smiled and she grinned at me as she did a small twirl.
"I think we should ditch the guys tonight and go and slay." She winked and I grinned as I glanced at Roman who clearly did not like that idea.
"I don't think my fiancée would agree." I smirked as Destiny looked at me wide eyed before turning to face Roman.
"You didn't." She said as she grabbed my left hand and scoffed."He did." She said and shook her head slowly as she showed my hand to Peter.
"Jesus, did you buy her a gold mine too?" He asked as he walked over and patted Romans shoulder. "You two are great together, I'm really happy for you." He smiled as he glanced between the two of us.
"Yea, congrats." Destiny said as she hugged me tightly to her.
"I'll go grab the bubbles." Peter winked as he hurried down to the cellar, he returned with a vintage bottle of Krug which Roman had been saving. He handed the bottle to Roman who did the honours and poured us each a flute.
"To Roman and Lillian, and their whirlwind romance." Peter toasted and we all clinked glasses happily, the late fall sky was already painted red and orange, it was a beautiful sight to behold as we moved out onto the veranda as we celebrated our engagement with the only other people we cared about.
"No matter how much I hate him I have to admit that you two are actually good together." Destiny conceded and I smiled as I hugged her tightly.
"I just hope I'm not giving him false hopes." I sighed, Destiny was the only one who knew about Nadia's vision which she had shown me, and she shared my same fears.
"What will be will be Lil, you deserve to be happy for now." She whispered as Roman and Peter started to approach us, the whir of a helicopter sounded then and my brows furrowed as glistening helicopter emblazoned with the Godfrey name landed in the back yard.
"This is not what I had planned." I said and glared at Roman who smirked.
"I called the limo company and told them that their services were no longer needed." I chuckled as he said it as we hurried inside to grab our coats. Destiny linked her arm with mine as she led me out towards the helicopter as Roman and Peter pulled their jackets on.
"Our boys look good tonight." I smiled as I glanced at them over my shoulder.
"They do shine up pretty good, Peter has never looked this good before, he also hasn't looked this happy in a a long time. You did us all a huge favour when you brought us back Lil, you're truly amazing." I squeezed her hand gently as she said it.
As we reached the helicopter the pilot lowered the stairs and helped Destiny and I in, we got buckled in and placed the earphones on as the men graced us with their presence. We all got buckled in as the pilot took off, he took us on a scenic flight of Hemlock as we went, we sure as hell had time to kill.
"It's beautiful." I smiled as we flew over the mountain ranges towards the South-West of town, snow had started to stick on the top of the mountains and it truly was a sight.
"It sure is." I heard Roman say through the headphones as he pulled me closer to him. We took a thirty minute detour and as we flew towards the Mill I noticed that people had started to arrive. The Pilot proceeded to touch down on a piece of ground which had been levelled for us, the Pilot helped us all out slowly before he got back into the helicopter and shut the doors.
Roman took my hand in his as we headed in through the east entrance of the marquee, guests had already filtered in and we greeted them as we headed into the first marquee where Pryce stood talking to some of the other CEO's.
"Ah Roman." Pryce smiled and pulled him into the conversation quickly, I watched as Peter rolled his eyes as he listened to them talking about genome therapy.
"Welcome to the life of a Godfrey." I winked as I walked over to the bar with them and got us each a drink.
"I don't think I like it." Destiny said and we all laughed as Justin walked over, his pretty wife followed diligently behind him.
"Good evening Lillian, this is definitely not what I was expecting, but it looks great." He smiled as he held his hand out to me and I shook it slowly as he looked Destiny up and down. "And who is this beauty?" He asked as he held his hand out to her slowly.
"This is Destiny Rumancek, my right hand girl." I smirked as Destiny shook his hand before lacing her arm through mine once again.
"And I'm Peter." Peter said and I smiled as Justin took his hand and shook it quickly before turning his attention back to Destiny.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Destiny." He smiled before glancing at Peter. "And you Peter." He said quickly before walking off to find Roman.
