What Happened Before

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Steven calmed himself down in the bathroom, he had never seen Connie so... brash before, he pressed against the wooden door slowing his breathing.

"Okay Steven..." He said to himself "You're going to be sharing a bed with her from now on, Do. Not. Screw. It. Up."

He took a hot shower and shaved his stubble that was coming around his cheeks, trimming his goatee.

His soap and cologne smelled like dark chocolate apparently, he could never actually tell, but Amethyst says that it does and she uses it too.

He put on some shorts and opened the door to a nearly pitch black room. Except for a little light in his bed, a reading light.

Connie was laying there, in one of his shirts, reading some book that he couldn't make out. But made his heart flutter all the same.

He climbed up to the raised platform to his bed and crawled in bed beside her, she smiled and dimmed the light slightly.

"What are you reading?" He asked, glancing at the pages.

"The History of Paperclips." He blinked and started to chuckle.

"Paperclips? There is an entire History book for Paperclips? Why is that documented?!" Connie sighed and looked over, turning off the light and throwing the book in the floor next to the others.

"I don't know. But it is so boring I want to take every paperclip and bend them into wire...." Steven chuckled some more and eyed her up and down.

"You're wearing my old shirt." It was true, it was the one he wore when he was smaller, it was the same, only for a child and not an adult.

"Oh yeah... I found it and it fit pretty well... it is a little short though..." A few inches of skin stuck out under the rim of the shirt and he laughed.

"You could've gotten one that's more recent you know?" He said trying to resist the urge to play with the hem.

"Yeah, But this one has memories." She chuckled, and he could tell she was looking away even in the dark.

"We never talked about that... about what happened." Connie suddenly said, making Steven jump.

"What?" Was all he could say, a lot of stuff had happened, but he had a sinking feeling he knew which one she was talking about.

"You kissed me before you went to Homeworld.... then when you came back... you never said anything about it..." He sighed, and rubbed the back of his head.

"I thought I wouldn't come back." He admitted, he could feel Connie's eyes on him.

"You were there, Blue and Yellow were never going to stop sending gems to earth while I was still here. I thought when I went with them, I'd be killed." He continued, Connie nodded slightly,

"That still doesn't explain why you never said anything about it. Or why you did in the first place." She said, while holding Stevens shoulder to support him.

"What was I supposed to say? Oh Hi! I kissed you before I left because I thought I'd never see you again? No... I didn't know what to say, I was sixteen, and why I did it....?" He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts.

"Because I wanted your last memory with me to be the best I could make it." He sighed, looking away from her.

"Steven... I'm sorry I brought that up..." Connie apologized, her head hung in shame.

"Don't be. It was years ago. Besides, it doesn't matter now. We're both here." He smiled and blushed a little, before Connie giggled.

"I did like the kiss though. It's nice to know that it was the last thing you wanted to do." He looked at her, his gem vibrating once more without glowing, and his face red.

"Oh... well.... I'm glad." He tried to calm himself down, but found himself only freaking out more.

His gem started to dimly glow. And his gem vibrates more and more violently, until he felt it in his chest. Then it stopped, leaving him feeling confused.

What was that...?

Connie didn't seem to notice his odd vibration, so he shook it off and actually listened to what she was saying.

"I'm just glad we've talked about it now." She finished and hugged him before saying her goodnights and turning away from him.

He stared more a few moments, his eyes scanning her figure before he too turned away.

"Goodnight... My other half...."

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