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A/N: I hope you guys enjoy, I'm heading back to Uni on Monday and as a result I am unable to post three times a week like I have been doing, I'll always post on a Monday & maybe on a Saturday if I am able to. Sorry for this guys, but I'll always post at least one part a week.
~ M 💚
We pulled up to the tower, both Peter and I scurried to get Roman out, I heard Destiny pull in behind then. I got her to grab Roman's wallet from his pocket, she pulled out the swipe card and let us in.
I didn't even know if Pryce was here, but from what Roman said it sounded like the guy lived here.
We got into the elevator and I told Destiny which buttons to press, I sighed as I tried to fix my hands under Romans arms, for a skinny guy he was still bloody heavy.
The elevator eventually reached the sub-basement and we quickly carried Roman in. I glanced around and didn't initially see Pryce, so Peter and I proceeded to him down on the metal autopsy table.
I stepped back and turned to go and find Pryce, I was shocked to find myself face to face with him as I did. He had a small smile on his face as he looked me up and down, we had only met the once, and I could tell that he wasn't certain about me.
"I see you've brought me a Roman, how thoughtful." He quipped as he walked to Romans side and glanced down at him.
"C-can you help him?" I asked softly and watched as Pryce leaned against the wall and folded his arms.
"You come in here and steal from me, and then proceed to go fornicate in my parking lot, and yet you still have the audacity to ask me to help you?" His voice was cold and my brow furrowed as Peter stepped forward.
"Last time I checked this was Romans company, and I'm pretty sure you have some kind of obligation to help him." Peter said seriously and Pryce chuckled.
"He only owns 55% of this place, and I don't have an obligation to anyone." He shrugged, I felt myself tense up as he said it. I stepped forward then, we were almost chest to chest as I looked up at him seriously.
"You listen to me, I brought you back and I can sure as hell return you to the soil just as fast." My voice was low as I said it and watched him squirm.
"Fine, fine, but that does not mean you and Roman are forgiven!" He said seriously as he walked over to Roman and started to check his vitals. "So what happened?" He asked as he shone a torch in Romans eyes before turning to face me.
"He was um, possessed." Destiny stated and Pryce's face clouded.
"Possessed?" He scoffed.
"Yes possessed, and then he had a seizure." I said seriously, it was obvious that Pryce wasn't overly eager to believe us, but he couldn't deny the fact that something had happened to Roman.
"I'll have him moved to an observation room, I'll also have a few scans done seeing as this isn't the first time this has happened."
"He's been possessed before?" Peter asked and Pryce shot him a look before rolling his eyes.
"No he's had a seizure before, but that was because of a concussion. Do tell me what type of substances you all indulged in this evening." Pryce said and I worked my jaw, this little man was starting to irk me.
"We haven't taken anything! We are perfectly sober and sane!" I watched as Pryce raised an eyebrow and leaned down, he proceeded to sniff Romans jumper.
"I do believe I sense traces of marijuana, clearly not entirely sober. The seizure could have been caused by that." He offered, I heard Peter scoff as he shook his head.
"There's no way Romans seizure was caused by the weed, he's done a shit ton more than that before." He said defensively and I sighed.
"Can we just drop it and focus on Roman?" I asked and Pryce nodded slowly as he reached out and pressed a button on a wall. Three people in lab coats hurried in then and I looked at them slightly surprised, did these people ever sleep? Pryce instructs the little lab rats to move Roman to the hospital wing and to preform a MRI.
"How long is it going to take about?" I asked softly.
"It'll take a good hour to finish the scans, you're more than welcome to wait in his ward." Pryce said seriously as he watched as the three people moved Roman to the stretcher. "I'll have my assistant show you up." He said as he gestured at one of the men to show me out.
"I think we'll head back to mine, keep us posted." Destiny said and hugged me before her and Peter left with Romans swipe card in hand, I doubted that he'd get that back anytime soon.
A short balding man showed me to a ward, he was a lot nicer than Pryce and I was glad that he had shown me the way. I sat down on the black armchair in the ward and waited worriedly, I felt so responsible for this.

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