"Someone's got an admirer." I laughed as I took a sip of my whiskey and watched as he approached Roman quickly.
"Is he loaded?" Destiny asked, I choked on the whiskey in my mouth and cough as I leaned against the bar as I laughed and nodded.
"Yea he's pretty loaded, we went to his gala couple of weeks back." I explained and she nodded slowly as she watched him.
"Don't get any ideas." Peter cautioned and I grinned as I walked over to one of the other gentleman which I recognised from the gala, I shook his hand slowly and we chatted idly for a moment before Peter came and saved me from the boring conversation.
"Why do you do this to yourselves? These people are even more self-absorbed than Roman, and that's saying something." Destiny said as another man walked past and checked us both out.
"Money, that is the only reason." I shrugged as I reached up and tucked a stray piece of her hair behind her ear.
"That's going to make some of these old farts pop a gasket." She snickered as I sat down on one of the high back black and gold bar stools.
"Maybe we should make out, we'd wipe out the whole room." I laughed and she smirked as she looked at me with a hint of mischief in her eyes.
"You are not making out with my fiancee Destiny." Roman cautioned as he walked over quickly.
"You're no fun Roman, and it was Lil's suggestion in the first place." She grinned, I elbowed her as I looked up at Roman playfully.
"Come on, these two are going to get you in trouble." He said as he held his hand out to me and I took it slowly.
"Where are we going?" I asked as he led me over to two very serious looking gentleman.
"Our European competition." He said softly and I nodded as I walked up and greeted them both.
"I see you've progressed beyond whores and one night stands then, hey Godfrey." The one man said and playfully nudge Roman who forced a small smile.
"I definitely have." Roman said in a low tone as I glanced at the two men and smiled.
"I think it is amazing how progressive our European counterparts have been with their civil unions, you two make a striking couple." I smiled and watched as the two men took a small step apart.
"We are not a couple." The other one said in a thick Russian accent while the German glanced down at the floor.
"My deepest apologies, I must have misinterpreted your body language, I hope you two have a great evening." I smirked as I took Romans hand in mine and led him away.
"Jesus Lil." He laughed as he grabbed ahold of my waist and turned me to face him.
"They need to learn some respect Roman, they don't come into our house and shit everywhere without some repercussions, and I'm sorry they really did look like they were together, they even have matching ties." I said seriously and he scoffed as he glanced back over at the two men who were clearly self conscious now.
"I thought the same thing." He winked as we headed back over to Peter and Destiny who were entertaining a few of the wives.
"Enjoying yourselves?" I asked Destiny as one of the doormen came to inform me that everyone had arrived.
"Very much actually, we aren't actually as fucked up as we think we are, some of these woman have some real fucking baggage." She laughed.
"I know and they are all so submissive, it makes my skin crawl." I sighed as I watched them return to their husbands sides as the lights dipped as Roman held his hand out to me before we headed over the podium beside Johan.
"Show time." Roman said and patted Pryce's shoulder. Roman slowly stepped up onto the podium and cleared his throat as he surveyed the crowd who stood waiting in quiet anticipation.
"This year has been a huge year for the Biotech industry." Roman started and I watched as some pf the men quietly congratulated each other. "But, it is about to get a lot better, our resident genius Johan Pryce has revolutionised the field of curative medicine in a way which I myself cannot even believe. This is an endeavour two years in the making, and we are beyond proud to be releasing this technology globally. I'll let Johan come up and explain the technology to you all, he will do it a lot more justice than I ever can." He smiled as he gestured to Pryce who walked up to the mic slowly.
