Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"Maddi you got anything?" I asked

She shook her head "None really. Just some entries about her concerts. And some drafted songs of her's actually"

I sat down on the foot of the bed.

Turns out Abigail's apartment had an extra bedroom just in case Taylor stayed over.

I mean.

Me and Rose are in the same room where Taylor was.

I'm no swiftie, but this is honestly unbelievable.

Also that Abigail decided to trust us when there are probably hundreds of girls named Rose and Madison.

"Nothing?" I asked

"Nothing" she replied closing the notebook "and that's just it. Nothing else"

"Maybe there's something she left in the room?" I suggested

"Maybe" Madison started looking under the bed

We searched for what seemed forever.

And it was soon midnight.

"Ugh!" Madison cried "I swear we turned this place inside and out and we found nothing!"

I patted her shoulder "Well there's nothing else to do. We promised Abigail only one night and to return the diary. The only thing left to do is go with plan b"

"I guess" she said sniffing

"You go take a shower and I'll call Kirsten" I said.

Madison sniffed once more then got up and headed to the bathroom.

Once the door was shut, I quickly dialed Kirsten's number.

*a few hours later*

Being awake until the wee hours of the morning isn't the best thing ever but I had to wait till Madison was asleep.

I took Taylor's diary and flipped to the back cover of the notebook.

It had two letters scribbled on it.

The ink didn't look as faded as the previous ones.


So what do you think is on there hm?

Any guesses?



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