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A/N: This part is for dylan_shawn she's been amazing from the beginning, thank you so very much hun
~ M 💚

I was shocked when I woke up beside Roman the next morning. We had laid chatting for hours, and eventually I must have just dozed off. His arm was slung haphazardly over my waist, and he looked so peaceful. I smiled slightly as I managed to make my way out of his hold before heading for the door. Before I left I reached out and grabbed my shirt and pulled it back on. I glanced at Roman once more before I slowly walked out and closed the door quietly behind me.
As I walked down the stairs I saw Donovan hand Peter some money. I raised an eyebrow as I watched them, and then it dawned on me. They had placed bets on how long it would take for me and Roman to end up in bed together. I shook my head in disbelief as I walked downstairs slowly.
"You better give that back to Donovan Peter, we didn't sleep together so you didn't win shit." I said seriously as I walked into the kitchen and poured myself some coffee. When I turned around I noted that Peters cheeks were crimson from embarrassment for being caught out. Donovan held his hand out and Peter slowly handed him back the small bundle of bills. "You two are pathetic." I scoffed as I took a sip of my coffee.
"See I had faith in you Lil, Peter here said you wouldn't last a fortnight." He grinned and Peter elbowed him hard in the ribs.
"You said she wouldn't make a week!" Peter exclaimed and I just glared at them both.
"God it looks like a Mexican standoff down here, what's going on?" Roman asked as he walked down the stairs still shirtless.
"Nothing!" Peter said quickly and I rolled my eyes as I set my coffee cup down.
"These two bozo's betted on how long it would take for us to sleep together. I just had to break the bad news to them that we didn't." I said and Roman laughed slightly as he patted Peter on the back.
"You're really not living up to your reputation man." Donovan tutted as he shot me a condescending smirk.
"You are all unbelievable." I rolled my eyes as I started to head back upstairs to get done, before I could make it I heard Peter clear his throat.
"What's up?" Roman asked, Peter fidgeted with one of his rings before replying.
"Shelley called, it's about Nadia." He said softly
"Whose Nadia?" I asked softly as I glanced at Romans concerned face.
"My daughter." Roman said softly as he ran his hand through his messy hair. "W-what did she say?" He asked clearly nervous about what was to come next.
"Shelley says that her and her group are moving onto Romania for a few months, she's found a way to take Nadia with her. She say's she'll be safe, but they won't be able to get in contact for awhile." Peter said softly and I watched as Roman balled up his fists.
"She took my daughter to fucking Romania?" Roman asked loudly and Peter sighed as he nodded.
"I'm sorry man, but as Lillian said the other day, we don't even know what we are dealing with yet. Perhaps it isn't a bad thing that she's not around." Peter was trying to reason with him, but I could tell that Roman was having none of that. He glared at Peter before storming back upstairs, I glanced up at Roman as he stalked off into his room and slammed the door.
"Call Destiny tell her to be here in an hour, we have to get shit in motion so that Roman can get his daughter back. And it's hide time you two tell us what you've been keeping secret." I said seriously before hurrying upstairs to talk to Roman.
His door was unlocked and I slowly let myself in, he wasn't in the room itself so I slowly wandered towards the ensuite. He stood with his hands on the black marble basin, what really caught me off guard was the blood which trickled down his face from his nose.
All I could hear him saying was 'make your heart steal'. It broke my heart as I slowly walked closer, I knew about Upir's ability to entrance people in order to control them, but I had never considered a Upir using the trick on themselves.
"Roman." I said softly and his eyes diverted from the mirror and he looked almost ashamed as he wiped the blood from under his nose as he stared at me.
"I, um." He started to say but I shook my head indicating for him to be quiet.
"You will have your baby girl back soon, we are going to get together today and get this shit sorted, okay? Even if it means you not being as involved so that you can go and join her." I said softly, it wasn't right for me to suggest that. My whole purpose was to ensure that Roman did what he was supposed to do, and screw anything else, but I couldn't.
"What about my path?" He asked softly.
"Fuck the path!" I said seriously as I hugged him gently, as I said it though I felt a pang of something rip through me. I was screwing with things I had no right to screw with.
"Well look at you being all rebellious." He smirked as he stepped forward and laid his hands on my shoulders. "But I'm in this for the long run." He said softly as he gently kissed my forehead. "Now I'm going to go get into the shower, I'll see you soon." He smirked as he walked over to the bathroom. "You're more than welcome to join me." He winked and I chuckled as I brushed the offer off before walking out to go and get done in my own bathroom.
I finished not long after and pulled on a pair of distressed dark blue jeans and a old jumper from one of my favourite bands. It was a bit tattered, but it was comfortable and it had been a gift from Donovan for my fifteenth birthday. I pulled on a pair of blue fluffy socks before tying my hair up into a high ponytail. I couldn't remember the last time my hair was this long, but it was nice for a change.
