Chapter Thirty One

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"So who's the guy?", Abriana asked me again starting when I told her that I'm in love with someone.

"Don't tell anyone but it's Dylan Sprouse", I admitted. It's been a long time since I hanged out with Abriana and she was always covering up for me back then especially when I'm with Dyl so she deserves to know the lie she's covering up. Plus I trust her because she might not be the counterfeit of Cole but she's close to. Abriana has been my friend since the start of college too and she was there when Cole couldn't relate to girl's stuff. I always had her back.

"Dylan, the hot twin brother of Cole?", she exclaimed as I just nodded frantically.

"Don't say he's hot, he's mine", I giggled over my overpossessiveness.

It's ironic that when Dylan and I admitted our feelings for each other, we rarely hanged out for the week but we always talk on the phone but semester is nearly ending so we have to catch up and even I have to because I wasted some of my time on studying to be with Dylan though I don't find it really a waste. I am also pushing Dylan to do his best because I threatened him if he wouldn't do good in school, we couldn't graduate together and eventually might have a long distance relationship in both we both drenched for that kind of relationship. Also due to the fact that Dylan and I both are clingy to each other so we would probably not survive being away with each other for that long.

"So, how far did the two of you go?", Abriana asked curiously.

"What's the baseball term again? A homerun?", I blushed upon saying the words.

"Slut. Wow, my best friend doesn't have the card anymore", she nudged me and I laughed.

"You have to keep it a secret especially to Cole. I want to personally tell him myself though it sounds weird", I requested. 

"Sure thing but we have to talk about it, is he good in bed?", she curiously asked. I never thought we'll talk about this because if I were to tell my younger self that Abri and I would have this conversation, my younger self would probably call me crazy for such thought.

"I don't have much comparison but it's getting better and better", I replied though we only did it like thrice but it's getting more comfortable the next time around.

"So you did it not only once?" her eyes widen as if she had met a whole new person and as if I'm not the same old allergic best friend she have.

"We may or may have not.", I teased as she nudged me again "C'mon, I love him"

"I'm just happy for you but you have to introduce me to him formally like I want to know the guy my best friend is in love with" she hugged me tightly again and I am just happy that she's happy for me though I kept this secret from her back then. I know I can count on Abri and I got to give her credits because if she didn't cover me up everytime I'm with Dylan then, this conversation would probably not exist.

"Noted", I told her as we chatted some more especially about her relationship with Justin in which I'm also so happy for her. It's also a shock for the both of us on what the destiny had given us but we're not complaining because we're loving every moment of it.

"Hey, Jassy. What's your plan for thanksgiving?", Cole asked me while we hanged out and did our project together with a bucket of fries on the side and a large cup of soda.

"Uhm, I don't know but I'm sure not going home", I replied as I continued typing on my laptop about our research paper. Cole already inputted his part and I'm just adding more information and proofreading it at the mean time though I have no right because I'm in front of the best writer in the entire school.

"Good because mom invited you over", he sighed as he continued to eat some fries and feed me some once in a while.

"Will Lili be there?", I asked because I know Dylan would be there and I need someone to keep Cole preoccupied though I'm already planning to tell Cole everything on thanksgiving. I don't know if it's a good timing but I can't hide the truth any longer like I have to tell him. Also, Lili can help us when we tell the truth if she's there.

"Of course. I'm going to exhibit to my mom the best and worst girl in the campus", he chuckled as I threw some fries at him.

"Douche.", I said, giggling and trying to focus again on our research paper.

"Why? I didn't say which one are you", he smirked as I closed the laptop and put it on the side and grabbed my phone.

"Then, I'll tell Lili about this", I warned, slowly standing up because this would be a war any second now.

"You wouldn't", he dared. l

"You don't know me at all. I'm calling her right now", I said as I ran away from him but with him being on advantage because of his long legs, he caught me and grabbed me. He pinned me down and started tickling me, telling me to drop my phone but I kept resisting but I couldn't take it anymore afterwards and finally waved my white flag.

"Hi", I said to my screen as I was videochatting Dylan. Cole left for a little while because she's going to pick up Lili so I called Dylan so I wouldn't feel alone here.

"Hey. Uhm, you know thanksgiving is near right?", Dylan said, hinting something in which I know but I'm playing naive.

"Yeah, a break from school works", I said though I know where he's heading.

"I want to invite you in thanksgiving because my dad is coming home and my mom wants us complete. But you have to invite yourself because Cole might suspect", he explained but I just put an unsure face on because I won't tell him that I'm actually going because I'll surprise him.


"I know that look, you're not available huh?", he asked and yes, he bought it.

"I already promised Abri I'll go with her and we already have tickets", I lied, trying not to laugh so he would totally buy it.

"I can go with you", he offered.

"It's your family and I'll be mad if you'll choose me over them", I said to him and I meant it though it's my alibi so he would still be there.

"You chose me over yours?", he retorted. I didn't technically chose him over them but right now, I will choose them.

I haven't talk to Joe or Nick yet after the incident. Mom tried calling me but I shrugged her off too because I can't talk to her yet.

"Because my family is dysfunctional. Yours are not", I said, smiling at him as if I'm not hurt by that fact.

I'll probably visit our home at the last day of this thanksgiving break.

Or not.

"Then, I'll miss you", he said and I think my heart melted again for the nth time.

"I doubt you will. I'll still call you every day of that break", I stated with a low key meaning behind it.

"I'm still going to miss you. It's different when I'm with you", he expressed as I smiled, blushing because of his words.

"Don't worry, I'll send you nude", I teased as he smirked.

"Can you send me now?", he chuckled with his eyes full of lust anymore.

"I didn't say my nude pics.", I giggled. "You're still a pervert, Dylan"

"But you love me even I'm a sexy pervert", he claimed as I gave him a kiss towards the screen.

"I love you", I said, giving up because I do love him.

"I love you"

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