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P.O.V: Lillian

I hurried over to Peters side and looked at the house, he had been the only one who had seen the exterior, Roman and I had only ever seen the inside of the house in our dreams. It looked like it was on a farm somewhere in the next town over.

"We've got them." I heard Roman say, I glanced over at him and sighed, he was looking a bit better, but he still looked like shit. What they had done to him was sickening, I had never hated anyone as much as I hated the woman who had done this.

"So when do we go?" Peter asked and I raised an eyebrow as I glanced between the two of them.

"As soon as possible." Roman said and I couldn't help but pack out laughing as he said it. 

"What?" His tone was lower now as he glared at me.

"Jesus Roman look at you, you need a few days to recuperate, and Peter here isn't useful until the next full moon." I said gesturing to him casually, he flipped me off as I did.

"I'm fine Lillian." Roman said sternly, I just rolled my eyes as he did.

"I can always turn before the full moon, but Lillian's right man, you need to recoup first." I heard Roman grumble then as he started to walk out.

"Where are you going?" I asked as he opened the door before glancing back at me.

"Where all fucking invalids belong, bed." He said bitterly as he disappeared like a hurt little puppy with his tail between his legs.

"He's going to the house isn't he?" I asked Peter as I slowly turned back to the monitor.

"Yup..." Peter sighed, I ran my hand through my hair as I shook my head.

"I guess we have to go and save our petulant child from getting himself killed." I muttered as I walked out, the first thing I noticed was Romans discarded IV pole which dripped blood onto the floor slowly. I stepped closer to examine it, but as I did the lights on the roof started to flash red as a siren sounded.

"What the fuck?" Peter asked as we headed over to the elevator, as we pushed the button an automated voice sounded 'the fire alarm has been activated, please use the stairs.' 

"Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me." I sighed as we headed over to the stairwell, we had 32 floors to climb down, Roman had ensured that he was going to have a bit of a head start by pulling a fake fire alarm.

"Race you down." Peter said before dashing out in front of me, I scoffed as I followed him. We got caught up in a throng of people exiting other floors then, we started to yell for them to move, but they did not look happy as we did.

"If you value your jobs move." I said again, most of them recognised me by now, and I hated how much I sounded like Roman in that moment, but it worked. We continued to hurry down the stairs, we got to the bottom thoroughly exhausted, Pryce was just ahead of us and we pushed past him as we headed out to the car.

"Where's Roman?" He called out and I spun around to face him for a second.

"He's gone to find them." I said and Pryce rolled his eyes as he joined the rest of the people in the assembly zone.

"Hey you two, no ones leaves the premises." I heard one of the employees with a warden vest on yell at us as we got to the car. I ignored him as I got into Romans FF, I had practically claimed this car as mine by now. As soon as the employee saw which car we got into he shut right up and turned his attention back to the crowd.

"Put the address in." I instructed Peter as I sped out of the parking lot in a small cloud of tyre smoke.

He typed it into the built in GPS, the painful automated voice sounded then as it instructed me to get onto Old Grove road heading out of town. I was going at least fifty miles over the limit as I headed towards the city limits.

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