Meredith & Louis

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I look around at the ballroom, at all of the different people dressed in ridiculous costumes. I hadn’t wanted to come, but my friend Nan forced me to. She said that I was a good opportunity for me to meet single men, and she kept reminding me how much I was in need of a boyfriend. So here I was, sitting alone, dressed as Aphrodite.

The party was to celebrate a new hit album my dad produced at his record company, one that made us plenty richer than we already were. I was impressed with the outcome of my mother’s planning, but not surprised; she spent all day and night perfecting this party.

There were round tables around the edges of the wall, all covered in silk cloth and a vase of purple orchids in the middle. The large walls were white, with lot of gold trimming, and there was a large, golden staircase at the end of the rectangular room. And to top it off, there was a giant chandelier hanging in the middle, lit with dozens of twinkling lights.

I sighed and looked around, completely bored out of my mind. Then, my eye caught on someone coming towards me, and repulsion filled me. It was Patrick, who has been trying to get with me all night. Nan fully supported us together, and I was pretty sure that she was the one who invited him here. I, on the other hand, did not like him one bit. He was self-centered, greedy, vain, and fake.

I quickly get up from the table and stealthily walk into the crowd of dancers, hiding myself behind random people. Heck, while I was here, I might as well dance. I let the rhythm of the loud music fill me and I dance along with the people next to me. My heart rate picks up as I jump around, and I tilt my head back in laughter.

The song ends and the crowd calms down a bit, waiting for what comes on next. The next song is slower, but is definitely still a party song.

“Now and then I think of when we were together,

Like when you said you felt so happy you could die.”

I smiled to myself as I listened to the electronic beat, but decide to take a break. Moving out of the crowd, but away from where I last saw Patrick, I made my way to get a drink of water. With a smile still plastered on my face, I grabbed a cool bottle of water and untwist the cap. I gaze outside at the dark sky, and realize how late it was.

Absentmindedly, I take a sip of the cold liquid and sit down at the nearest table. I leaned back and took a deep breath to calm down. I took a quick glance to make sure that Nan nor Patrick were near, and I turned back to the window.

I was planning to look at the stars, but what I saw instead was five boys hiding in the bushes. Who were they? I stood up to tell my father, but I stopped when I saw him.

The whole world stops.

My heartbeat dulls in my chest as I looked into his grey eyes. This chestnut hair was swiped to the side, and I was sure that I had never seen anyone more beautiful.

Time passed, and I had no idea if it was seconds, minutes, hours or days. I yearned to be near him, to feel his skin next to mine, to feel his lips on mine. I could no longer hear the loud music in the background. The ache in my feet was gone, and butterflies flitted around in my stomach. It felt like we were the only ones left on the earth, only separated by a wall. I wanted run towards him, but I could hardly move.

I knew he saw me; we were both frozen staring at each other. I could see his eyes filled with shock, surprise and intrigue. His lips were curled up in a small smirk, and his tan skin glowed, even at nighttime.

I wanted to stare at him forever, but the outside world has other plans.

Someone bumps into me, drawing away my attention for a second. It was only for a split second, but when I looked back, he was gone.

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