Dear, Evan Hansen Discovers Hamilton

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First of all, so so sorry for not updating in a while!! Second, I'm definitely going to make a part 2 to the previous chapter but I'm having some writers block. Third, guess what musical I'm currently super into??

Evan plopped down on the end of the couch next to Connor and handed each of his boyfriends a mug of hot cocoa. "Did you get it to work yet?"

"No the f***ing laptop won't connect to the internet!" Connor seethed.

"Dude just log onto Evan's WiFi." Jared said taking a large swig of the chocolate.

"Don't you think I tried that already?!?! Jared so help me if you make a sarcastic comment now, I'm going to trip you when the zombie apocalypses happens!"

Jared quickly closed his mouth and took out his phone.

"Connor, sweetheart, I think you drank too much coffee last night." Evan said rubbing Connor's arm gently.

"It's not my fault Mr. Reyes assigned everyone 25 pages of the stupid textbook to take notes on!"

"No, but it is your fault that you stayed up until 3 a.m. watching Netflix and then tried to do it." Evan chuckled.

"Yeah Connor are you sure you don't want to go to sleep? It's Friday school tomorrow." Jared said.

"Nope, you wanted us to listen to Hamilton, we are listening to that stupid musical that 75% of our school is obsessed with! If I can just get this piece of-"

"Connor, be more chill! I pulled it up on my phone." Jared laughed, laying his head on Connor's shoulder and handing him his phone.

Connor took a long inhale. "I love you."

"I know, everyone does. I guess I'm just irresistible!" Jared said.

"You're pushing your luck." Connor hummed.

"I know."

"Guys it's not that I don't enjoy my boyfriends flirting with each other and making kids T.V. show references, but can we start before Connor dozes off and me and Jared have to Rock Paper Scissors it out over who has to carry him upstairs this time?" Evan asked and leaned over to push the little triangle play button before anyone could answer.

***Random things the children were yelling at Jared's phone throughout the show***

• "Why is everyone singing at the same time?!?! How are people supposed to sing along to this?!?!" -Jared

• "Why would they spoil the entire musical in the opening number?!?!" -Connor
"Connor it's history, we learned about this stuff last year." -Evan
"No Evan, you learned about it last year, I didn't study." -Connor
"Stop hitting me Evan!" -Connor
"Start studying Connor." -Evan

• "Wow there's a s*** load of cursing in here." -Evan
"EVAN, NO!" -Connor/Jared

• "Aaron Burr officially needs a hug." -Evan

• "John Laurens is my spirit human" -Jared

• "Oh Peggy" -Connor

• "Smooth Burr." -Jared

• "But did Hamilton actually have a dog...?" -Jared

• "I didn't know J.D. was the king of England." -Connor

• "So was Angelica like singing that out loud or was Satisfied happening in her head and she was glaring at Alexander for the whole song?" -Evan

• "A ship is setting sail!" -Evan

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