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"You have requested your duties Steven?" Pink Pearl seemed to have calmed down, but Steven sighed and turned, puffing out his chest and looking down upon her.

"Yes, But I would like to apologize for my behavior, our culture clashes, I should have been more tolerant." She was taken aback at his words, smiled lightly and looked to the floor.

"It is... quite alright, sir." This time it was Stevens turn to be surprised.

"Sir? I wasn't aware any Gem's knew of the male gender." Pink Pearl blushed and smiled, letting out a small giggle.

"I researched humans while I gathered your duties. It has come to my attention that you come from earth, a Hybrid of Gem and human." Steven chuckled as he approached her more closely. And he laid a hand in her shoulder.

"That is correct. I appreciate you taking an interest Pearl, please... what are my duties?" She manifested a screen from her Gem and started reading it off.

"For today. It is merely to meet with Blue to discuss what to do with earth. The Crystal Gems." He put his fingers to his eyes and grumbled, then sighed deeply.

"And how do I get there?" He asked slowly, taking in the thin atmosphere, the only reason he could breath was his Gem, the only reason Connie could breath... was also his Gem.

"Bubble, or we could take the walkway to get you used to Homeworld Sir." He pondered for a moment, then turned to Connie.

"Stay with me, you can't breathe without me. So I need you close." She nodded and gripped his arm, then he turned to Pearl.

"We'll take the walkway. I need the exercise anyway..." Pearl nodded and extended her hand to the right side of the room, where a large doorway opened up into a clear tube that was guarded by Jaspers.

"Follow me then sir." Pink Pearl nearly skipped out of the room, Steven and Connie close behind, The Jaspers saluted him as he passed but he ignored them.

"You know, even if they are Conquering Planets, this place is beautiful." She was staring outside the tube where every inch of space had a building, each building stretching far into the air, and with each panel shined and polished.

"I always thought it was too perfect. Yeah, it's shiny, but that's just to cover up the darkness underneath the surface." Steven replied quietly, holding Connie's hand tightly.

"What are you talking about, how can a place be too perfect?" He looked down at her, then up at the glass.

"Everything is planned, calculated, predicted, and straight. Nothing is left chance, no spur of the moment decisions, no creativity. No life." He replied once more, and Connie again looked out the glass, this time seeing the wisdom in his words.

"We are halfway there sir." Pink Pearl turned to tell him, so he nodded and started walking briskly behind her.

"I like earth much better." He smiled and Connie did too, hugging his arm as they walked.

"And why is that?" She asked, looking up at him fondly.

"Because it's my home, because it a place where anything can happen." He looked down and relaxed as he saw Connie holding him.

"And." He began, making Connie look up.

"I like Earth, because I want to be there with you." He finished, leaving Connie blushing and flustered.

"Steven..." Was all she could get out before Pearl stopped in front of a Blue door guarded by two Amethysts. Who bowed to them as they went through.

They enter, and are enveloped in a voluminous bubble, Steven feels himself launching upwards, and holds onto Connie so she wouldn't fall under the force.

The doors opened and Blue was sitting in her chair, she looked as graceful as always, her hair looped at the Gem in her neck and her Blue robes (and everything else) drooping down to the floor.

"Pink! There you are! How are you finding your accommodations? Pleasant I hope." Blue had a pleasant voice and Steven cleared his throat.

"They are... fine Blue. You wanted to discuss some things." He was to the point, he wanted to get everything out of the way, and then find out someway to get back to earth.

"Ah yes. The Earth, your colony." He hated looking up at the Diamonds, they wanted him to be a Diamond yet how can he ever feel equal if he had to always look up at them.

"Yes? What about it? You want to use it to get rid of the Zoo right?" Blue leaned back in her chair and looked directly at him, which did not phase him in the slightest.

Yes, I do, but there is another thing I would like to do with that planet. I would like to give you some defective subjects that emerged to take to the planet, that way, they can be useful." Steven scratched the back of his head thoughtful.

"Yeah... I don't see a problem as long as they are dropped off at the Temple. So they can be assimilated into the ranks...."

Blue looked pleased, and smiled at him.

"Time on that planet has matured you Pink." Steven huffed, crossing his arms.

"Of course it did, I had Gems trying to shatter me everywhere I went, not really all that different now actually, it's just most of them have to listen to me now." He replied snarkily, making Blue Diamond look at him with disappointment.

"Well... in some aspects. That is all I needed you for Pink. You are dismissed." Steven grumbled to himself and turned back towards the tube. Grasping Connie's hand as he left, letting Pink Pear chatter alongside him....

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