I proceeded to pad down out into the landing, I peered down at the lounge where Peter and Donovan sat playing a game of poker. Before I could start to head down the stairs I felt Roman's presence behind me, I turned quickly to face him and he smirked as he dried his hair with his black towel. He looked very handsome as he did and I tried not to smile as I watched him.
"You missed out on an epic shower." He grinned as he threw his towel into the laundry hamper before walking downstairs beside me. Peter had just shown Destiny in and I felt Roman tense beside me, I gently patted his shoulder as we walked into the lounge.
Destiny walked over and hugged me gently, I could tell that she was glaring at Roman over my shoulder as she did. I slowly pulled away and gave her a look which practically begged her to behave.
"If you want me to be good you better start pouring the vodka, otherwise I'm leaving." I laughed and nodded as I hurried over to the bar and retrieved the bottle and a few glasses.
Destiny didn't hesitate to grab one and pour herself a large glass which she practically skulled. I watched as Roman rolled his eyes, but also took a glass and poured himself a drink. I had never met people so dependent on substances as the three people in this room were. You could never find Peter without a joint in his pocket, and Roman always had an array of pills in a small tin on his person, and Destiny, well Destiny just took whatever she could get her hands on.
I set the bottle down on a small side table before sitting down on the floor with my back against the one couch.
"Let's get started." I said seriously and jumped right in as Destiny and I explained what her vision had shown us. Both Peter and Roman gave each other a knowing glance which meant that they had seen it too, but I doubted that that was all.
"Now you two." Destiny said seriously as she poured herself another glass of vodka.
"What about us?" Peter asked as he pulled a cigarette out and lit it, I was shocked to see Donovan take one as well. He had always been a hypocrite when it came to stuff like that, but then again he was a grown ass man and I wasn't about to get involved in that argument right now.
"You know damn well what I mean Peter, you and your little boyfriend here always sneak around. News flash, we are more than fucking capable of handling this shit!" Destiny said seriously and I couldn't help but grin as she said it.
"We don't..." Peter started to say but Roman interrupted him.
"We've had a dream about something else." He said and Peter looked up at him as if he was betrayed by Romans sudden willingness to share.
"Okay, well come on then." Destiny sighed and rolled her eyes before mouthing 'drama queen'. She was definitely heading towards the tipsy stage.
"They weren't giants." As Peter said it Destiny and I exchanged a knowing look.
"You don't look surprised." Donovan said as he leaned back and exhaled a large plume of smoke.
"We aren't, the thing is that Nephilim do not innately hunt humans. What Destiny saw was humans strewn throughout a stream, Hemlock has enough supernatural beings to sate the Nephilim's for quite awhile, but that wasn't who they were hunting." I said seriously and looked at Roman seriously for a second. "What did you see?" He shrugged as he tapped a cigarette out, there was a tiny tremor in his hand as he did, he seemed nervous.
"I thought they were Upir at first, but they were different." He said softly.
"What? Like those fucking zombie, Upir motherfuckers that came out of the fucking cracks?" Destiny asked wide eyed, Donovan and I exchanged a look as we listened to them.
"No, they weren't sick. These were stronger, and the way they fed, it was manic. I've experienced intense hunger, but I've never felt the urge to feed like that, it isn't natural the way that they behaved." He said softly as he stood and headed over to the bar where he poured himself a double shot of whiskey. I looked up at Donovan wide eyed then as my mind started to race, we had encountered something like this before in Bulgaria.
"You don't think they're Dhampir's?" I asked softly and watched as his face clouded for a second.
"Here? Why would they be here?" He asked softly as he leaned forward and stubbed his cigarette out.
"I don't know, it's unusual for them to leave their area, unless there is a creator here."
"Okay, I'm sorry what are you talking about?" Peter asked seriously.
"We came across a cult in Bulgaria two years ago which was comprised of these things called Dhampir's. They are the result of cross human and Upir breeding, but their genomes are screwed up. They tend to result from a Upir woman breeding with a human man, it's a genetic phenomenon which occurs, and it isn't guaranteed that a Dhampir will result." I said and Donovan nodded slowly in agreement.
"If a baby comes out as human, or Upir these cults kill them as part of a screwed up sacrifice." He added and I watched as everyones eyes widened somewhat.
"The Dhampir are strong, and unpredictable. They almost lack the human aspect of being supernatural, they are basically primal animals who are highly tuned for killing." I said softly and heard Peter whistle slightly.
"Well shieet, and I thought normal Upir's were the pits." He said and smirked at Roman who looked slightly ashen.
"Can Dhampir's result from a Upir father and a human mother?" He asked and I instantly understood what he was referring to. 
