Chapter Thirty Five

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When morning came, Cole was no where to be seen. We were starting to worry where his whereabouts but luckily, Cole stayed over to Cole and Dylan's common friend. I hope he goes back for dinner because I know how important this is for them since they rarely see their dad.

Lili offered to leave but Dylan stopped her because it's not even her fault and Dylan's parents don't have any idea about what happened last night. Dylan has to cover Cole that he went over to their friend's house for little catching up but their parents didn't bite into the story but nonetheless let it go.

Dylan showed Lili and I around town to get our minds off from what happened though once in a while, Lili would just secretly tear up so I suggest to Dylan to go back home instead. I don't want to leave Lili because this is practically their first huge fight and it's all my fault. I should have not told her to keep it a secret that even if she told the secret, I wouldn't even be mad at her.

Lili stayed in her room while I stayed in Dylan's room. At that time, I hugged Dylan and finally let the tears I held back last night go. I didn't cry last night after the fight because I'm too busy of thinking about Lili.

"It's okay, baby", Dylan comforted me and I swear if I didn't love this man, I would break up with him and be friends with Cole again. However, he gives me this sense of comfort that no one has ever given to me.

"What do we do, Dylan?" I asked as Dylan just hugged me tighter and held me closer.

"He'll come around. I know him", he reassured as we just spend the whole morning like that.

When it was 3pm, Mrs. Sprouse asked for our help so Lili and I assisted her. Dylan and Mr. Sprouse was in charge of the turkey while the three of us were in charge of everything else like the pasta, potato marbles and such. Melanie asked us about our swollen eyes and we just reasoned that we watched a sloppy romantic movie.

Later, Cole arrived, smelling like a reek of alcohol so Mr. Sprouse instructed him to take a bath to remove the scent and may have scolded him a little.

When dinner came, we all went and sat on our seats. I was across Lili and beside Dylan who is across Cole. Lili tried to talk to Cole before dinner but Cole just ignored her.

We first pray and thank for the meal by holding each other's hand and closing our eyes.

Mr. Sprouse started, "I am very thankful for this meal and also for blessing me to be with my family in thanksgiving. I also thank the two ladies who makes my boys happy and thank my wife for being patient and understanding".
"We also thank for not only this time but for guiding us always and keeping us safe and healthy", Melanie continued.

Suddenly, Cole continued, "I also thank for giving us a lesson of trust that you can't trust anyone in this world even if it's your brother, best friend or girlfriend because they are ready to betray in an instant"

Dylan squeezed my hand as I can already feel tears falling from my eyes. Suddenly, there was a noise that made us open our eyes and it was Lili, walking away from the table.

I followed Lili as Dylan shouted to Cole, "Follow her, douche"

"Why would I?", Cole shouted back.

Mr. Sprouse stood up and shouted, "We'll resume this dinner once you sorted whatever you need to settle. Follow those girls now"

So they followed us outside as I went to Lili's side to comfort her.

"You could just let this one slide tonight, man", Dylan said to Cole.

"What? Lie to our parents that everything's okay hmm? Just like how you and Jassy and Lili had been for the past few months. Sorry if I couldn't take eating with you people

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