F.W. Do you need anything?

422 6 3

Your pov
Me and Finn just moved in to our new house, i felt warm arms wrap behind my waist and lift me up in the air.

"FINN!! STOP IT!" I laughed, he placed me down and turned me facing him as we touched our foreheads, "I promise i'll be there when you need something! Anything, i'll help with the work and the bills!" I spoke.

He laughed, "you don't need to worry about those, sweets" i blushed and stared lovingly into those deep brown eyes of his. Then we shared a kiss and unpacked our things.

A few months have passed, Finn's being so committed to his acting that....he ignores me.

He only enters our room if he, forgot, will get, will leave something..and when he does enter i ask him: "do you need anything?" Only to be cut off by the door slamming.
Ive tried countless times to finish my question, but each time was a failure.

Until a few months ago, after Finn had left for his shooting. My hair started to falter and fall off, my body progressively became weaker and my skin color paler. Then after a few more weeks of this i past out only to be found by my best friend, Sadie Sink.

She sent me to the hospital and stayed with me, i had been diagnosed with cancer. And i haven't told Finn, knowing he would make his way back home and to the hospital leaving his shoot back.

I knew how much it meant to him and didn't want him to leave it..

Finn's pov
"Hey Finn my man, guess what?" My director said, "what?" You can take these weekends to get back to your girlfriend or hang out with friends cause were having a break!" My eyes lit up in excitement, Can't wait to spend tonight with the cast! And tomorrow with the boys!

Your pov
I coughed, "did you tell him yet?" Sadie asked. I shook my head, she sighed. "Tell him..the doctor said....you only have 2 weeks! And time goes by real fast y/n.." she said her blue eyes glossing and reddening, i nodded grabbed my phone and called him...

But i knew i couldn't tell him, "Hello?"

"Oh! Hey finn! Just checking if you need anythin-"

"Oh hey n/n i have to go asap, The directors calling!!"  I sighed, "ok by bab-"

"You didn't tell him.."

"I couldn't.." Sadie comes closer and gives me a hug, ill try tomorrow.

Same fate, he answered but dodged the question..after a few more calls... he syopped answering and it was already my second week...and the last day of my life.

Sadie crying beside me, i could barely lift my phone. I have to tell him, i have to ask him, i have to say goodbye.

I pressed call,......



"Y/n? Whats up?"

"Finn i need to tell you something..."

"If your gonna do the 'i really really really really like you' joke, dont its annoying"

"I wont, what im gonna tell you is important.."

"Well what is it?"

"I-i have cancer.."


"I-i h-have cancer.."

"Since when?" His voice filled with worry, i could see his eyes reddening and tearing.

"Two months ago.."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to worry, send anything or come here. I know how much this shooting means to you, and i promised to help you, in anything"

"Y/n im going home today"

"Finn no. Your not going to make it."

"Shut up! Im going to, and when i do im gonna kiss you and give you all the love you deserve"

"I hope you do finn.....do you need anything?"

"Yes, please keep fighting..wait for me."

"Ill try finn, ill do my best"

Finn's pov
I cant believe she never told me! You've fucked up big time wolfhard, first you lie to her. Second, you ignore her calls. Third, you might not make it to her.

I drove my way back home, 2 hours estimated travel. Shit.


I burst my way in the hospital and to her given room name, i opened the door gently to see Sadie with bloodshot eyes and messy hair..same goes for millie.

The i see her, y/n. Her small fragil figure carefully placed onto the bed her eyes closed and chest slowly rising up and down..


"Finn?" She slowly opened her eyes she must be so weak, poor thing. I kissed her dying body and hugged her, "i love you so much"

"Me too finn, I love you so much more than you can even imagine...now-"

"-Now that i fullfilled what you needed-..."

"-D-do y-yuh-you n-need an-ny-nything e-else?-"


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