"Thank you Roman, this year has been huge, and we are only ramping up to bigger better thing here at the institute, but to begin I would like to introduce you all to Omega." He said as the protectors turned on revealing a microscopic device which was blown up. "Omega is a fully equipped, intelligent device which has been programmed to identify rapidly producing cells such as cancer cells and directly target such cells with medications which will be catered to each patients needs. Omega has the ability to distinguish between irregularly mutated cells, and other rapidly regenerating cells such as hair follicles. Omega limits the requirement for damaging radiotherapy treatments, it also alleviates hair loss, and significantly decreases nausea. In a randomly controlled trial of two thousand cancer patients battling varying types of cancer we observed a 82% success rate with Omega alone, and a 98% success rate when Omega was coupled with low dose radiation therapy. We here at the Godfrey Institute have revolutionised the way in which cancer will be treated, and as off tomorrow millions of cancer patients around the world will begin to reap the benefits of this non-invasive treatment." He smiled as images flashed across the projectors, the room was silent for a moment as the competition took in what the Institute had to offer before they broke out into applause.
Roman stepped back up then and shook Pryce's hand before taking his spot on the podium.
"If you would all like to join us in the dinning room now as we celebrate this phenomenal feat." Roman smiled as I hugged Pryce before the two of us headed into the dining room together.
"Did I do okay?" He asked softly and I was surprised by his sudden need for reassurance.
"You dumbed it down just enough so that everyone could understand, and we have left them quaking in their boots." I smiled as I kissed his cheek gently before pulling my chair out slowly, none of the other CEO's were at our table. It was Roman, Destiny, Peter, Pryce, Blinsky, and myself, we could tell that people were eagerly checking their table placements to see how close they were to our table.
We sat down then as the entrée was promptly brought out to the tables and champaign started to pour left right and centre.
"I'm surprised that we're at the big kids table." Peter said as he sat down to Romans right.
"You're our personal guests, this is exactly where you belong." Roman stated simply as he dug into the quail starter.
I smiled as I sat back and took a small sip of my champaign, Pryce smirked as he watched me closely.
"I do believe another toast is in order." He said as he raised an eyebrow, I glanced at my ring and grinned. "I never thought that I'd see the day when Mr. Roman Godfrey found a woman he was ready to settle down with, but I sure as hell am glad that it is you Lillian." He smiled as he raised his glass to us.
"Thank you Johan." Roman smiled.
The rest of dinner was divine, and every time someone from our table would leave another person would jump right into their seats and try to talk to Roman or Pryce, it was actually amusing watching them vie for their attention.
Dinner eventually finished just before ten, as soon as everyone was finished Roman stood and invited people out to our little viewing area. We had made the wise decision to scatter heaters throughout the marquees and we had put a few more out here as well.
Everyone huddled outside as we gave the demolition crew the one minute signal as Roman stepped up onto one of the seats which we had set up outside.
"Tonight we have introduced you to one of Godfrey Industries biggest feats, but we are also saying goodbye to a piece of Godfrey History, and I would like to thank all of your for your involvement along this journey. I would like to give special thanks to Dr. Johan Pryce, our friends Destiny and Peter for being here with us this evening, and my beautiful fiancee Lillian for planning this whole evening. Please if you will all now help us say goodbye to the Steel Mill." He smiled as the loud explosions started to sound behind him. He hopped off the chair and headed to my side as we watched the mammoth of a building begin to crumble in on itself.
"And just like that it's gone." He said softly and I nodded as the final explosions sounded, it was actually quite a spectacle to behold and we heard little gasps from our guests as they watched on.
I looked up at him as people started to file back inside after they applauded our little show.
"I love you." I said softly as I kissed him gently.
"I love you too Lil, and you've gone above and beyond tonight."
"So have you Mr. Godfrey." I said as I indicated to the large ring on my finger.
"That's nothing babe." He scoffed as he wrapped his arm around me as we looked over the rumble once more.
"It's a promise, and it's my whole life, you and Nadia, and our other little girl, you guys are my world." I said softly and he smiled as he kissed me again. We heard music start to play inside then and Destiny came hurrying out with her heels in her hands as she reached out for my hand and led me out onto the dance floor. We started to dance and people were hesitant at first, just like I had expected them to be, but gradually people started to walk out and at least bop around to the music.
