Chapter Seventeen

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"Why are you so off nowadays?", I asked Cole while waiting for our professor. It had been a week since the downtown lunch with my friends. Ever since that day, Cole was really off like he doesn't talk to me that much anymore, he doesn't ask much about me anymore and it seems he doesn't care about me anymore. So in return, I also don't talk to him that much, ask about him but I do care about him and whatever the hell is wrong with him.

"Just monthly period.", he replied but we both know it's something else.

I just came from Dylan's place this morning since I stayed at his place again. I think for this week, I only slept in my place once. Well, Dylan and I just talked about random stuff like little things like what we like, our favorites, some idiotic happenings in our life and such. I really love talking to Dylan but I haven't tell him deep secrets about me yet. Lastly, we made have or not kiss in between or do or not do some dirty things together. 

"You're weird," I told him as he just chuckled as we're used to call each other names.

"That's why we're friends", he retorted.

"Touché", I giggled. It was nice hanging out with Cole again like really talking not because we are in a class. I have to admit that nowadays I'm always with Dylan and also because Cole was really cold towards me. "But I'm sorry for whatever I did"

"What are you talking about? I'm not mad at you. You know if you're uncomfortable me hanging out with Lili in your room, you could tell me", he said as I hit him. I knew this semi-cold war of ours was just us misunderstanding each other.

"It didn't even crossed my mind. Stop being ridiculous. I am happy for you and Lili and I don't mind you spending your time with her. I have my time with you during class and I thought you don't want to be anymore because you are so being off nowadays", I admitted, feeling the tears forming in my eyes already. I wish our professor is absent so he wouldn't see us being dramatic and such. He flicked my forehead and I said aww as my reaction.

"But now Abriana and Justin are dating, you can't exactly stay at her place anymore. Lili and I could hang out in my place", he offered. I remembered I can't use Abriana as an excuse anymore for staying in Dylan's place. 

"It's okay. I have more friends I can happily hang out with and stay to and I rarely stay the night out", I said but mentally screamed as I don't know what excuse I'll come up to when Dylan ask me to stay for the night and Cole ask me where I would stay. I really wanted to tell him that there's really something between Dylan and I but I just can't. It's like I already nurtured this lie of ours that I can't seem to admit it to Cole. 

And again, I want to be sure that when I tell Cole about us, Dylan and I already know what we truly are. I don't want to tell Cole that we are just friends with benefits because he'll surely be furious and make sure that I don't get to see Dylan again. But I feel like Dylan and I are not friends with benefits especially due to the fact that I like him. However, I don't want to tell Dylan what I feel because I'm afraid he'll reject me like he'll be awkward with me and what we have today will be gone. I'm afraid he'll leave once I told him that I like him. I know it's a cowardly move but I don't think I can handle without Dylan by my side. Also, Cole would probably rub it to myself that he told me so. 

"Well, wanna ditch class today?", he grinned as I was confused because Cole never skip class even he has a fever. It's like an academic sin for us to skip class. We're that kind of nerds.

"What are you talking about?", I questioned. 

"I assume you and Dylan do that stuff during literature", he answered as I got a little annoyed by his assumption. 

"I'm still me. I still consider it as a sin skipping class and I actually influenced Dylan to always attend class", I said as a matter of fact. I don't know why he's so against Dylan. He's his brother, twin brother. I don't want to snoop but I'm getting curious what happened to Dylan's past that made Cole to distrust him that much and downgrade him that much. Is it connected with that Steph girl? I promised myself that I won't snoop in and won't let the internal curious cat of mine kill me  but it really frustrates me so much that Cole acts this way. I wanna know the reason behind it.

"But it's like I don't know you anymore ever since you hanged out with Dylan", he expressed. I don't want to get into a fight again with him because we just made up from that stupid cold war we had this week.

"Nothing changed. You have Lili and I have someone I like spending time with just like how we were last year. We never became a thing even if you were single that time. We were always together too but you didn't fall for me and I didn't fall for you too. Why can't you realize that Dylan and I have the same destiny that we are just friends and nothing more?", I raised my voice a little as I was already frustrated at him. He never acted this way before even in the case when I got close to Justin and Max. But I know he got the right to act this way because I'm basically lying in front of him but I don't know, it still frustrates me that he won't trust his own brother that's why it's so hard to tell him about Dylan and I.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that but I'm afraid you'll fall for my brother. I know him, his charms and his past", he uttered. I realized maybe it's okay for Cole to act this way because I have to admit, I like Dylan like like him like him. I mentally slapped myself because Cole was just concerned at me while I kept on lying on his face. I just can't seem to understand why he's being so overprotective to me when it comes to Dylan. He set me up with dates before so I guess he's not  being overprotective at my dating life. I badly wanted to ask but I don't know how and I don't know if it's better if I hear Dylan's past from Dylan himself. But I'm afraid Dylan would leave because last time his past was mentioned, he left me.

"I assure you that you'll be the first guy I'll tell to if I fell in love with someone. Plus, you know inner Jasmine, he doesn't" I half lied because it is true that I like Dylan but love, that's a whole new journey for me to take. 

"But someday you will. Someday you'll not need me anymore. You'll not run into my arms anymore when you have family issues because you'll call for Dylan's name first. I'm afraid I'll lose you" he expressed as I was in shock that he was feeling that way. He's being ridiculous but I kind of felt sad because he felt that way. Dylan was not just the only reason why he was being overprotective but he felt that it's as if I was losing him. I wanted to hit him so hard so he'll snap out of it and realize I'm not going anywhere. Even if maybe in the future, Dylan and I became a thing, he was my friend first so I would choose him over Dylan if a time comes I have to really pick between them. 

"You won't, dumbass. Stop being dramatic" I asserted to him, holding his cheeks so he could look into my eyes. "You'll always be my best friend"

"Sorry but these thoughts cross my mind. But promise me that you'll try your best not to fall for Dylan", he muttered. I don't even know what to do because I can't stop now because I am falling for his brother.

"Why don't you want me to fall for him?" I just questioned, not really promising to him as I don't want to break any promises from now on. 

"As I said, I know him and his past. I don't want you to get hurt", he stated as I just hugged him.

"I won't. I promise you that", I swore to him and right on cue, my professor arrived, apologizing for being late as I continued to internally apologize myself and Cole for lying.

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