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They warped back into the house and saw Pearl cleaning while humming to herself, she seemed surprised to see the both of them.

"Connie? I thought you would be home by now." Connie giggled a little, placing her sword against the island.

"I am home, I'm staying." Pearls eyes went wide, then they went full of stars.

"That's wonderful! Having you closer would be a blessing!" Steven chuckled and checked his phone, it was noon now, and he sighed.

"Pearl could you do me a favor and take my calls for a few hours, we have to go tell Connie's parents." Pearls face fell for a minute but she then excitedly nodded her head.

"Oh? Yes of course!" Steven thanked her and stepped onto the patio, the wind sweeping through his hair, he spotted Lion slumbering on the beach but before he could think, he felt a hand hold his shoulder.

He looked back and smiled when he saw it was Connie, and he turned to face her.

"You ready to tell your parents?" He asked, and Connie sighed, removing her hand.

"No... Not really, I'm really nervous on how they'll react." Steven chuckled looked off into the distance.

"Can't be worse than when we told them about fusion." Connie tried to stop the laugh that exploded out of her, but it was no use, she was in stitches.

"Oh God Yeah. I didn't think Dad would ever stop giving you the stink eye." Steven laughed along with her, it made his shoulders bounce and his entire body flare up in enthusiasm.

"I didn't think your mom would wake up after she fainted." They Laughed some more and Lion came up to them, purring and shoving his face into their hands.

"Yeah, We should get going, you've gotta pack." Steven climbed onto Lions back and Connie climbed on behind him, apparently, he already knew where they were going because the next moment they were flying through a portal and landing in front of Connie's house.

Lion yawned as the two climb off his back, and he lazes in the shade as Steven leaves heavy knocks on the door.

They waited a moment in silence, and in her nervousness she found Steven's hand and gripped it, her face went a little red when she felt him squeeze back.

The door swung open and Connie's mother was standing in the doorway, she looked happy and relieved to see her daughter, and surprised to see Steven.

"Steven? Oh thank you for bringing her home safe, come in, come in." They stepped in, hands still locked together, and Connie sighed, she held onto Steven tightly.

"Actually Mrs. Mahaswaran, that's why I'm here." Connie's father came into the other room and immediately noticed their interlocked hands.

"Honey, Sit down, they need to tell us something important." He said immediately, sitting down and motioning to the two in front of him.

Steven looked at Connie, who at this moment was too nervous to speak, she looked up at him, she couldn't do it.

"Come on, Connie, there's no reason to be anxious, I'll help you, just tell them." She took a deep breath and looked her parents right in the eyes.

"I'm moving in with Steven..." Steven smiled, proud that she was able to say it, then his attention turned to her parents.

Both looked angry and unsupportive.

"What? Why?!" Her Mom bellowed, her eyes bulging out of her head like some strange insect.

"Because, I've grown out of this house and we've talked about it, if something happens I'm closer." Connie seemed more confident now, but it quickly vanished when her father stood up.

"No. You are staying here, with us." Steven immediately went on the defensive, turning to him.

"She's eighteen, this isn't your decision to make, It's hers." He snapped, using the same, no-nonsense tone he had used before when talking to the gems, her father looked surprised, but didn't give in.

"She's my daughter! And she's not old enough to live on her own!" Steven again took her defense, feeling her fear through her hand.

"Number one, It doesn't matter if she is your daughter, sister, or whatever, she is an adult, and Number two, She is not living on her own, she is living with me, Pearl, Amethyst, And Garnet." Connie sighed and fell silent, Stevens heart fell, this couldn't have gone much worse.

"Steven." Her Mother said slowly, with such urgency and weight that the tension in the room disappeared.


"Do you love my daughter?" He was taken aback, being asked this question, especially by parents, was disconcerting, he looked down at Connie, who looked up at him, He blushed wildly.

"Err... That's kinda a personal question Mrs. Mahaswaran..." He didn't want to answer the question, he knew the answer, but if he was going to tell her, he didn't want it to be like this.

"Please answer Steven..." The sadness in her voice swayed him, and while rolling his thumb over Connie's knuckles, he sighed.

"Yes, I do." As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt the heat wash over him, and Connie, much to his dismay, released his hand a gasped.

"Of course I do! She's been my best friend for Stars knows how long, I kinda have to at this point!" He saved it, using humor and friend-zoning her he saved his friendship.

Connie's mother smiled, then nodded.

"If you really want this, go pack your stuff Connie."

Connie smiled, but was still red from Steven's confession, and a little disappointed from his clarification of friend.

She went upstairs, and she heard Steven mumble under his breath.

"I'll tell you, just not like this."

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