Chapter Thirty Eight

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"I have a surprise for all of you", my mom stated as my brothers walked inside the house. I was hiding at the kitchen though I am also afraid on what their reactions will be.

When my mom lead them to the kitchen and saw me, I just said surprise but truth betold I'm also surprised.

Joe tackled me with a hug and told me that I was an idiot. In return I just said, "I miss you too, Joseph"

"I made you some cupcakes", I told the rest of the guys while still being hugged by Joe.

Kevin removed Joe's arms around me and hugged me after doing so, "Hey, kiddo. I miss you and Alena and Valentina miss you too"

"I miss them too. Will they be here tomorrow?", I asked him.

"Yes, they're just with their other set of grandparents but they'll be here", Kevin chuckled and then, I turned to Frankie and hugged him.

"How are you, Frankie?", I asked him though I really wanted to tell him that I also miss him. I just don't want to be that clingy to him as we're not close and he basically hated me growing up.

"I'm fine. I'm just going to grab some cupcakes upstairs if you don't mind as I will be playing some games in my room", Frankie said as I let go of him. I know he's still uncomfortable around me but I understand him so I nodded.
Then, I saw Nick just eating my cupcakes without even noticing me.

"Are you still mad at me?", I asked him but Joe answered instead, "I can tell he's not after mercilessly eating two cupcakes already"

Nick approached me and flicked my forehead, "you idiot, I wasn't mad at you. I miss you, Jassy"

"I miss you too, Nicky", I chuckled as he hugged me.

"Where did you bake these cupcakes? I mean, there's no mess around here so it's impossible that you baked it here", Joe noticed. I always made mess when baking even I'm not goofing around. Maybe I'm just that careless.

"I baked it over Anne's house", I answered as they all looked at me as if I did a crime.

"Did you see Harry?", Nick quickly asked.

"Yes. I mean, he helped me baked these cupcakes", I explained. Their faces were already in a teasing mode so I just blurted, "But I already have a boyfriend"

Mom squealed and quickly ran to the kitchen, "who's the lucky guy and when can we meet him? Is he that Dylan?"

"Uhm, I'm really starving. I'll tell you guys about it over dinner, hmm?", I dodged the question. I really don't want to tell them though Dylan called a while ago and said that he's coming over tomorrow. Maybe when we are busy eating, they'll forget about it.
"We have to wait for dad", Kevin stated as I quickly froze. I breathe out for a moment and smiled.

"I got you", Joe whispered to me as I just nodded.

I help mom fix the table and afterwards my dad arrived. He grabbed something first that's why he was late. Joe held my hand and squeezed it. I shook my head and walked over to my dad.

"Dad, I'm sorry about...", I said as he cut me off.

"I hope you're apologizing for not being here in thanksgiving because I miss you a lot", he hugged me and weirdly, I hugged him back. Wait, is this really my dad?

"I... dinner's ready. Let's eat, father", I stated as we walked to the table.

"We need to commemorate this special day. Joseph, can you call Harold for a minute to take a picture of us plus I have something to give to his mom", my mom gushed as Joe quickly followed her order.

I'm still frozen and I honestly don't feel so good. It was not the reaction I'm expecting from my dad though I hoped for this a million times already but now that this happened, I feel odd.

Quickly enough, Joe and Harry arrived.

"I'm really sorry Harry for bothering you but I don't think a selfie will be perfect nor a timed camera.", my mom apologized as Harry smiled and told my mom that he doesn't really mind.

I look at the camera and smiled though I really feel nothing inside. My brothers started to do goofy faces and poses and I just looked at them and tried to laugh at their expressions. I tried not to overthink because this is really a happy moment for them as it's the first in so many years we were complete.

After some pictures, Harry left and we started to eat. They were started to talk about this baseball game that I have no idea about so I just silently ate my food.

"Jassy is actually planning to be a writer instead", my mom said as I wasn't really fully aware that they already changed the topic.

"I still don't know but I guess writing is something I'm really hooked these days. I don't know if it's just a passion or a career I want to take in the future", I explained to them as I wasn't really sure what I want.

"Well, we're going to support you no matter what your decision is, darling", my father smiled and I guessed I was wrong. He perhaps is really changing.

"How about your boyfriend? Who is the guy we'll have to test?", Nick chuckled as I closed my eyes. I really thought they dropped the subject already.

"Uhm, we were friends at first like only friends without anything but a week before thanksgiving, he finally asked me out and I realized that I like him back so I said yes. Uhm, he's Dylan Sprouse", I told them, clarifying that we got together after the restaurant incident. I don't want them to think that I chose Dylan over them that night though it's stupid if they'll assume that because Dyl was with them at the restaurant.

"Oh, the kid at the restaurant", my dad stated. Did I just ruin our chances of being a family again? I really hoped I didn't pissed him off. "He was really kind and a gentleman that night. I hope he makes you happy and I don't have anything more to say"

My eyes widen like is he really my dad? I just shook my head.

"Be careful around him, Jassy. Though Dylan is my friend, if he ever hurt you, Jassy, I'll fucking throw our friendship away and beat him up", Nick chuckled as I smiled. I thought he was disappointed or mad at me but I'm glad he's not. He also knew Dylan at the past but maybe, he also know how kind Dylan really is.

"Uhm, he's coming over tomorrow for lunch I guess. Then, he'll drive me back to the university", I announced to them as they continued to converse something else.

I want Dylan to have least amount of time with my family as much as possible. My brothers are great but I still feel this uneasiness towards my family. Even if my father is trying to patch up everything he had done, I am still anxious about it. Also, I am not really comfortable with this pretending it's normal but it's not really normal kind of setup.

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