Chapter Fifty Five

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It's another Monday morning and a day without Dylan and I'm really missing him. I did my morning routine as I get ready for school and went to the cafe to grab some coffee. I have an job interview after class in the cafe so I want to leave a good impression even on its employees that I'm patronizing their product and I'm a respectful customer.

After I grabbed some coffee, I went to class immediately being that typical early bird I am. Then after this class, I went back home so I could call Dylan as part of my morning routine. Then, I talked to Dylan and just hearing his voice makes me want to drive myself back to New York and be with him.

After the phone call, I received a message from Harry that we would have a meeting with Sir Evans. I haven't told Dylan yet about my interactions with Harry because even though we're only interacting casually or with academic purpose, I know Dylan would still throw a fit and I honestly don't want to ruin the weekend we just had so maybe this week, I'll tell him about it.

I went to the meeting place and I can't see Harry nor Sir Evans anywhere so I'm guessing I arrived early. I waited for them and saw Harry come inside not with Sir Evans but with Camila, Shawn, Timothee, Saoirse and Ed. He mouthed 'sorry' and I knew exactly what he did.

"Thank you for coming to lunch with us, Jassy", Camila hugged me and I just smiled, not going to call out Harry for lying.

So we moved to a bigger table with more seats and placed our orders and waited for our food.

"I don't know how Harry made you said yes to this but we're not really bad people and we're safe", Saoirse giggled and I shook my head.

"I'm not really saying no in purpose but uhm, I'm an introvert and I don't really blend in especially you are all in a big group and uhm, I guess adjusting to this place is better when I'm alone and uhm, I also don't think you're bad people... It's just...", I started to blabber but luckily, Timothee rescued me from further embarrassing myself.

"It's just been a week, Saoirse. She's here now, isn't she?", Harry shrugged and luckily, our order arrived and we also changed topic such as the reason why the others are not here.

We continued to chat and I really enjoyed hanging out with them, if only Dylan could understand. Harry even barely talks to me because he's busy chatting with Ed who doesn't seem to like me.

I called afterwards and told him that I met some new friends though I didn't mention to him that they were Harry's friends. I'm really going to tell him personally when we meet.

Majority of the week, I was always with them and since Asa is also my workmate in my part-time job in a music store. I didn't accept the cafe one because I am not that confident with making coffee and stuff. Luckily, Asa referred me to his manager and by that, I was employed here. It pays good and it's not much work so I can study here in my free time.

My week passed by really quickly and I guess not that stressful like last week. Since my major is the same with Saoirse, we were in the same class most of the time. I also don't have to worry who I'm going to be with during lunch or even dinner because I'm usually hanging out with them.

Today was Friday and we were deployed in this small community to do an outreach program. I really love this subject the most because it gives me a glimpse or an experience outside academic works that helping other people is more rewarding than acing a test or earning money; for me atleast.

We finished earlier than expected. I was supposed to drive myself to Dylan's but Dylan told me that he's out with his friends and Maisie also invited me to a party she's hosting. I was about to decline but Maisie was really good at convincing so, I just decided to attend the party and leave early because I'm going to drive myself early in the morning tomorrow.

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