B.M. I can't have you/ R.T. We'll get through

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It was a week of sorrow, Beverly had left and Y/n was in grief.

(It turns to a richie x reader in the end)

Your pov

I sat alone in my room staring at the wall, why her? I couldn't forget the scene. Oh the horrible scene. So much blood, Her blood.
Everyone shed blood, sweat and tears on that day.

The day the losers club broke up, The death of Beverly Marsh. The day we couldn't beat Pennywise, He decapitated her right infront of us. Using his endless supply of sharpened teeth, blood splattered on our faces, bodies, walls and floor. But most on his mouth, where we could still see her head peeking inside the screaming expression stuck in place on her face. It was horrific. It's like I could still hear her screaming in the back of my head, We could've saved her if we moved fast enough. Sadly the deed is done, and there was no way to bring her back.

A soft knock filled the room capturing my attention, I slowly and stood up towards my front door and opened it.

"Y/n.." William, A succesful Horror novel writer. Back then I thought it was sick to write about the events of you and friend's death and traumatic experience and change the story a bit yet again why not do it if you had the shot?

"Yes Bill?"

"It-it's back.." oh fuck no. I'm not going back, not after what happened. I love Beverly and now I can't have her because of that fucking clown! "I am not doing this again William. Never again. That piece of two week old ass stinking shit killed Bev! And you want us to go give him a visit again? Fuck no!"

I hesitantly shut the door but Bill stuck his foot in to prevent me from closing said door, "We need to stop it, once and for all y/n. What if it kills someone else because we didn't stop it!"

"Well it isn't our problem! First of all what kind of mother would let their beloved child out in a rainy day with no guardian? That's bullshit! I can't lose anyone, not again Bill! Not again.." He fell silent as I covered my mouth and sobbed, He held me close and helped me to my sofa.


I don't know how, But Bill somehow managed to convince me to doing this shit anyways. I looked down at the scar on my left hand, the one We left 27 years ago..
I gently traced over it and sighed. I looked at my right hand, the same hand I used to hold Beverly's in. It tore me up to flashback to the moment she left, 27 years ago. The images flashing in my mind, it couldn't go away. I try so hard to get rid of it, but nothing happens. I felt a nudge on my left shoulder, My eyes fluttered open as I sat up and looked around. Bill was getting out the car, we're outside a local chinese restaurant here in Derry Maine. Mother Fucking Derry Maine, We both got out and walked inside seeing a familiar set of faces.

"Richie? Is that you?" His sharp jawline fit his pale white freckled face so perfectly, his dark curly hair grew messier but somehow it made him look hotter, damn.

"Nope it's Ricky Goldsworth" He grinned and wrapped his arms around me kissing the top of my head, I pulled away smiling.
"Sir Kaspbrak is that you?" I turned to my right meeting a pair of hazel eyes and short dark brown hair and a soft smile, "yes it is Ms. L/n" he smiled. Same old Eddie.

After the reunion and shit we all started plotting the plan, If only I knew..well I will know since you're currently reading this chapter for the plot. Anyways, if only I knew what was about to happen. What all this plotting would lead to..


I wish I never said yes, I wish I never agreed. Poor Stanley didn't see it either, his death will be avenged and remembered. We defeated Pennywise sure but it shouldn't cause another's life! This is all bullshit, I sat on the pavement sobbing. I flinched as a hand softly rubbed my shoulder, "I didn't wanna do this either.." Richie sighed removing his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger, I sniffled. "I-it w-wuh-was s-suh-s-so f-fast.. t-too f-fuh-f-fast"

Richie frowned looking at the ground, he cracked a small grin. "I remember when All of us were still 13 and 14 year olds..So oblivious to all the up coming events of what was bound to happen in the future, the consiquences of messing with pennywise" he chuckled and leant back, looking up at the dark sky stars scattered along it's curves. The sky was beautiful, despite the grief filled events yesterday.

Richie leant forward and wrapped an arm around me, I leaned against his touch. Maybe it was time, time to get over Beverly.
And move on, with Richie. "Stan's life was s-short lived" I mummbled, Richie nodded slightly. I felt safe with him, I wanted to stay with him. "Richie?" He hummed in response.

"I love you" I felt myself heat up, just like I used to around Bev. "I love you too Sweets" He whispered lovingly, Holding me closer.
I smiled softly, but soon frowned remembering the horrid sound of Stan's neck snapping in the clown's iron grip. I cringed, even if Stan did make it out alive he would have a broken neck and missing limbs with blind eyes. It was unfair, nothing was ever fair. I hardly even noticed I was crying again, Richie's grip on me tightened as he kissed the top of my head. Softly stroking my sides comfortingly, he whispered: "Chin up Sweets, Don't cry. We'll make it through, and we'll make it together"

If only he knew the whole plot of the story, then he would've known he lied.

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