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My eyes were red and there were at least five circles under my eyes. I couldn't handle blinking without falling asleep. I had stayed up all night convincing myself that I didn't love Jade Miller. No, that would be impossible. I spent at least five hours doing so and managed to slowly drift into slumber. I only rested for five minutes before the pros of Jade overwhelmed the cons of Jade. It was two in the morning when this happened I stared at my ceiling until around five fifty. Just ten minutes before I had to wake up and get ready for school.

The day went pretty fast counting that I had slept in all my classes. After each class my teacher had to wake me up. The next time I woke up I was in the nurse's office. I didn't ask why. I guess one of my teacher's tried waking me and when I didn't she called the nurse. I smiled when I realized what time it was. "eleven fifty." Lunch was in ten minutes so I wasn't stuck here for too long.

Jade P.O.V

I slowly rounded around the cafeteria. I wasn't sure if I wanted to openly admit that I was hungry. Maybe if I waited enough some poor ginger would become my victim and I could just steal the sap's food. As I waited around the corner I wanted to keep a safe distance. As I became tired of standing I started to crouch down giving my legs a small break. I sighed in deeply then heard a grunt. I ran in face-first into the cement.I looked up biting my busted lip.

"What do you want Pete?" I hissed. He got up at my sound and gave me a smirk.

"You're gonna end up messed up if you stick with Mike." He said slowly. I blushed realizing Pete had actually realized I was moving on. I looked down feeling guilt but I didn't know why. He sat down next to me staring at the ground. "look, Mike uses people for his own benefit. You're gonna end up hurt and I'm gonna end up having to beat the crap out of him." I quickly tackled him to the floor.

"Pete that fucking hurt." I gave him a smooth smile refusing to get off of him. "I don't need you defending me Pete, I'll make my own mistakes." Pete gave me a nasty glare and reluctantly pushed me off.

"Are you trying to kill me? Jade, I like you I don't want you to get hurt because of some butt hole vamp kid." He looked back at the floor trying to show no emotion.

"Mike doesn't just like me! He loves me! And you're the one who messed us up in the first place! What did you think I'd just crawl back to you after all these years!" I hollered. He looked up at me biting his lip. He rammed me pinning me to the wall.

He gazed into my eyes hurt for about a minute before releasing me. "You know better than anyone that I can't help it..." He fell to the floor burying his face in his hands.

He grunted for a while then got to his feet. "Jade I like you but I don't want to hurt you anymore. That part of me wants to hurt you like all those years ago and it'll hurt you more than it will ever hurt me. The nasty side wants to eat away at me when I see you. I think I know why, because I really... Like you and I can't let myself like anyone in that way. So I try to drive you away. I'll let you make your own mistakes just promise me that you'll find me when you need help... Okay?" He gave me a discrete hug and walked away.

"I promise." I whispered as Pete walked away flipping his hair out of his eyes. I adjusted the yellow bow in my hair and walked towards the cafeteria. I wanted lunch and then I'd head over to the gym. I knew Mike was waiting for me there.

Mike P.O.V

I was securing the perimeter making sure the goth kids couldn't intrude our meeting. I walked around the corner and was jumped. They taped my mouth shut and I sighed of relief when I saw Vladimir. I was confused and all he did to reassure me was shush me.

They pushed me into the pitch black room and I began to panic. I was still tied up and I could hardly move. The lights came on in seconds. The majority of the our vampire society were here. Vladimir calmly walked over and ripped the duct tape off of my mouth. "Ow!" I shouted rubbing my lips from the pain. "what is the meaning of this?" I quickly asked after recovering from the blow.

Vladimir looked towards the crowd nodded then looked back to me. "We're worried about you Vampir." He said smoothly. I rolled my eyes knowing this was probably about Jade.

"The human girl isn't one of us, Mike you know that!" Bloodrayne shouted.

"She's vamp! Bloodrayne, Vladimir is speaking, now... Go on..."

"you're wasting your time on Jade when you should be focusing your time on our vampire society! We ran short on fangs this week because instead of handling the orders you were ditching class to go to a freaking carnival with the girl!" He hissed. "You've changed Mike, you've grown weak!"

"She's no mere mortal! She posses great power she's not simply just a girl!" I shouted. Vladimir was getting irritated as he paced around.

He began to get in my face. "The only reason she's here is because you don't want her to be a goth!" He shouted. I signaled for him to silence himself but he shrugged it off explaining more. "We all know Mike, you should know by now that I can't keep my mouth shut. You're lucky she doesn't know." I looked away knowing if she knew my first intentions she'd dump me like a sac of potatoes. Those weren't my intentions anymore right?

"It's all worth it if it keeps the goth's numbers down!" I shouted before slamming the door and heading to the gym. I didn't need this anymore. I had already convinced myself I didn't love Jade Miller it was just impossible.

As the heavy door closed on me I saw Jade setting up the chlamato juice on a table. She gave me a cheeky smile as I walked towards her. The gym flooded with my minions seconds later. They had spent so much time on my little intervention that we had to skip to the blood ritual. Vladimir announced it claiming I was incapable of doing so. I helped give out the chlamato juice.

I gripped a cup handing it towards Jade and she placed her hands over mine grabbing it. "Thanks." She said smiling. Just then I realized she wasn't wearing her fangs.

"Hey can we talk outside?" I asked quietly. She nodded as I grabbed her hand and we took a seat on the steps to the gym.

She scooted close to me wrapping her hand around mine. "Okay what's wrong?" She quickly asked. Damn was Jade blunt. She took a sip of her tomato juice and she had a tomato mustache. I tried not to laugh at how cute it looked.... Damn it! No, I didn't mean cute I meant hilarious... Damn it what was I thinking. Something was wrong with me.

"Where are your fangs?" I asked trying to erase my previous thought.

"They were uncomfortable so I left them at home why?" She said barely looking at me. She looked zoned out. I smiled at her face as she concentrated so hard. It was, reassuring. I turned around and saw she was staring at a familiar girl.

"What are you looking at?" I asked curious. She blinked twice breaking a trance.

"It's just that girl looks like such a conformist. I think I have a class with her." She said staring at Criss. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Don't mind her she wanted to be in our group but she decided she wasn't cool enough." I said my voice cracking. I sighed before giving Jade a slanted smile.

Jade P.O.V

"You really liked this girl didn't you?" I asked. He looked at me with pain in his eyes.

"Back in the old days I did but now she means nothing." He lied through his clenched teeth. I looked down knowing compared to her I was nothing.

"She an ex-girlfriend or something?" I asked trying to be casual and seem like I wasn't prying. He nodded biting his lip.

"You wanna go back inside then?" He asked standing up. I smiled nodding. The smile was fake. I was worried, someone always had to take good things away from me. First it was dad now some girl was gonna take Mike away? No, I couldn't deal with it. I just had to do whatever I could. This time I wouldn't let that happen, no not this time. I grabbed

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