Destiny and I were going for it though and I eventually pulled Roman into it, the two of us were dancing around him and going by the grin on his face he was enjoying himself. I felt Peters hands on my waist eventually as he pulled me to him, Destiny and Roman kept dancing as Peter and I moved along to the music.
After awhile we swapped partners and carried on, Roman pulled me close to him eventually as he kissed me breathlessly. He had discarded his jacket at some stage and he was definitely enjoying himself, many of the younger wives were also having a blast, but there was a throng of grumpy looking older men sipping their whiskey as they looked on.
One of the men started to get handsy with Destiny, she was trying to get away from him, I shook my head slowly as I walked over and grabbed her hand as the two of us started to dance together chest to chest.
The man huffed as he quickly stormed off, we both laughed as he did.
"I hate to admit it, but you two are kind of hot." Roman said as he walked over with his jacket over his shoulder and a whiskey in his hand. I took his tumbler from him and had a small sip as I winked over the glass.
"Don't get any ideas." Destiny cautioned and we both packed out laughing.
It was well after midnight by the time that the party started to die down, but the four of us were still going strong. One of the young blondes had commandeered Roman from me and Justin quickly stepped in in his absence.
"You two are definitely out to impress tonight." He said as he pulled me a bit too close to him for my liking.
"We don't need to impress Justin, our work speaks volumes for us." I smiled and I could feel him tense up at my words.
"What are you insinuating?" He was definitely drunk, I could smell the alcohol permeate from his skin.
"Nothing Justin." I said seriously as I slowly tried to step back, but he grabbed onto my elbows tightly. "Let me go." I said seriously and he smirked as he closed the gap again.
"I can offer you more than he can, why don't you bring that friend of yours home with me and we can have some fun." He winked, I quickly pushed him away which did not go down well with him. "You bitch." He seethed as he stepped closer to me. Before I knew it Roman and Peter stood between me and him, Roman towered above him and glared down at him.
"Get out Justin." He said through gritted teeth as Destiny came and wrapped her arms around me protectively. Some of the guards who I had hired started to walk closer, Justin held his hands up and stepped back slowly as soon as they neared.
"I'll go." He said as his wife hurried to his side as they walked out side by side.
"You okay?" Roman asked as he turned around and laid his hands on my shoulders.
"I'm fine, thank you guys." I sighed as I sat down slowly on one of the plush benches which we had by the floor. The party started to wind down then, people came and thanked us for a great evening, many of them said that they couldn't wait until we had another party. We farewelled them all and thanked the DJ's before we headed back over to the helicopter which had arrived back half an hour ago.
We were helped up and were taken straight home, we were all buzzing from the festivities a bit. We got home just before two in the morning and walked in quietly, I set my heels down beside the piano in the parlour before heading over to the lounge where I collapsed onto the couch.
"Tonight was good." Destiny smiled as she lifted my legs before sitting down and laying the on top of her lap.
"You guys do realise that you have to invite us to all your parties now right?" Peter asked as he grabbed a bottle of tequila and walked over while Roman grabbed the shot glasses.
They poured us each a shot and I apprehensively downed mine, I had lost track of how champaign I had had and I was definitely a bit tipsy.
All it took was three shots before I dozed off on the couch with the glass still in my hand. The rest of the nights happenings was a complete mystery to me.
I didn't know what time it was when a knock at the door woke me up. I woke up on the couch with Destiny on the ground in front of me, Roman laid on the three seater across from me and Peter was in the armchair. There was coke residue on the counter and burnt out joints in the ashtray as well as a empty bottle of Petron. They definitely continued to party hard after I had fallen asleep, the knock came again and I sighed as I stopped up on the couch and jumped over the back of it as to not disturb Destiny.
I was walking on my pant legs of my jumpsuit without the assistance of my heels, I sighed as I headed over to the door and opened it slowly.
My heart skipped a beat as I registered who it was.
"Good Morning Sherif, what can I do for you?" I asked softly as I glanced back at our disheveled lounge.

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