Chapter Forty Eight

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When I woke up, Harry was no longer in sight. I collected my things and walked downstairs since Cole texted me that he's already near. Everyone but Harry was in the dining room, having their breakfast.

"Come and eat breakfast with us", Gemma invited me as I looked at the time. I think I got enough time to eat first with them.

"Good morning, everyone", I said as I took my seat. I can feel the tension in the room. I don't know if it's still about last night or something happened when I was asleep.

After breakfast, Cole texted me that he's already here. I bid my goodbye to everyone but mommy told me that she wanted to talk to me alone so I followed her into her room.

"Jassy, I'm sorry about last night. But do know though my intentions were not pure, I really invited you over because you're my second daughter and I care for you so much", mommy apologized as I just shook my head as I already know those stuff.

"I understand. And about Harry, give him some time, I know we all go through that pace. Harry is still with you, he never left and I think he is just lost", I assured her as I gave her a hug. "Thank you so much"

"Thank you, Jassy. I really did raise you well, huh?", she said as tears were already forming in her eyes.

"Yes, you did. I love you", I said to her as she said, "I love you back and I'm really happy that you're with Dylan and I will never do things again that may jeprodize your relationship with Dylan"

After that, I went outside and meet up with Cole but suddenly, Harry came. I was about to bid my goodbye but he just ignored me and just went inside without saying anything.

I went inside Cole's car, feeling so confused. I wonder what happened to Harry.

"Jasmine, are you ready to go?", Cole loudly asked as if he already asked multiple times and I just nodded. "Are you even sad your ex-boyfriend ignored you?" I looked at Cole, raising my eyebrows. "C'mon, Jassy. I was there and also, you can tell me anything and I won't even tell it to Dylan"

"I'm not really sad but confused perhaps?", I opened up though I sounded like I wasn't sure of the way I'm feeling.

"I don't want you cheating on my brother like I disapproved of him for you for so long but only to find out that he never cheated. It's a double slap if you cheat because I should've watch out for you, not him", he jokingly said but tbh, I can't even appreciate his sarcasm right now.

"I would never do that but Harry is my friend. When you ignored me, I felt so sad and maybe it's the same case as Harry's though I feel like I went over the line last night", I explained and then, he asked what happened last night and I told him everything.

"It's always going to be complicated between the two of you because you both shared a romantic history together plus you're basically each other's  first love. You can't blame Harry's mom nor Dylan for acting such. And you also can't deny that you're also thinking that you are the reason why Harry became like that", he honestly said to me and truthfully, I needed to hear that. "No matter how hard you try to claim that you're just reaching out as a friend, you can never ever tell plus I think Harry hasn't get over you yet"

"What do I do? I want to help Harry because I think he's going through some depression", I asked him because I'm so lost.

"Don't do anything. I think it's best if you distance yourself from Harry. He might rely on you and may cause future problems", he advised but I don't think I can do it because he had some progress when we met again. He drunk less now, he stopped smoking and he lessen his hooking up habit. I just stopped arguing with Cole and just nodded though I am not a hundred percent sure I can do it.

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