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"Wh-what?" It wasn't a offended yell, it was more a surprised whisper that had Steven wishing he hadn't said anything.

"I just.... Oh nevermind, it was a silly thing to ask, just.... forget it." Steven tried to backtrack from the conversation, but it was far too late, the smaller female had already heard him suggest it.

"No..... It wasn't silly, I just wasn't expecting it is all." The older man felt his face heat up, and his best friends eyes on him.

"Okay, well.... Then I'll say it again, you could stay here, with me." As the words escaped his lips, he was already geared towards a very subtle no, instead, he got something that made his heart erupt.

"Steven.... I... I'd love too, but... I don't know, is there enough room?" He gulped, no, not really, and Roses room was being used as a barracks for gem soldiers.

"I was thinking we would s-share a bed actually." Steven thought that he should stop talking, he was digging himself into a ditch and then filling that ditch with concrete.

"Oh, that's not a big deal we have before!" Steven sighed, the pizza lay forgotten on the table, and his heart still beating faster than he could think.

"Yeah. But that was when we were younger. I thought you'd be uncomfortable if I suggested it." He admitted, and Connie looked at him with such a confused face it actually made him almost laugh.

"Steven, I don't think you could make me uncomfortable even if you tried." He took that as a complement and his cheeks flushed red.

"Is that a yes?" He asked and she crossed her arms, looking over at her sword in the corner, she would be closer if an attack happened, plus she wouldn't have to answer her parents questions.

But she would also be moving away from her parents for the first time.

"It's a Maybe. But considering how late it is,  I am probably going to have to spend the night." Steven looked at his watch, it was nearly midnight, where had the time gone?

"Oh! It is late! No wonder I'm so tired." He chuckled, and felt the need slide his hand down her shoulder.

As he did so, their faces went red, but Steven was already committed, so he then said what was on his mind, which when it came to Connie, was rare.

"I have to go take a Shower, but you can head on to bed if you're tired." Connie blushed a little, a reminder of how their thoughts had changed over the years.

"Y-Yeah... Okay." She undid her hair and found one of Steven's black shirts, it was much too long on her, but that was the point, it was like a short dress.

She buried herself in the blankets and found herself immediately drowned in the smell of sweets and body-spray, since when did Steven start using body-spray?

After awhile, when she was already half-asleep in the bed, Steven came back, with a pair of long pants and shirtless, he was a big guy yes, but a large portion of that was muscle, you don't get to be the leader of the rebellion for nothing.

He slid into bed next to her and she immediately smelled aftershave and more of that same-chocolaty body-spray, somehow it made her more sleepy, unintentionally, she snuggled against him, and he wrapped a protective arms around her, before they drifted off to sleep.

"Hahaha. Ohhhh, They are never gonna live this down, Garnet, get the camera."

Connie, awoke to the noise and voices first, and found herself encased in the protective arms of a man and a purple gem right in front of her.

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