Chapter Forty Seven

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Before I went to the Styles residence, I called Dylan first so I can tell him everything.

"Hey, babe.", he picked up after the first ring.

"Hey, I need to tell you something", I started and when he asked what, I continued. "I need you to stay calm, okay? I'll be sleeping over to the Styles because I'm home alone"

"What?! Where is your mom?", he asked, raising his voice. I expected this but I'm still terrified.

"She went to the airport to meet my family", I answered.

"So, Harry and you were alone on the way back home?", he asked again, causing me to freak out. Telling the truth is scarier but at least, I'm being honest.

"Listen, we just talked like old times like we were kids and all, not teens nor when we were together together like ugh, we didn't do anything or even talked about anything you wouldn't like. I also boast to him how amazing you are", I fumbled with words and just spat honest but unorganized words.

"And that will make me feel good? Jasmine, you were with your ex and now, you're sleeping with your ex. Can you fucking hear yourself?", he angrily shouted. Honestly, I get that he's jealous but he's not listening nor trusting me.

"Can you fucking listen to me? I'm not sleeping with him. Mommy Anne is just too kind not to let me stay home alone. She was my second mother who took care of me and I don't even care if Harry is there because I know Mommy Anne is doing this because she cares about me. I told you those things before how they became my family and my history with Harry has nothing because you're the one I love and you should trust me that the reason I told you these things is because I want to let you know, not to create an argument between us", I explained, sounding angry too so I guess this is really an argument.

"I don't care. I'm coming ov... fuck, who locked the door", he shouted as I sighed as a relief. I know he's going to do that so I asked Cole to stop Dylan from going here. It's already late and I know he's mad so I don't want him to drive all the way here for me. I don't want him to get into an accident.

"I love you, okay? Trust me, hmm? I'll talk to you later but stay calm okay?", I said as I hanged up the phone.

I collected my necessities for the night and went over to the Styles. Mommy immediately welcomed me in when I rang the doorbell and let me settle my things first at the living room but I don't have that much things since I already took a quick shower over at my house. She held my hand and led me to the dining room wherein everyone was already seated.  Harry,  Gemma and his boyfriend and their dad is also here. He's in the army that's why he rarely go home and most often, they visit him instead of the other way around.

I immediately run to his direction and gave him a big hug because aside from the fact he have been my father figure though our time was limited, I also missed him so much.

"How are you, daddy?", I asked him as he answered that he's fine and I should take my seat first. So, I let go of him and sat beside Harry since it was the only available seat.

We started to eat and converse and just have a little catchup moments.

"So, you're going to stay at your boyfriend's house this Christmas?", Gemma asked me as I nodded.

"I heard your boyfriend is a Sprouse. I actually know his father, he's my best mate in the army though we were reassigned this year.", Daddy shared. It's really a small world afterall. So, I continued to listen to daddy's stories about Mr. Sprouse and him in the army. He also metioned that he once met Cole and Dylan when he stopped over to their place.

"Oh, Harry. I almost forgot but Jasmine will be staying in your room", mommy interrupted and informed us. 

"No, I can stay at the guest's room", I suggested but mommy shook her head as she informed me that it's under renovation. "I can stay at my house really. I'll just call you if something happens"

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