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Chapter 13

(13 yayyy)


"There's only one week of Spring break left" Madison said

"Oh" I said softly "right"

Some kind of detective you are Rose! How did that not cross your mind! I scolded myself

"Well I guess we should start here in Manila" suggested Kirsten "you know, maybe she's hiding here"

"Yeah maybe" Madi shrugged

• • •

That night when Madi and Kirsten were asleep, I went on YouTube to watch the Red Tour Manila to just maybe-maybe find some clues.

"We can have our hearts broken and be left out in the cold and all that but it doesn't have to make us bitter and it doesn't have to make us stop believing that love can really be a real thing in our lives" Taylor said

Wow, that's deep, I thought

"And I guess I'm just thinking out loud here because" Taylor continued "I've had some bad things happen to me in the name of love I've had some bad things happen to me in the name of love but all of it... I remember all too well"

The crowd screamed.

I shut my laptop.

I could see now why Madison wanted to find her.

Taylor is a truly inspiring person and she learns so much after, making mistakes and all and she puts so much emotion into writing her songs like All too Well.

I glanced over at a sleeping Madison and sighed.

I am going to help her.

I'm going to find Taylor Alison Swift


Oh my god sorry I was supposed to update days ago but wattpad wouldn't let me save my chapters so I had to wait until their next update to see IF THEY DID ANYTHING ABOUT THAT DAM PROBLEM

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