Chapter 3

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I quickly projected girls at the beach in their bikinis into his mind just as the timer started. I smirked and ran to the other side whilst the salivating grape was going in all the wrong directions trying to chase the imaginary girls I planted in his head. I let out a small giggle before he realised the race had started and trotted over the finish line with an upset look on his face. I couldn't tell if he was more upset about the girls not being real or getting a terrible time on his 50 meter dash. I strutted away proudly and sat down on the grass next to Izuku who looked over at me "well done in the 50 meter dash"

"heh thanks Izuku" I said triumphantly. He let out a small chuckle and asked "what did you put in mineta's head to lead him around like that?"

"oh umm basically he was being a perv earlier so I gave him the image of girls at the beach in his head and um yeah..." I said quickly with my eyes glued to the floor. Izuku took a moment to process what I had said "what?! what do you mean he was being a perv to you earlier?!"

"uuh, he put his hand on my ass" I said quietly, embarrassed. Izuku's eyes widened as I continued to talk "but I told him off big time so I doubt he'd do it or anything like that again so.." I trailed off as Izuku pulled me into a hug and mumbled " if anyone disrespects you again or even touches you, I swear i'll make them pay" he said, and with that he pulled away and looked straight into my eyes with concern washed over his face. I had never seen this side of Izuku before... 'I guess it's because he has always wanted to be a hero and now that he has the power to be one, he wants to do his job correctly...' i thought.

"thanks Izu-kun"

He gave me one last quick hug before we got up, and all the 1-A students were guided to the last trial. The soft ball trial. 'There's nothing to sway this in my direction' I thought as I took the ball. I pulled my arm back and swung with all my might.

"36 meters" Mr. Aizawa stated as he looked at me, then the rest of the students. 'ugh this is too much stress for the fist day of school!' I thought rolling my eyes. Next was my baby broccoli head who looked determined. I had my eyes glued on him as I prayed to kamisama that he would get a heroic score. He looked at his hand with the ball and flung his arm back and thrust the ball forwards. "46 meters" Mr. Aizawa said.

'oh no, my poor Izu-kun...'

Izuku looked shook " I was for sure trying to use it that time..." he said looking at his palms

Mr. Aizawa shortly stated that he had erased his quirk.

"you erased it? The goggles! oh my god! He can erase quirks, he's Eraserhead!"

The class began mumbling "Eraserwho? Never heard of him" one student stated.

"he's an underground hero!" another student claimed.

Some words were exchanged between the two but no one could hear. I tried to read their minds but Mr. Aizawa was well aware that I would be curious as he had shut me out. I pouted.

After a while, Izuku had another go at throwing the ball. As he braced for the ball to be thrown, I bit my lip in anticipation as Izuku yelled "smash!" as the ball left his hand and earned 705.3 meters, beating Bakuhoe's score, AND his arm wasn't broken! but his finger was... at least my broccoli head was thinking efficiently. I mean, it wasn't as impressive as that infinity girl, but damn. I guess I had nothing to worry about.

Bakuhoe had other ideas though. He went charging over to Izuku yelling "WHAT THE FUCK YOU SHITRAG!" before Mr. Aizawa captured the hot head in his scarves "FUCKING HELL?!" Bakuhoe screamed, struggling.

"Don't make me use my quirk so much, i've got dry eye!" Mr. Aizawa said then sighed as he let Bakuhoe down.

The round faced girl Izuku was talking to earlier and I rushed over to check and see if he was alright. We asked in unison:

"are you alright?" Izuku looked at her, then me and said "yeah i'm fine, thank you for checking" with a small blush resting on his freckled cheeks, without breaking eye contact with me. My face started to heat up 'what is with me today?'

Afterwards, we all gathered to see our results. Izuku and I were both scared and huddled next to one another, but before Mr. Aizawa showed anything, he explained how the whole 'expulsion' thing was a lie and was used to motivate us to do our best.

Some ponytail girl on the side was quick to answer claiming that it was 'obvious' and the whole class gave her a blank look. The results showed that izuku came in joint last with me. Great. At least we were in this together.

Time skip to the end of the day because author-chan is lazy (◔◡◔)

Before everyone left, Mr. Aizawa said that there would be a new system put in place to ensure the student's safety from the growing villain community (and the fact that All Might is our teacher now and the media were bound to go crazy). There would be dorms in the school where we board as the school has a security system and all that. We had to sign some papers and so did our parents. Of course, girls will be sharing rooms with girls and boys with boys. He handed out the forms and told us to get them filled out for tomorrow- but the end of the week would be the official deadline.

Everyone seemed excited that they would be spending more time together, all except Izuku who i'm assuming was petrified about the possibility that he would be put in the same dorm as the firecracker. I walked over to him after we were dissmissed for the day, and told him that I would ask my dad to make sure he wasn't paired in the same room. "Izu-kun if you were paired with him and he does anything I will end him" I said in a dark tone whilst jumping about doing weird movements which were supposed to be karate or some shit. He laughed nervously and thanked me before saying he had to head home. We said our goodbyes and he left. Shortly after making sure I had nothing left to do, I grabbed my stuff and also headed out the door, but was stopped by one strong arm.

I looked to the side, meeting the face of the famous Katsuki Bakugou. He pinned me to the wall with both of his arms next to my head before leaning closer and saying in a gruff voice "why do you hang out with that fucktard?" I flinched, thinking he was gonna hit me or something but his hands slid down the wall and his head leaned on mine in a defeated way. "I'm assuming you know all about our relationship but trust me, neither of you know me." he continued saying in an angered tone. He leaned into the side next to my ear "yet" he said softly before walking off.



Oki my petite croissants, I hope you liked it. I've stuck to the story kinda so far but as u can see author-chan has influenced it big time with her englishness and made it a boarding school sooo it'll get more heated don't u worry ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

For now i give u lots of love  (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*

- Author-chan

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