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A/N: I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone whose read this so far. My aim is to post a new part every few days, so keep your eyes peeled. Please do let me know what you think, and leave a vote.
P.S. The parts will start getting longer & more interesting soon 😉
~ M 💚

The following morning was going to be interesting, I got up and quickly cleaned myself up in the bathroom as best as I could. This place clearly hadn't been lived in for a very long time, so it was a miracle that the water was still on.
I gathered myself before walking out to try and find Roman. The smell of cigarette smoke indicated that at least someone else was up, I quietly hoped that it was Donovan, but I was disappointed.
Roman stood on the balcony of the master bedroom, he was still wearing his ripped, bloodstained black button down from the night before, he definitely looked a sight. I swallowed hard as I slowly walked out towards him, my heart was pounding as my body entered fight or flight mode.
Upir's weren't exactly friends of my race, and I knew Roman was definitely strong, he could overpower me in a heartbeat, if he got the upper hand. So it was my job to ensure that I never let him get it, my guard had to be up all the time.
Before I had left the room I had grabbed the small bag of blood which we had brought with for Roman the night before. Without a doubt he'd be wanting to feed, and the last thing we needed was for him to nom down on one of us.
"Morning." He said with his back still towards me, he blew out a puff of smoke into the misty morning air.
"I um, I have a peace offering." I said as I stepped closer, he turned slowly and glared at me. His expression changed somewhat when he saw the bag in my hand. He held his hand out and I handed it to him slowly, he turned the bag over in his hand and smiled ever so slightly.
"So what is it that I am back for exactly?" He asked, his eyes were still transfixed on the crimson contents within the bag. I had to admit he had good self control, or perhaps he was contemplating having me as his breakfast instead.
"It's quite a complicated story." I sighed as I leaned against the banister of the balcony and looked up at him.
"Well I am all ears." He said as he pulled his packet of cigarettes out and lit another one.
"Well Roman, our lives are mapped out for us from the day we are born. We have definitive routes which we must embark upon, and others which are situational. Your death was one of those routes which was not predetermined, and as a result it led down the wrong path." I started to explain, it all sounded crazy, but then again if anyone could understand it was a young upir.
"How the fuck does my death impact anyone? No one gives a fuck about me, so why bring me back?" He asked bitterly.
"You killed a man named Arnold Spivak the other day, did you not?" I asked and Romans brows furrowed as he nodded. "That was one of the paths that you had to embark upon, but your untimely demise prevented you from continuing on with that particular path. And as a result a lot of people are now in danger, and I know for a fact that you do actually care about the greater good." I said seriously.
"What does Spivak's death have to do with anything?" He asked seriously.
"He was one of the last of his kind, as you may already know. There were three of them left, one here in Hemlock, one in Cairo Egypt, and one more in Invercargill New Zealand. The other two are still too young to be of any significant threat, but Spivak was in his prime. The story goes that the Jörmungandr would wrap its tail around the world, and once it lets go the world will come to a fiery end. That of course isn't what happened, but it still isn't pretty." I paused to let some of it sink in before continuing. "The Jörmungandr was also one of the only natural predators to the Nephilim. The Nephilim were once a mighty race, and date back to well before biblical times, but like many species before them they became very dangerous, and had to be stopped. Spivaks presence kept them at bay, many of them hide in large mountain ranges, and some have even adapted to the deepest trenches in the oceans. But now that Spivak is gone, there is no immediate threat keeping them at bay. Your path was supposed to lead you on a journey to stop the Nephilim from returning, by any means necessary, and it was my duty to ensure that that path was not disrupted." The look on Romans face as I finished was one of pure confusion.
"Why am I the one?" His voice was low and filled with disbelief.
"Don't ask me! I don't lay out the maps. My mothers people were the Valkyrie, they were burdened with the ability to decide who was to die, and who was to live in a battle. As times went on and less and less battles were being fought they took on another role. They were tasked with enforcing the status quo, if you will. They are given an idea of those with important paths to follow in life, and they are supposed to ensure that any detours wouldn't be disastrous. They can't see the whole picture, but they know where the vital junctions lay, and how they are supposed to play out. I just know that you weren't supposed to die, and that you have a role to play in this whole thing." I said seriously as I shrugged.
"This is fucking bullshit." He huffed as he ran his hand through his hair.
"You were born to be a warrior Roman, don't ask me why, but you were." I said softly as I reached out for his packet of cigarettes and tapped one out.
