B.D. Missing Notes and Unknown Words

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Bill's pov
I sat alone in my bedroom crying. What the fuck did I just do?

~~FLASHBACK~~ to March 9-16, 2016.
(RIP Eddheads) (BTW pretend they're like..19-22 years old in here ok?)

I walked away from Jessica (CHANGE THE NAME IF ITS YOURS) , Fucking Bitch was pregnant...and she gave me the certificate!..She said she was on a pill! Ughh what the hell am I gonna say to y/n? I rubbed my face. I opened the door to my home.

"Hey Bill!" My beautiful girlfriend hugged me, I crumpled the paper and threw it in the bed room down the hall. I hugged back.

"Hey babe, What were you doing?" I pulled away to look at her big e/c eyes, "oh! I just made an apple pie for you and I cleaned your room, fed our dog, Newt...Oh! And I went out and bought you new socks-" I zoned out as she continued to say what she's done for me...I feel Twice as bad now! My One Night Stand when she was away is the biggest mistake I've ever made..

"-Oh and I invited Stanley, Richie, Eddie, Beverly, Ben and Mike for dinner! As a get together! If it's ok.." I snapped out of my trance, "Huh? Oh! Yes yes of course anything for my one and only~" I cringed, She jumped excitedly and ran out of my arms to clean the dining room.

I on the other hand Ran towards the bedroom down the hall and picked up the paper and placed it on my Nights Stand, I sat on my bed and thought about what I was gonna say..'oh hey y/n! I have another girlfriend and she's pregnant!' ; 'I'm so sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to I promise!' ; "Oh Hey y/n, I'm a father and you're not the mother!"....A few moments later, I heard cheering Downstairs. The losers must be here already, I straightened my posture, fixed my hair and made my way downstairs.

"Hey guys!" The room flowed with the words, 'hey Bill!' ; 'stutters! You're normal now!!' ; 'Hi' ; 'How's life?'. I walked down the staircase and swung my over y/n's shoulder with her snuggling into my chest. We drank alchohol, Ate some food and Laughed all the problems away. But only two people stayed sober, y/n and Stanley.

Stanley's pov
I walked away from the crowd and towards the halls while talking to y/n, Damn..Bill was really lucky to have a girl like her. Look at all her curves! Eddie would kill for that to impress Richie..

She was giving me a tour of their house and we reached Bill's room, we entered a piece of paper caught my eye. I walked towards it, Holy Shit.

"Y/n....You need to see this" she walked my way and read the paper, she looked me in the eye and burst in tears. We sat on Bill's bed as she cried. I regret saving Bill's sorry ass back then, should've left him with that sewer dick sucking asshole.

Guess Bill had more Dick in his personality than in his pants.

I rubbed circles on y/n's back, "S-Stanley?" My attention went to her quickly, "yes?" I answered ergently. "Can we just leave this place? I'll pack my stuff and....can I stay at your house?" Holy fuck YES " YES- Er, of course y/n" I helped her get up and pack her stuff. She left a note along with the certificate for Bill on the Kitchen counter, No one noticed we left. They were too drunk.

Bill's pov
I woke up and my fucking head was dying, I made my way to the refrigirator to get some water for the losers. Y/n was probably asleep upstairs, I turned around and noticed some papers on the counter.
Holy shit, I picked the note up..

' Dear Bill, I'm In Stanley's House.
He is so much more original than you are, I think "Dildo" is a more acceptable insult. I'd call you a dick but you aren't real enough, We're over. Stanley will forever be twice the man you'll ever be. By the way Trash is getting picked up tomorrow, Be ready Bitch.
And please, take care of your eyes. They're the only balls you have.
                                           With Hatred, Y/n~'


Bill's pov
I grabbed my phone, dialed her number and called her.



"Listen, y/n Im so so so sorry please come back-"

"Sorry I don't understand you, I don't speak Assholian"

I could hear Stanley laughing in the backround..

-call ended-

-2nd call start-

"Y/n Im sorry but please just listen to me-"

"Bill..im sorry but did you fall from heaven?"

I blushed and smiled she could be warming up to me!


"Because so did Satan."

-call ended-

-3rd call start-

"Y/n please I didn't mean it! I'll make her get an abortion-"

"Bill is your ass jealous of all that shit coming out of your mouth?"

"I'm not faking-"

"Bitch please you are so fake, China denied they made you!"

"You know what bill? I'd tell you to go to hell....but-"

"You still love me?"

"Fuck no! I dont wanna see you there!"

-call ended-

-4th call start-

I called Richie over to use his charm to y/n

"Hey baby~ did you fall from heaven?"

"No, Stanley caught me"

-call ended-

-5th call start-

"Y/n..please just let me talk, im so sorry, i was just- i didnt know what I was doing that night-"

"Bill Denbrough, I remember you took my breath away...you still do"


"But then I realized..."


"I was suffocating through all your bullshit"

-call ended-

-6th call start-

"I love you y/n please come back"

"I love me too, and I'm already in hell"

"Fuck you"

"I'd fuck me too"

"You know what?! I don't give a shit anymore!"

"Being a dick won't make yours any bigger Denbrough"

-call ended-

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