Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


"Say you're sorry that face of an angel comes out just when you need it to..." my voice rang clear through the auditorium.

Uhhh... It's Chorus Club auditions.

I have always had a strange liking to singing.

Although I never really want it as my profession, I'd want to be a detective though..

Singing is more of a hobby.

"As I pace back and forth all this time cause I honestly believed in you.."

I used White Horse as an audition piece, because I think it displays so much emotion and realization that this isn't a fairy tale and it is real life. The sadder part is the fact she actually believed she could live those so-called 'fairy tales' but instead her heart was broken by a man. That's why I plan to stay single, and keep in mind the message of the song.

Also for the sake of Madison's endless begging the past week.

Speaking of her, Madison is currently failing in Mythology Class.

Also her Spanish class as well.

Therefore last month I had somehow had to become her "personal tutor" and tutor her in Greek Mythology and Spanish.

Madison isn't the studying type.

She's more of the:

"Ain't-got-no-time-fo-dat-I'm-in-a-fandum" type of girl.

But, are we not all?

"Now it's too late for you and you're white horse... To catch me now..."

"GO ROSE WOOOO!" Madison's voice echoed as the club moderator shot a "shut-up" look at her.

"Thank you Rose Loyola you may proceed to your classes," Ms. Garcia, the club moderator, said sweetly. "Also you Madison," she added a moment later.

We sort of had to skip classes to get to audition.

Well more like I had to skip classes for this.

Madi just wanted to tag along.

"You were great Rose!" Madison exclaimed.

"Nah I sound like a dying cat-cow breed," I replied gathering my things.

"You sound like an angel," she squealed, drawing a pretend halo on top of my head.

I pushed her hand away "GingerJesus sounds better than me."

Madison scrunched up her nose "who's GingerJesus?"

"The definition of Ed Sheeran in the urban dictionary according to Gemma." I said casually, smiling a little to myself.

Madi raised an eyebrow, "Who's Gemma?"

I raised my eyebrows, "You don't know Gemma?"

She shook her head.

"You know" I said "long-haired, lesbian, dating you-know-who?"


"Shut up!" I clamped a hand over her mouth "Don't let the entire school know!"

"Why are you suddenly so interested in this kind of thing?" Madi asked, giving me a weird look, as we walked down the hallway. "How did you even get information on that stuff?"

"Well, didn't mean to." I confessed nervously, "But Rica sort of pulled me into this in middle school."

"You've been in this mess since middle school?!" Madi exclaimed in horror.

"Well, it's not like I could avoid it," I sighed, opening my locker door, and looking at the floor. "Besides, it wasn't me who chose my middle school life." I murmured sadly.

"Rose..." She whispered, then decided to light up the mood. "Never mind that! What happened to the other lesbi?" She asked, "The really popular one?"

"Y-You mean Kenzie?" I asked, flushing slightly and she nodded

Not this topic again.

I hate explaining this.

"K-K-K-Kenzie was my classmate in 2nd, 5th, and 7th grade." I replied, stuttering. "S-She disappeared after 7th grade though. No one who what happened to her..."

"You act like you've had a history together Rose!" Madison raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

"I-I-I-I-I don't!" I stuttered, covering my face, embarrassed.

"Oh my god! The almighty Rose is showing emotion other than sarcasm!" Madi yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"She liked me," I admitted, blushing slightly. "As in the like-like kind of like."

"And...?" Madi raised her eyebrows.

"That's it!" I exclaimed.

"No it's not." She replied in a bland tone.

"Yes it is!" I claimed.

"No, it's not."



"Yes, that's the end!"



"There moreeeeee Rose!"

"No that's all!"

"THERES MORE SOMETHING YOU DIDN'T ADD!" She shouted, throwing a mini tantrum.

"That's it Madison and nothing else!" I sighed, "And keep your voice down!"

She huffed, "But why did you get mixed up in that in the first place? And why did you blush?!"

"I-I don't know. I just wanted something exciting to happen. Something that I'll never forget. I guess it sounds stupid. Very very stupid. But, I guess I was just the seventh wheel in middle school," I sighed, looking at the ground once more.

"Y-You were the seventh wheel in middle school?" Madi asked, surprised. "I though you were popular! Rich kid and all..."

"Madi can you please not get on that subject?" I pleaded.

"The thing is, that you were not popular, and no one knew you were a rich kid so they left you all alone?" She asked, uncertain her answer might offend me.

"Thank you for summing that up," I rolled my eyes, returning to my normal self. "Let's just get back to class."

"As you want Ms. Bossy" Madi teased.


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