M.W. 2 Missing not Dead

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Imma start putting titles :)))

Your pov
I hope that El doesnt mess up whatever me and mike have....she fucking kissed me...is she gay or something? Eugh! thats not allowed yet...but soon it will :) I glanced over at my alarm clock.

Shit ive been talking to myself for 30 minutes! I got dressed and biked to school, "why're you late?" Lucas spoke, "non of your buisness" I opened my locker and took a few books out, "where's eleven?".

Dustin came up "back at mikes house" I stopped, "he let a stranger in his house over night?"

Lucas sighed exaggeratedly "FINALLY! someone who gets me!"  Mike then came running up to us, I had to admit..his cheek bones are on fleek today..

"Guys! We need to go! My cousins coming over and el's-" I stopped daydreaming and turned to him, "your cousin? Wait! What about school?" "Fuck it" he then ran outside motioning for us to follow him,,

As we biked back to his house we saw a diffrent car on his driveway, "shit shit shit shit" mike muttered. We all went inside, thankfully sooner or later school would be canceled because of the storm outside.
When I looked around a pair of big brown eyes caught mine, Hell yes "hey hotstuff!" He walked up to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "Richie! Stop that!! Youre making her feel uncomfortable!!"

Mike took off richie's arm from my shoulders and richie pouted, "you guys look so similar!" Dustin spoke whilst lucas nodded, "guys..this is my cousin Richie, Richie these are my friends, Lucas, Dustin and y/n"

Richie shook my hand, "I prefer to call you hotstuff, is that fine?" I giggled and nodded, truth was, I already knew richie he is my bff from Derry Maine, I called him and told him to convince his mom to take him to hawkins so we could prank his little cousin.

He placed his arm around me once again, as I blushed. I could feel mike's glare already!

We all made our way to the basement door but then mike stopped richie, "party members only." I gave mike a look, "mike c'mon he's your cousin", "but he's not a party member!", "and so?" "Then he cant go down!" I mouthed an apology to richie he simply nodded as he stayed up and we went down...

El was still in her little fort, we never talked about what happened in the bathroom since it was too awkward to do it with the boys and their snoopy asses.

After talking about what we were gonna do, Dustin and Lucas left the room to grab more snacks and drinks for us and I followed them to check on richie. But when I went back downstairs I was shook.

El was kissing my home boy Mike, I could feel my stomach doing a cartwheel as I ran back upstairs and hugged richie,  he seemed shocked by it but hugged back anyway..

"Whar happened?" I shuffled away from him a bit, "They kissed.." he gave me an apologetic look as I bit my lip, "wanna go home?" I nodded tiredly, "Hey rich?" "Yeah?" "Since its the last day of school today and there's no more school tomorrow can I go to Derry with you?" He smiled softly, "I mean- if your parents are ok with it" "Richie they dont give two shits about me"

He chuckled and nodded, "ok then.." we proceeded to walk to my house..

Mike's pov
Lucas and Dustin soon went back down and El and I pulled away, but no y/n behind them..

"Hey guys? Where's y/n?" They both had confused glances towards me, "She went down earlier already" Lucas answered.
Shit. Did she see us kiss? Fuck, Where's Richie? I swear to god if he isnt there-

I made my way upstairs and my eyes searched the room for the two of them, gone. I rubbed my temples, Lucas and Dustin following behind me, "Mike what the hell?"

"Ughhh where'd they go??" I looked around my house, "away from you" Lucas smirked and helped look around.

"I wonder what y/n saw to make her take Richie and leave" Dustin thought out loud, shit maybe she did see us kiss..good job michael wheeler you officialy made your crush hate you and take your cousin instead.

I sat on the couch exausted, do I even like El like that? No..I don't. Shit. What's wrong with me? Kissing girls I don't even love! Ughhh I'm so sorry y/n, Where are you?

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