Lilian & Harry

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I was out on the street with my family, celebrating my younger sister’s birthday. She’s turning sixteen and all she wanted was to go out shopping; I remembered when I was sixteen. It seemed so long ago, but it was only last year.

We were all carrying shopping bags and we were heading back to the car to put the stuff away before we went to eat. My flats scuffed the concrete walkway and my necklace that I purchased today jingled whenever I took a step.

London today was crazy, it seemed like everyone in the city was out today. The majority of the street walkers were squealing teenage girls, though, and they all seemed excited about something.

We cut to a back street where we had parked the car away from the crowds. I was lagging behind with my cousin Lance, and we weren’t really saying much; we mainly stayed together so that no one else bothered us.

I just stared down at my legs as I walked silently to the car; I was wiped out from a morning of shopping and all I wanted to do was to sit down and eat something. I was almost mesmerized by the rhythmic pace my feet were setting out and I kept watching as my pink skinny jean clad legs trekked towards the car.

As I wasn’t watching my way, I bumped into someone. I turned to see who it was and froze. I knew those curls- they were on every magazine in every shop we went into. And those amazing green eyes.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” He apologized quickly and tore his gaze away from the ground to look at me. A smile broke out under the shade of his jumper’s hood and his eyes widened.

“You don’t need to apologize.” I whispered. “I wasn’t watching where I was going.” I nervously tugged on the hem of my black top as I waited for him to respond.

He stood there for a second, as if he was trying to put his thoughts into words. Finally he stuck out his hand and pulled on that charming smile.

“Hi, I’m Harry.”




We pushed our way through the crowd, Harry hand never leaving mine. The plan was to have a nice afternoon out shopping for furniture for our apartment, but the paps had another idea.

It was somehow leaked where we were going out and the photographers and fans swarmed like flies.

The lights were disorienting and I had to squint to be able to even know which way was forward.

“Lilian- are you pregnant?”

“Has Harry proposed yet?”

“Are you a cover up for Louis and Harry’s alleged relationship?”

“Is this all for fame?”

The hurtful questions were repeatedly hurled at me and my chest grew tight. I had no idea how people could say such horrible things. Harry and I were together because we loved each other- it wasn’t a cover up, I don’t date him for his fame. I love Harry for who he is, not what he is.

He could be dirt poor and still working in that bakery and I would still love him as much as I do now.

Beside me, Harry kept yelling at the people to back up. He wrapped his arm securely around my waist and used the other to push the paps away.

“Harry,” I cried. This was absolutely terrifying- definitely the worst I’ve even seen.

“Don’t listen to them.” He yelled over the noise. His face was transformed to one filled with hate and disgust. I knew he could and would do terrible things to the paps if I wasn’t here.

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