Chapter Two

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"Where were you last night?", Cole asked when I woke up.

"I was in the frat but before I rant to you for leaving me there. There's this guy who escorted me and looks exactly like you but with a long blonde hair. Your resemblance is uncanny", I rambled but Cole and Lili just both laughed. "I didn't trust him but when I thought he was you, I let him but he said this morning that you texted him so you know this guy. It's so weird like the both of you can be broth---wait you have a brother?", I asked, feeling stupid because I didn't even think of that possibility.

"Uhh, your friend for one year doesn't know you have a twin brother", Lili teased and I just can't believe it.

"Twin brother? Why haven't you mention him?", I feel so stupid. And gosh, all the embarrassment I did in front of his brother torments me because there's a high possibility our paths will cross again.

"I have. I told you Dylan is going to transfer here", Cole laughed and I went to his side just to hit him.

"You didn't even label him as your brother. I'm so embarrassed", I said, covering my face with my hands.

"Why did you do something embarrassing in front of him?", Cole asked and I don't even want to talk about this anymore.

I ignored his question and covered my head with my pillow.

"Fine, I just have to ask him myself", he laughed and I hurriedly grabbed his phone and texted Dylan.

"Meet me at the east cafe and don't reply to your brother-Jasmine"

I deleted the message and returned the phone to Cole. I told them that I was going out and they have the room for themselves after I take a shower and leave.

I waited inside the cafe and mentally slap myself because what if he won't show up. I didn't even get his number. I'm so stupid. I feel so stupid. I am stupid.

"Hey", I looked up and it's Dylan. Phew, I thought he stood me up.

"Hi. I just wanted to personally thank you for last night.", I smiled at him.

"It's no big deal. I told you Cole texted me. So is that why you invite me here?", he raised his eyebrow.

"No, uhm I'm actually going to bribe you so you won't tell anything to Cole", I said, looking at him. He finally sat down and smirked, something I'm not very fond of his action.

"What is to you if Cole finds out that you gave me---", I covered his mouth before he blurts the details.

"One, he's going to mock me. Second, he wouldn't let me attend parties anymore. Third, I don't know. It's embarrassing", I told him, removing my hands from his mouth.

"So what are you planning to offer?", he asked.

"I'm thinking about I'm going to treat you for free breakfast or lunch", I answered. I don't really know what he wants.

"You're basically asking me to a date", he chuckled. What? It didn't even crossed my mind. "Tell you what how about you come with me in the frat?"

"No, that's just so pervert of you. I won't give you my body", I said, whispering the last part.

"It's unfortunate because I really want your body." he smirked. Who the hell he thinks he is? Okay, it's better if Cole knows than to be with this maniac or this pervert.

I stood up but he held my hand, "You're funny, Jassy. Actually I haven't finish unpacking my things and my room is already a mess, so I need your body to work for me"

I almost let the ground eat me. Why do I feel like a walking embarrassment in front of him? Damn, I just went outside, dragging him with me so I won't feel more humiliated.

He laughed and escorted me to his car. I just want to bury myself for years so I won't interact with him again.

We went inside his room and I started cleaning without even speaking to him.

"I'll order some pizza. Want pineapples on top?", he asked. I wanted to ignore him but I'm hungry because I haven't had some breakfast yet so I guess pizza will be the perfect brunch.

"Why? You don't want pineapples on your pizza?", I asked back. I started arranging the books on his bookshelf.

"Not really a fan of it but I think you dig that kind of shit", he remarked.

"Anything's fine with me.", I smiled. I continued to arrange his things though there are not that much to arrange and to clean.

Minutes later, the pizza arrived. He stopped me from further cleaning and invited me to sit beside him on the bed as he laid the box on his bed.

"So tell me something about yourself, Jassy", he said while biting on a slice of pizza.

"I'm Jasmine Torres. Second year, taking up archaeology with your twin brother who never mentioned he had one. Uhm, I don't know what to say anymore" I said, grabbing a slice and eating it. "I'm curious though why you're not in the same year level with Cole"

"We are. I just transferred here because I don't dig my old uni and they credited most of my subjects so basically, I'm in the same year with you guys", he answered.

"Oh, so what are you taking up?", I asked, already on my second slice because I'm really hungry.

"Video game design", he answered. "So, are you into college parties and stuff?"

"Well, only before and after the semester. I don't really like partying during the semester. How about you?", I asked and I swear I can finish the whole box of pizza. Luckily, Dylan ordered two boxes.

"Well, I'm in a frat house so I guess every week or even every night is a party time", he chuckled.

"Well, you can choose not to attend to all of it" I said as a matter of fact. "You could stay in Cole's apartment if it gets loud and stuff"

"Can I stay in your apartment instead?", he asked. We're not even friends, why would I let him stay in ours.

"That's the perk of having a brother so you could stay with him but why the hell did you pick staying in a frat house." I already opened the second box but I noticed he was not eating anymore so I closed the box again.

"You can still eat", he chuckled, offering me another slice so I took it and ate it. "I transferred at the last minute and this is the best thing I can get. And I literally lived my whole life with Cole, I guess if I'm crashing in to someone's place, his is my last priority"

"But it doesn't give you the right to crash in mine", I stated but he just chuckled. Do I really look like a fool in front of him.

"Chill. I'm just kidding with staying in your place.", he poured some coke in a cup and offered it to me.

"You're not really a fan of pineapples, are you?" I asked because he just ate about 4 slices and I ate the rest. "I told you, you can order the ones without pineapples. I'm not discriminating"

"I don't really mind the pineapples but you look really hungry", he stated. Now, I feel guilty because I really looked like a girl who haven't eat for days a while ago.

"I'm sorry. I'll just pay you", I said but he just chuckled again.

"No need, sweetheart. Besides, you're the one who's doing the work", he smiled.

After cleaning up the food, I started to work again but he stopped me.

"But I haven't unpack your clothes yet", I told him.

"I can handle it. Thank you for cleaning", he took the luggage I was holding and sat in his bed.

"Okay, I guess I have to go", I announced.

"How about we play video games first?", he offered. I have nothing else to do so I couldn't think why not.

"But I don't know how to play this", I confessed because as a kid, my siblings and I don't really play a lot of video games but we definitely watched a lot of tv shows.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you", he smiled.

After some time, I got the hang of it and I realized that I like spending time with Dylan. I just wished we didn't start off with an awkward beginning but as of now, I was currently winning in his game field.

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