CHP03: Vamps

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Okay so I'm spelling Firkle like every other sane-person. With an I! DUN DUN DUN! Okay enjoy you guys a lot of twists and turns ahead! Stick with it my freaks! (still want feedback on thatXD) Thanks for reading!


After the nightmare, mom naturally wanted me to stay home but I couldn't I was actually starting to enjoy going to school. I never went to class but I liked school. I got onto the bus going all the way in the back with the goths. I really hated how bumpy the ride was but no one else seemed to matter so I kept my mouth shut.

I didn't even bother going to class. I waited in the bathroom until the ginger hall monitor was out of sight. Then I ran to the loading docks where I saw the goth kids. They seemed unusually, err... Happy... I stared at them oddly before Michael explained it to me. "We're gonna go fuck up the vamp kids meeting today, you in?" I nodded smiling for the first time in months. Fuck! YEAH!

We sat down around the corner of the loading dock so no one could see us. Michael took out a piece of paper that had the school gym and the school halls drawn on it. He began to explain it slowly and cautiously. "The vamp kids meet for lunch here." He said pointing to the school's gym with his finger. "Henrietta and Firkle will wait outside the gym here." He said pointing to the sides of the gym. "they wait until everyone's inside and lock the doors." I looked at him oddly feeling like this could go wrong in so many ways. "Pete and I will be in school hallways and once we get the signal we pull the fire alarm, here." He pointed to a skinny aisle in the school. "And what about me?" I asked curious and excited for the prank. "you're one of the most important parts. You go inside the gym and film the whole thing." Michael said handing me a fancy camera. "Whoa where'd you get this?" I asked examining its features. "My mom's." Henrietta quickly said. "does your mom know you took her eight hundred dollar camera?" I asked still looking at all the crazy buttons. "do I care?" She asked plainly. I shrugged and went to the bathroom to put sparkles on my face. I didn't need to do anything else as much as I hate to admit it, the goth and vamp look are pretty much similar.

As soon as the bell for lunch rang I immediately got in line to get into the gym. All the vamp kids wore similar clothing as the goth kids and it frustrated the living hell out of me. Who thinks they're actually a vampire? I had to keep the camera hidden so I put it under my dress sleeve. I didn't need it until later so it didn't matter.

I looked out the window trying to see if we were ready to go. Pete immediately gave me the okay sign. I smiled going deeper into the crowd and grasped my camera. I counted to three and that's when the fire alarm started to go off. I smiled as all the vamp kids started to run in circles panicking. I grabbed the small camera out from my dress sleeve and started to record the mayhem from a distance. The majority of them were bunched around the entrance screaming their heads off. I laughed knowing they hadn't even considered it might have been a false alarm. Only a couple were running in circles near the front where the stage was. I made the mistake of laughing too much because a tall black man pointed me out.

"Eh, Mike, this mother fucker's got a camera!" He shouted. I didn't know what to say. This guy was a full grown man probably about twenty-six and had a Twilight, Eclipse t-shirt. I didn't know whether to be afraid, or laugh. All I knew for sure was I was caught. All vamp kids stopped freaking out and drew their attention to me. I backed up knowing they were gonna try to murder me. I bit my lip knowing I had to fight. I backed up five steps before someone screamed for them to stop.

"Wait!" I heard a boy say. The crowd dispersed and a black haired boy with green highlights stepped forward. He wore a black jacket with a black t-shirt of a dead bleeding bird. He also wore fingerless gloves but nothing much else. I rose my eyebrow at him. "you're a goth kid aren't you?" He asked skeptical as he stared at me. I nodded trying to look away. He grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him. I growled but he just shrugged it off continuing to speak. "the goth kids, wouldn't try anything like this unless they got new meat... Hmm, now the question is, what to do with you?" He asked himself. All the vamp kids around him started screaming suggestions.

"Let's get her suspended!" One of them screamed.

"Let's suck out her blood!" A tall girl shouted.

"Let me waste this mother fucker!" The tall black man shouted. At his comment the boy who had asked the question in the first place, continued to speak.

"No, we can't just kick her ass, we need to use this to our advantage. You're staying here, what's your name goth?" He quickly asked. I rolled my eyes and spit in his face. He squealed wiping his face. He was such a pussy.

"My name is Mike, Mike Vampir. Now you will tell me your name." He almost shouted he was losing his patience. I rolled my eyes finally giving in, maybe this way they'd let me go.

"My name is Jade Miller, now can you fags go fuck off?" I hissed. Mike backed away kind of surprised.

"Wow, jeez you don't have to swear." He was about to say more but the bell had cut him off. Most of the vamp kids had gone to the door once again and this time it opened. I guess the goths had assumed it had gone sour. The majority of the vamps left back to class. I started walking away from the faggy vamp kid flipping him off when he grabbed my hand.

He pulled me towards him. I tried to pull away feeling disturbed at his sudden change of heart. "Are you really gonna go back to them, I mean they didn't even come back for you,they don't give a damn, they want you gone." He whispered pulling me into a hug. I was shocked at his words and it only took me a couple of seconds to start believing it. Pete, obviously hated me, and why did it take so long for them to come for me. Was the bell for class the only reason they had unlocked the door. Damn, for a fucking vamp kid, he made a lot of sense. As I finished going through my thoughts I began to blush realizing that he was hugging me. "You're right." I whispered. As soon as he let go of me he handed me a slip of paper. "If you ever need a hand? Just call, I'll be there in a split second." He grinned at me showing his razor sharp vampire teeth. "You guys, meet here, every day at lunch?" I asked curious. "yeah, and we also meet in the middle of the woods near the outskirts of South Park. We're the only ones with a bonfire so it's pretty hard not to see us. We're there every night." He continued to grin at me as he grabbed my hand. "you'll need these." He said slowly taking his hand away from mine. I looked down at my palm seeing a shiny new pair of vampire fangs. I half smiled as Mike continued to grin at me. Just then another bell rang. "Jeez, I have to get to class... I'll see you later?" He asked, kissing me lightly on the cheek. He quickly ran out of the gym and to class. I didn't think much of it. I decided to walk home after that, I wasn't in much of a mood to talk to the goth kids, especially after this incident.

What your reading this and don't know who Mike Vampir/Makowski is??? Well that's all right, Picture of Mike at the side, if you don't know who he is.-------------------------------------------------->

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