R.T. Toxic

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Richie's pov
I sat back in my seat and groaned, and watched as my teacher yelled his ass off on a student. Such a ding dong.

The bell rung and I grabbed my back pack and walked outside.

I pused my hair back and gripped my bag straps, "GOOOOOD AFTERNOON BITCHESSS" I ran towards the losers. "What's so good about it?" Stanley raised his eye brows, "Don't get sassy with me young man !!"

"I'm older than you ?" Stan pointed out, I rolled my eyes "you're no fun stanny" He looked away, "Richie !! Wait up !" A female voice called from behind us ; my heart skipped a beat, there she was, my love..

Molly Soptic..

I smiled and hugged her, "hey babe". "Richie, I planned a perfect afternoon for us both! I hope your....friends. don't mind not being with you for a day" her finger traced circles on my chest, I looked at my friends with an apologetic look. Bill gave a dirty look but nodded anyways turning around and leaving Molly and I, everyong following in suite.

Your pov
I looked away from the disgusting scene and followed along with Bill and the others. "Is something wrong n/n?" Stanley must've noticed, I smiled "no, nothing" he looked worried as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, for once in my life I felt...Relaxed0.
I smiled a real smile while we walked to the quarry, Beverly and Eddie making us laugh along the way. We forgot about Richie and his walmart slut; Everyone in the club hated Molly. She took Richie away from us, she treated him like her personal dildo.

She never loved him for him, she just wanted his body. Nothing else, We all felt worry and pity for him. But he would always defend that cunt, he was so blind. Literally and Metaphorically. He never understood love, love wasn't just about sex and other bullcrap. It's being with someone you would die for, but there was nothing we could do to stop him from falling into the toxic relationship. Like I said, he was too blind that he couldn't see the hole and fell into it. Now that he's in, he's too blind to find the way out.

We stripped down to our feet and jumped into the water, Swimming is something we do to forget our problems. Together. We're all worried that one day Richie would fall to far into that hole and never come back, we didn't want to lose him of course, but as his best friends we needed to support his relationship choices. Even if they're bad ones, I mean.. we tried to tell him that she wasn't the one. But that lead to Bill and Stanley almost kicking the living shit out of him, Bev and I had to hold them back. And boy it wasn't easy..

I've talked to Bev and Eddie about my care for Richie, They both knew it was a crush. Yes, I admit it. I did have a crush on Richie. I still do, and don't even think that the plot is going towards Stanley and I, reader. Cause you're wrong, Spectzum isn't that predictable. Stanley is gay, just to clarify. He hasn't told anyone but me. So,, too bad readers. All the thoughts of how Richie could end up hurt because of that plastic Barbie re-boot is killing me, but at the same time I would love to say 'I told you' right infront of his sorry face.

We all swam to shore after the multiple games we played, we talked, we laughed, all without Richie. It didn't feel the same, I know all of us felt the missing part in our heart. One shaped like Richie, one hole that could never heal unless he came back. This problem continued on for 5 years, we saw Richie to 3 times a week to 2, to none. We all forgot about him sooner or later and seperated for our own lives.

~major time skip~

Still your pov :)
I sat in my sofa petting my pet indian ring neck parrot, Kiwi. She talked and did tricks, we both watched the television. Then I heard my door bell ring, I got up and placed Kiwi inside her home. And walked up to the door; I looked through the peep hole and smiled as I opened the door, my favourite couple..

Eddie and Stanley, who knew? I didn't. Even Spectzum is shook.. I gave them a welcoming hug, "can I have a hug too?" A voice came from behind them. Bet all of you know who this is already, yeah Spectzum ran out of plot ideas so deal with it.

My mouth agaped and tear were brought to my eyes, "R-Richie?" I covered my mouth, "The one and only" he smiled and opened his arms, I ran into said arms and let him embrace me. I haven't seen this man for 5 fucking years, Holy Lord. I broke the hug, "w-what happened? Why are you here?"

"He finally realized we were right about his one sided love" Eddie spoke up holding Stanley's hand, "Do the others know-"
"Yup" I faced the door to see behind Richie were the rest of the losers, It was a fucking reunion. "Listen, Guys I'm sorry I didn't see what was happening until now.." before Richie started his explanation I welcomed them all inside my house, we all took a seat and listened to Richie.

"Anyways, I only found out I was being used was..when we were fucking, she yelled out another man's name.." we all gave eachother painful looks, that was a bad way to find out..I hugged Richie and everyone got up and did the same. Richie soon did something so miraculous I thought God came down from heaven, He cried. He cries infront of us letting all his feeling out soon making us cry too.

So there we were, a giant crying pile of small sweaty adults. "We love you Richie"

~another major timeskip~

Spect's pov
After the incident of Richie coming back to his rightful home, He fell into another hole. But this hole wasn't filled with sluts, It was full of love. He was now 32 years old with twins and a beautiful wife named, Y/n Tozier. He loved his two adorable girls, Alexandra Marie Tozier and Tony Jackson Tozier. Sure he was the only boy but taht was about to change..

"DAD TONY AND I WANT SOMETHING" Alex ran to her father, he picked her up. "What is it?"he smiled, Tony caught up to Alex. They both nodded, "we want another sibling!" Richie laughed nervously and looked over too y/n who stiffened up and continued to read her book sweating pin balls, He smirked. "Sure thing sweets, we'll see what we can do tomorrow when you guys are at school.."

So there they were, The Tozier Family.
Alexandra Marie, Tony Jackson and Simon Connor Tozier. Off to continue the legacy with they're friends..

Georgie Den and Thomas Alexander Marsh,

Greg Hanscom,

Dylan Blue and Nicole Heron Uris


Eve and Lucy Hanlon.

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