B.D. P-p-p-plantonic?

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Side note: you're gonna be a big stinky shit filled butthole in this.

Your pov
I sat quietly in the dark room, It was so quiet. Too quiet, I remembered the day he left. He made a good choice to leave, I could remember the yells we shared. Well, I almost feel bad for yelling at him and him just taking it all in standing still as I let my feelings out.

Actually, I don't feel bad at all. I made the fault and I couldn't help it, wasn't my fault he has hot friends. Though Stanley did enjoy that night, Bill might've not. He paid for a price he couldn't handle, He cheated so the only way to get out is fire against fire.
Cheaters never prosper.

I stopped thinking when the police officer entered the isolated room, "why'd you do it?" I turned my head to face him, "what made you do it? The murder?" He leaned against the wall a cigar in his mouth.

"He deserved it, He hurt me. It was self defense-" He spat out his cigar, walked towards me and grabbed my hair. "SELF DEFENSE MY ASS, YOU MURDERED BILL DENBROUGH AT A PARTY IN ELMS STREET EXACTLY AT 9:53 PM!" He yelled at my face.
"I DIDN'T DO IT! OK! IT WASN'T ME, I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT" tears streaming down my face as I yelled at his face, It was true. I had nothing to do with the murder; in all honesty I felt horrible. I don't know what happened, but I swore that I would hunt and murder that son of a bitch that killed Bill. Not even an asshole like him deserved to die, The love we shared for 7 years was just platonic. Nothing romantic or anything, It was all just fake nothing more. The kisses, Intercourses, hugs. All platonic, but we all know that a story doesn't end with out an ending.

It's my perfect love story, Fake love, Fake sex, Cheating boyfriends, Cheating girlfriends, Accusation, Framing, and murder. This all led to a white padded cell all alone, in a facility, constantly having a familiar face come around to the glass and look at me.

Bill's pov
I visit her regularly, The doctor said she's been making up her own worlds and stories. I feel horrible I could've been there when her family broke down in pieces, her father Didn't mean his love for her mother, having meaningless intercourse with her creating y/n; soon having her father continuosly cheating on her mother. Soon her mother doing the same. Leaving y/n alone at home traumatized from her broken history, Accusations soon flooded their household. Framing in robbery too, and finally her father broke and drowned her mother in the bathtub. Causing y/n to break and go insane.

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