I was just about to light it when I heard footsteps approaching and the smell of wet dog filled the air. I swung around to see Peter wonder out onto the balcony, I feared that this would only end badly.
Peter froze when he saw Roman, I got ready to get in between the two of them the second that any form of confrontation arose.
You could practically smell the testosterone which filled the air as the two young men began sizing each other up. I swallowed hard as I kept my eyes fixed on both of them, what happened next wasn't exactly what I had been expecting.
I watched as Peter dropped to his knees and started to sob softly.
"God Roman, I didn't fucking mean to, I didn't want you to fucking die." He cried and I watched as a look of disbelief flashed across Romans face. He had clearly been gearing up for round two of werewolf versus vampire.
"Peter, I should be the one whose sorry. I fucked up with Destiny man, I am so fucking sorry." Roman said as he headed towards his friends side. I smirked to myself as I eventually lit my cigarette and blew out a small plume of smoke before interjecting.
"She's not dead." I stated simply and Roman turned to face me wide eyed.
"You, you brought her back too?" He asked in disbelief as I nodded slowly.
"I'm already going to hell, so why not have some fun before hand." I grinned, but shook my head slowly as I became more serious. "You're all in this together Roman, and it would have meant that pupper over here wouldn't rip your throat out again then I would happily do it." I shrugged as I took another long drag from the cigarette.
"Where is she?" Peter asked seriously as he got to his feet.
"I'm pretty certain Donovan took her home, she was too out of it. Our original plan was to get her to stop you from killing him." I said and heard a soft chuckled as Donovan walked out shirtless.
"Yea that would've saved us a fuck-ton of hassle, but that cousin of yours was playing hide and go seek with us and we just couldn't seem to get her back." He smirked as he walked over and took the cigarette from my mouth and stubbed it out. "Immortality does not mean immune to lung cancer, you might not die from it but you sure as hell can end up hacking away like an old bag." He growled and I rolled my eyes as I flipped my attention back to Peter.
The conversation digressed down a logical path then as Peter started to ask the same questions Roman had. I filled him in and got him up to speed with what I had told Roman, both of them seemed kind of shell shocked.
Watching them was even more amusing though, they practically danced around one another trying to avoid the topic of the night before. Guys like them irked me, they'd rather pent that shit up and let it boil over the top in the future than have it all out right now. Donovan was like that, and he knew I hated it, but would he change? Never.
"So um, what do we do about the um, the what the fuck were they called again?" Peter asked and before I could answer Donovan jumped in.
"Just call them giants, it's a lot easier than Nephilim."
"So what you're telling me is that we have to go toe to toe with giants?" Roman asked as Peter reached out and patted his shoulder.
"You're only a couple feet shy of that mark man, so maybe they'll make you their next leader or something." Peter quipped and Roman flipped him off as he got started on his third cigarette.
"Anyway, I think it's best if we go and be somewhat productive instead of standing here chatting the day away." Donovan said, I knew he was tired and wanted to get to the hotel and settle in for some much needed rest.
"You go ahead, I need to still make sure these two don't suddenly try to kill each other again." He didn't hesitate to hurry off as I stepped forward and looking up at Roman seriously. His eyes looked so broken, and it tore at my heart to see the look which I knew all too well.
"I'm going to go find Destiny." Peter said and I nodded slowly.
"I'll head home." Roman stated simply, well that was easy, didn't look as if I was going to be needed after all. Before I could change my mind about going to the hotel I heard Donovan speed off in our car. I rolled my eyes as I rubbed my temple, that was going to be a bit of a walk, and I still wasn't quite feeling up to it.
"I'll give you a ride." Roman said as if he had read my mind.
"You don't need to." I said simply.
"I think it is the least I can do seeing as you did kind of save my life, I guess." He shrugged and I laughed slightly.
"Does that mean you forgive me?" I asked and smiled slightly as we headed back inside the eerily large master bedroom.
"I don't think you understand what it meant to me for it all to finally be over." His words cut at me and I sighed as I shook my head.
"I took my life when I was 16 Roman, I know exactly what you mean." I said without any more explanation, for an instant I thought I saw something besides arrogance flash across Roman's face, but I could have been wrong.
"What happened?" He asked softly.
"My dad brought me back, apparently my path wasn't finished either." I said softly and this time I was certain I saw a different emotion in his eyes.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be, just know that you're not alone." I stated before walking down towards the main foyer. I stopped off in the guest room where I had slept and grabbed my backpack off of the bed before following Roman out.

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