Jane & Liam

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I stood there in line with Sasha, anxiously awaiting our turn. We have been waiting now for about two hours, and even after all this time my best friend still hadn’t lost enthusiasm. Sasha continued to ramble on and on about how she was meant to be with Zayn, and how, when they met, he would fall in love with her. She said something about attacking him a few minutes ago, but it all blended together.

I was too busy trying to catch a glimpse of the boys. Well, one boy in particular. While Sasha had latched on to Zayn, I had my eyes on Liam. And if I dared to admit it, I loved him. I knew it sounded ridiculous- I had never met him! But I loved the idea of love.

“Oh my GOD, Janie!” Sasha continued to hyperventilate next to me. “I’m about to meet my future husband! Do you think he’ll mind that I have hundreds of pictures of him on my phone? Or that I professionally stalk him?”

“Calm down, Sash! He’ll like you.” I secretly hated myself for supporting her fantasy. No matter how much I dreamed that it would happen- for one of the boys to fall in love with us- I knew it was just a dream and nothing more. The odds of it ever happening were very slim, if not nonexistent.

“You really think so?” She smiled, her eyes twinkling. “Oh, I hope so!”

Sasha became quiet, and I took advantage of this to try and catch a glimpse at the five boys. We were in the middle of the crowd, and we had about thirty minutes till we reached the front. I was able to make out the screams of the girls who were talking to them now, and I could only imagine how I would react when I came to us. I know I had planned to be calm and collected, but when I came down to it, I could just go crazy. To people I’ve just met, I can seem very serious and quiet, but only my closest friends know how crazy I can get.

I so desperately want to yell at the people in front of us to duck down or move, but I didn’t want to be mean. But I just really wanted to see those five boys that made such a difference in my life.

Suddenly, the line moves forward drastically, and I am now twenty feet away. Sasha has picked up on her ranting again, and I block her out by playing games on my phone. I wasn’t paying attention, but Sasha kept pulling me forward with the line. So when I finally did look up, we were only five people away from the boys. I still couldn’t see them; the short line was continuing to obscure the view.

I quickly tucked my phone into my blue shorts and straightened up my loose green blouse. My heart felt like it wanted to jump out of my throat in any second now. I looked over at Sasha, and she was surprisingly silent. Her eyes were popping out of her head, and her mouth was hanging open.

I laughed at the sight and nudged her with my elbow to knock her out of her trance. “Breath, Sash.”

She blinked, falling out of her trance. She raised her eyebrows at me and looked at the girls behind us. They were all screaming and crying, and here we were- patiently waiting for our turn.

We walk up the steps, guided forward by the security. They were big and intimidating, and I was scared to even look at them.

Sasha and I were both handed a picture of the boys, presumably for them to sign. Glancing down at the laminate, my eyes catch on the boy I had fallen for, a small smile spreading across my lips. I looked at the line now, the roar of hundreds of girls ringing in my ears. I was pleased, and nervous, to see that there we were next in line.

Then, a security member waved us through. Next to me, Sasha nearly fainted when she saw the tan boy. Zayn was first in the assembly line, much to Sasha’s pleasure.

“Hi! Can I have a hug?” She squeaked, handing over her photo to be signed.

He laughed and stood up, leaning over the table. He opened his arms and she rushed into them, fulfilling the single thing on her bucket. Zayn sat back down and took the photo. “What’s your name, beautiful?”

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