Falling With Style

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Steven took Connie's hand and snickered, she looked at him confused, expecting to be going back on Lion.

"Hold on to me." She blushed a little, moving some hair out of her face, but did as she was told, holding onto his hands and shoulder.

He closed his eyes and jumped high into the air, so high that suddenly the suburb below looked minuscule.

Connie screamed on the way up, but found herself slowly opening her eyes and looking at the wonderful view.

She heard Steven chuckle, and his hand brush up against her cheek, she looked up at him, his figure outlined by the afternoon glow.

"We're never going to reach your place at this rate..." She tried to change the subject, but then she went redder.

"Nope, I just needed to get high enough." He flipped them over and held her close before rocketing towards The Temple, it was terrifying falling and moving so quickly in the air, Connie closed her eyes again and gripped onto him tightly, until she felt the wind zipping around them die down.

They were floating calmly down towards The Temple now, Steven was on his back, holding her suitcase in one hand and holding her on top of him with the other, his eyes were closed and had a small smile on his face.

"You can fly?!" He opened one eye and shook his head.

"Nope, I can float, if I get high enough I can glide for awhile though, that's what we just did." He opened both eyes now, watching her look at the view.

"First time I did this I couldn't stop looking at the view either..." She looked back to find him staring at her with half lidded eyes, and she found herself blushing harder.

"You Okay? You look hot." He sits up a little to feel her head while slowly touching down on the patio.

"Yeah! I'm fine, let's get inside and get me unpacked." She quickly jumped off of him and ripped open the door to calm herself down, of course she had to move in with her best friend that she may have had a crush on since literally forever.

"You're excited now I see!" He laughed, making his large stomach bounce along with his shoulders.

There's an empty drawer in my dresser, you can put your clothes in there, as for these books... I might have to build a bookshelf..." Connie stacked a bunch of book in a corner and found something glittering under the bed, she started to reach for it when Steven brought her out of her action.

"What are you doing?" He was laying on the bed, looking through it to the other side, his head was cocked, and he was purposely being childish.

"Nothing, But you should really watch your back."

Steven looked confused before Connie grabbed his ankle and pulled him off the bed, He caught on quickly and yanked her up on the bed with him, trapping her quickly under his weight.

"You just tried to outsmart the leader of the Crystal Gems. This is always the outcome." Connie struggled, but to no avail, the male half-gem was too strong.

"That's because Garnet always knows the outcome." He gasped and looked so comically hurt she knew it was fake.

"Are you saying I'm not smart?" He asked with a fiend incredulousness in his voice.

"I'm not saying you are." Connie chimed back, He created fake tears and yelled in agony.

"Oh! I've been betrayed! My warrior has spoken against me!" Connie used this chance to pounce on her best friend, pinning him under her.

"This warrior no longer listens to you!" She beat on his chest playfully, until they both couldn't contain their laughter and cracked up, laughing until they were in tears.

Connie slid off him and looked out the window, it was starting to become dusk, Steven was still chuckling and looking at the ceiling.

Steven looked over to see Connie sprawled out next to him on his bed, looking at him with sparkling brown eyes.

He felt himself go red slightly "What's that look for?" He asked, rubbing his neck and trying to avoid eye contact.

"I'm just studying you, how you think, and your body language." He gulped at her and looked back."

"Oh yeah?" He raised an eyebrow, and she smiled, a pinkness on her face.

"And your nervous." Connie stated slowly, making Steven want to make a bubble and crawl in it.

"U-Uuuuh..." Was all he could get out before his brain prevented him from talking  anymore.

"Why are you nervous?" Connie did his thing where he cocked his head and looked innocent, and he gulped.

"I wasn't until you brought it up..." He managed to mutter, and Connie laughed a little.

"Your heart is racing." She said after putting a hand on Stevens heart, he wanted to just take her, and kiss her, and tell her over and over again how much she meant to him, how he liked the feeling of his heart racing for her.

But he didn't.

"I Uh... Yeah. It's just the stress is all. Hey. It's getting late, we should go to bed!" He quickly changed to subject and walked out, his head clouded and heart pounding.

Connie was left frustrated on the bed, she needed to know how he felt, and she was going to find out.

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