J.H. Entities

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Ohohoooo for our eleventh part i chose to do a jane hopper/eleven x reader, get it???...no? Ok ill go home

Your pov
After El closed the gate everything was almost back to normal, we went to the snowball, we enjoyed our lives..but any life without El wasn't worth living.

I'm y/n l/n, or you could call me A. Another experiment Dr. Brenner created, no one knows though, even my parents were brainwashed to think I was their biological daughter. My powers were multiple, I had Pyrokenisis, Clairvoyancy; Illutionism..

Both Clairvoyance and Illutionism shared  by other experiments. No. Eleven and Eight are not my sisters, They are the Number Squad. Whilst I belong in the Letter pack, two diffrent things.

I enjoyed my secretive life, making unexplainable events happen in school without anyone knowing it was me. One thing to know is once I use my powers a light shines from the bracelet, The bracelet conected to my brain and stuck to my ankle.

I was happy with my friends, Lucas, Dustin, Will and Mike. They were the best, until we found her. She was unique and diffrent, Her name was Eleven a neighbor of my own kind in a diffrent group, but she wouldn't understand if I told her. She can't even talk properly! I guess they were taught how to speak with numbers and not letters..

After a few months, another kid goes missing, and same thing happens, El saves the kid..but this time. El won't be coming back. We saw her die in our own arms, drown from to much brain waves. It was a dark day for us but a day that everyone would hopefully remember..

"ELEVEN!" I yelled and ran up to her shaking figure The boys running after me, we all hugged her and sobbed as death took her life. My eyes opened and widened..she was gone..but not for long, I stood up and used all my will power and used my powers to revive her. I knew doing this would mean I would die, but it was all worth it.

The lights caused a Nebula-like look on the roof and all around, the boys gawking in awe. Then everything turned black and it was just me and El in the mindscape.

"You have powers?" She spoke softly, I nodded. "How come you never told me?"
I shrugged, I heard her footsteps walk closer towards me. I slowly looked up , she then hugged me and Teared up.

"Why? Why give up everything you have and all of your memories and your life? Why give it up for me?"

"Because I love you, and no life is worth living without you"

Eleven's pov
"Because I love you, and no life is worth living without you" I pulled away and looked at her glossy e/c eyes, a tear fell from my eye. "Don't worry El ill always be an Entitity and I will always be with you"

Just as I was about to kiss her she disappeared, "Y/N?!" I looked around, "Y/N?!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I started to cry, "Y/N!!"

I gasp and woke up witg cold sweat as the boys sobbed and hugged me, "y/n? Where is she?" They all looked at eachother with sad faces and slit up to see Will hugging her lifeless body, he was sobbing and his face was red..

I slowly got up and hugged Her and Will The boys doing the same, She will always be here with me as an Entity..

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