"They can, but theres a tiny chance of the mutation happening in the first place, and the chance decreases even more if it isn't a Upir mother." I said softly as I reached out and gently patted his hand, he gave me a small smile as I did. I could feel Destiny's eyes boring a hole into my skull as she watched us.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me." She practically spat.
"What?" I asked as I pulled away from Roman quickly.
"You fucked the leech didn't you?" Her voice was shrill as she stood knocking her drink to the floor as she did. The glass shattered everywhere as she started to pace up and dow behind the couch.
"Destiny." Roman started to try and diffuse the situation but the look which Destiny shot him shut him right up.
"No! You shut the fuck up! You are a murderous piece of shit who hurts everything you ever touch! I am not letting you fuck Lillian over too Roman! You're cursed Godfrey, I'm fucking surprised you aren't a fucking Dhampir or whatever the fuck it is, with your fucked up genealogy it's actually a goddamn miracle!" She said vehemently, and I actually couldn't believe what I was hearing her say. She had no filter when she was drunk, but even this was above and beyond my wildest dreams.
"Destiny." Peter warned softly.
"He killed me Peter! How the fuck are you not perturbed over that? He fucking killed me." She accentuated every syllable as she said it.
"Guys, stop this!" I said seriously, as I did Destiny glared at me. "Everyone of you fucked up, including you Destiny. All of you almost flushed your whole fucking lives down the drain, but now you have a second chance, don't live out that chance being bitter." I slowly stood and walked over to Destiny and tried to lay a hand on her shoulder as I said it, before I could her hand flew up and I felt it connect with my cheek. As she did the events of the night of her death flashed through my mind, it was almost like a warning of what could happen again. I heard Roman get up then behind me, I had to get Destiny out of here before the past was repeated.
"Peter." I said softly and he was beside me in a second. "Take her home." He nodded before slowly leading her out, she was trying to get out of his hold as she yelled obscenities at Roman.
I stood there for a second as the images from that night replayed in my head. The sound of Roman snapping her neck reverberated inside my mind and I felt sick to my stomach.
"Lillian." I heard Roman say softly, in that exact moment I couldn't look at him. Deep down I knew that that wasn't really him, but at the same time I couldn't just get over the idea of him taking someone's life in such a cold hearted way.
I didn't want to look at him, so instead I slowly knelt down and started to pick up the shards of glass which had scattered everywhere. I felt him kneel down beside me, as he did I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I continued to clean up.
"Leave it." he said softly but I just shook my head as tears welled up in my eyes. "Lillian, leave it." As he said it one of the sharper shards sliced into my palm, a few drops of blood dripped and mixed in with the little pool of vodka on the floor. Roman reached out and took my hand in his, but I instinctively pulled away before standing and hurrying outside.
The tears which had formed in the corner of my eyes started to flow, I just felt overwhelmed all of a sudden. It wasn't something which I was used to feeling, I usually prided myself on staying cool and collected, but I knew that my developing feelings for Roman were starting to impact on me.
It was a little time before I heard footsteps walking out towards me, I kept my eyes fixed on the ground. In an instant I recognised the black and purple socked feet, I sighed before looking up at Roman.
"What did you see?" He asked softly, my lip quivered as I shook my head slowly. "Lillian, tell me." His voice was suddenly more stern and I sighed softly.
"You just snapped her neck, she could have made it." I said softly cringing internally as the sound replayed in my head once again.
"Or she could have been brain dead, do you have a potion to cure that?" He asked seriously as I shut my eyes tightly.
"Roman, you snapped her neck." I said again, there was no excuse he could offer me that could ever make that right.
"I know." He sighed in defeat as I rubbed my temple, as I lowered my hand I noticed the crimson liquid which still covered it. "Let me help." He said and held his hand out, but I couldn't bare the idea of him touching me. I looked from my hand to his and shook my head before hurrying back inside. I got into the room where I had been staying and locked it before I started to pack my stuff.
What made it all the worse was the fact that it had happened here in this very house, no wonder Destiny always had to be drunk to be in this place. I wrapped a scarf around my hand as I finished packing all of my stuff, I called for an uber before heading out of the room.
Roman was leaning against the banister and his face fell when he saw my bag.
"Where are you going?" He asked softly.
"I can't stay here, especially knowing that it happened here." I said as I walked past him and headed downstairs hurriedly.
"Lillian, please don't go." His words caught me off of guard, I wasn't quite expecting that, I had been expecting hostility, and resentment, but not him asking me to stay.
I looked at him sadly as I shook my head before opening the door, I stopped before walking out and slowly turned to look at him.
"I'm sorry Roman, you're not a bad person, but you have to stop letting your impulses rule you." I said softly before walking down towards the black Mazda parked at the end of the driveway.

A/N: What do you guys think about my addition of different supernatural beings into the Hemlock world?

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