CHP15: Mike Makowski

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We walked around the mall for a couple of hours. I was scraped for cash but Mike bought me some cool Gothic bracelets. He bought himself some new fangs and a new shirt the same style with a white dead bleeding dove. Whenever Mike spoke he showed his lisp probably because he was sad or something. It made me sad to say that his was one of our last days together. 

We walked in silence once again after leaving the Hot Topic shop Mike loved so much. I got nothing from there. "Mike I'm hungry." He faced me with a smile.

"I'm glad to know that you're eating I always worry about that. What you hungry for babe?" He asked. I blushed realizing this was the first time he confronted me about my previous anorexia and the first time he had called me babe.

"Uh, Cheetos and just a sandwich from the mall cafeteria." I whispered.

"Well come on then!" He shouted grabbing my hand. I giggled as we ran down the escalators and into the mall cafeteria. All the while Mike was looking back smiling at me. He pulled out the chair for me as we sat. 

"I don't really get why you have to leave I mean I still don't even get why you like Pete." He said looking at the table. I bit my lip about to answer. When I changed my mind. "Ham okay?" I asked. He nodded smiling. I got up running to the counter for sandwiches.

Mike P.O.V

She tried changing the topic and it worked. She didn't want to waste her breath explaining why Pete was so much better than me. Honestly I was only half curious. Jade had left for the sandwiches and once again I was alone. I had even rejected Bloodrayne for her now what was I going to do. I stared at her ordering the food not knowing how I got into this mess anyway. How was it that Pete and I liked the same girl why the hell was it me. I wasn't even sure why I liked her anymore. Was it because she interested me or was it because Pete wanted her. I looked up back to Jade and saw she was running straight for me. She tackled me into a hug as she put the sandwiches on the table. I smiled blushing. "Let's eat." I said sittilng myself down. I didn't think Jade was used to eating just yet. She ate with her hands and she ate with rapid speed. She'd burp and lick her fingers with no manners at all. I didn't mind though she was just a mortal. It even made me laugh a little.

After a couple of seconds of laughing she finally realized looking up. "What's so funny Makowski?" She hissed. That made me smile wider and laugh harder. "Is it that you're ashamed to be seen with a goth?" She asked.

I shook my head about a thousand times. "No! Of course not, that was the old me, I'll love you either way." She gave me an odd look which made the food on her face more obvious, it caused me to laugh harder.

"What Vampir?" She shouted. I blushed realizing she never called me by my vampire name before. She quickly wiped her mouth.

"You are one unmannered mortal." I said plainly. She gave me a glare before she got up. 

"School's over wanna walk around a bit? Maybe hit the arcade or something?" I shrugged swallowing the rest of my sandwich. I grabbed my chips to go and we left the cafeteria. As we walked down the escalator I suddenly remembered something as we passed the Hot Topic. I grabbed Jade's hand. "I'll only go to the arcade if you'll join me at our ceremony tonight. You've never been to one. What do ya say?" I asked with a smile. She thought for a while then smiled.

"Fine, but no one can know about this I'm still goth." She whispered entering the arcade.

I was scrapped for cash so I only gave Jade two dollars. She pouted but I gave her a peck on the cheek as compensation. She smiled playing a couple of 25 cent games. I wasn't much in the mood I rather watch her then actually play these simple mortal games. I was much more superior than that. Twenty minutes passed and Jade came running back to me. She grabbed my arm. "Come on Mike play a game with me!" I didn't fight it as she dragged me away.

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