Chapter Fourteen

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It's a good thing that we locked the door first or else Lili will see me naked on the bed with Dylan beside me. I can't tell her that it's not what it looks like or I can't come up with a reasonable excuse if ever.

"I'll just get the keys and I'll stay with Cole tonight", Lili said as I hurriedly grabbed the keys from her table.

I gave it to her with only my hand peeping outside the door, "I'm... hmm naked because I was conducting a... a... social experiment"

I terribly lied but Lili just smiled at me, "I'll be back tomorrow morning at 10am perhaps. Good night, Jas"

"Good night. Tell Cole too I said good night", I stuttered a little as I quickly shut the door and locked it again.


Dylan was sitting on the bed, chuckling because of what I just did.

"Social experiment huh?", he raised his eyebrow, teasing and mocking my poor lying skills.

"She could have walked on us, dumbass", I said as I picked up the clothes on the floor. I can sense he was eyeing every move I make.

"Well, you already cum and stopped moaning my name", he teased as he chuckled again.

I frowned but he spread his arms and told me to come near him. I did so and he wrapped his arms around me, letting me sit on his lap but more of straddling on his lap. "You are so beautiful that you should never be ashamed of your body."

It was out of the blue because it's not even what we're talking about but his words comforted me and made me feel confident.

"If I know you have done this to numerous women who are way sexier and more beautiful than I am", I uttered as I felt insecure. Those girls were also already used to this setup. They already know what to do whereas I was not knowledgeable. I don't know where to place my hands and I was moaning unstoppable and I don't even know if it's a good thing.

"Jasmine Torres, you should shut the fuck up because you're the most beautiful and sexiest woman I have ever laid my fingers on, I have ever kissed and I have ever been turned on to.", he said as he placed a quick peck on my lips.

He grabbed his shirt I was holding and put it on me, "I know you don't like to sleep naked though I really want to sleep with you naked."

He kissed my forehead for the last time before letting me lay on the bed. After he removed his pants, he laid beside me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I missed you." he said as he kissed me once again on the top of my head. "Good night, beautiful"

"Good night, sexy pervert"

And by that we slept together. I really missed this feeling of sleeping together, cuddled up together and it felt like everything is alright and okay. It felt like I don't care what happened before and I don't care what may happen next. I really like Dylan and I really love him being by my side.

Morning came and my alarm started to ring like crazy. It's 8:45 and Cole and Lili were about to come home. I hurriedly tried to got up but Dylan's grip on my waist is too tight for me to got up.

"Dyl, wake up", I told him as I gave a quick peck on his lips.

"Hmm", he hummed but he didn't open his eyes yet.

"Dyl, Cole and Lili will be here soon", I reminded him as he opened his eyes.

"I don't care, baby.", he said as he tighten his hold of me and pulled me even closer. "Good Morning"

"Good morning but please. I promise I'll come over to your place. Hmm?", I tried to convince him as he just chuckled.

"Give me a proper kiss and I'll go to my place and wait you there", he asked, closing his eyes and waiting for my lips to collide with his.

"But I haven't brush my teeth yet. My breath stinks", I said. I don't really like my morning breath though I can't smell that it stinks, I don't just like the feeling of not brushing your teeth when you wake up. It's like I let the other end suffer from my unhygienic means.

"It doesn't stink and I don't care. Take control of the kiss", he requested as I took a long breath and then kissed him. Our lips began to move in unison as my hands wandered around his back, pulling him closer everytime we deepen the kiss. He then parted his lips slightly, granting entrance for my tongue. My tongue explored every inch of his mouth, controlling the kiss as he requested. His hands were now on my hair, gripping it tight everytime I massaged his in slow sensual circles.

I don't really know what I'm doing but it seemed it's working as he moaned every now and then. Then later, I finally broke off the kiss as I realized that this can go a long way if I don't stop right now.

"Dyl, please?", I asked again and he smiled and gave a quick peck om my lips.

"But promise me you'll come over, you can even shower there", he winked at me as he finally stood up.

I took off his shirt off me and gave it to him. I was now confident with him but of course, I still feel a little insecure though those ideas were contradicting. I grabbed a oversized shirt and panties in my drawer and put it on.

Dylan wrapped his arms around my waist again as he gave me another short but deep kiss. I don't really know if he really likes me or not but it's alright for me to admit that I indeed like him. Whatever he did, I just want to forget it. I'm hoping someday I'll understand why he had to run off that day but now, I like where we stand though there's no labels and all. Call me greedy but even this is what it takes for me to stay by Dylan's side, I'll happily compromise and abide.

After the kiss, he finally went out then minutes later, Cole and Lili arrived.

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